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Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017 – Are You Prepared?

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA rare solar eclipse is expected to occur coast to coast over the USA tomorrow. Some believe this eclipse is a negative spiritual event.

Traditionally a total eclipse was seen as a source of dark energy or a bad omen, because the Sun’s energy is blocked and the Earth goes dark for a while. However, I believe this is a misconception in regards to the actual energetic and spiritual attributes of a solar eclipse.

When a solar eclipse takes place, it heightens the energy towards the Earth and all humans, but especially towards those on a spiritual journey. This is a good time to meditate, reflect and successfully perform personal spiritual rituals or practices. And yes, because the energy pull shifts, it means that you will feel the difference if you allow yourself to.

However, there are positive and negative energetic aspects to a solar eclipse, if you are not careful. If you are in a state of peace, you will experience enhanced peace at this time. If you are in a state of unrest, you will have an enhanced state of unrest. It is imperative to be in a good space and be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions during this eclipse.

Eclipses are dramatic “wild cards” in our horoscopes. They are some of the most dramatic tools that the universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas in our life that need to change. They uproot us, surprise us, and get us moving ~ Susan Miller

In order to prepare for the upcoming eclipse on August 21st, take some time today and contemplate what you would like to bring into your life. Would you like more order? Would you like more peace? Would you like more understanding for our world? Would you like to reach that space between consciousness and sub-consciousness?

Tomorrow, on the day of the eclipse, eat lightly and if possible, fast. Drink purified water to stay hydrated and to cleanse your system. Also, be aware of how nature reacts during this time. You will see that birds seem to go quiet, animals will simply sleep and not tend to eat, as they know it is a time of contemplation and recharging.

Nature is one way to truly learn Universe’s lessons. Just as the animals disappear when a storm is approaching, they also retreat during an eclipse. They have a heightened sense of awareness during this phase. Even some trees and plants will tend to curl up their leaves.

As the Sun starts to become dark, it will be a good time for you to release any cares, worries or issues to your Higher Source, God, the Universe. If something is eating at you, simply give it up to God.

Then, as the Sun darkens even more, sit in quiet contemplation or meditation and allow your healing angels to come and cleanse any part of you that needs to be cleansed. This could be emotional, physical, mental, romantic, financial, material, or relevant to relationships with family, friends, or self. Release anything that is keeping you stuck or holding you back from living your best life. Let it go. This is the darkness (or death) of that which keeps you from your blessings.

Is that merely a function of cosmic randomness? Yes. Might you also find order and even divinity in it? Yes again. There is nothing wrong with seeing the 2017 eclipse as a gift to a riven nation—provided we resolve to be worthy of it ~ Jeffrey Kluger

Later, as the Sun starts to reappear, breathe in the new vision for your life. Know that you have released all that does not serve you any longer and you are ready to recharge and start anew. You will feel cleansed and most likely very tired after this, so rest. Do not try to do anything strenuous. Just take the time to relax. Sleep well tomorrow night, and in the morning, you will feel refreshed.

There are two big cautions for this period. First, be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions, as you will create what you are putting out in a much quicker way. Second, do not travel if you don’t have to. The energy pull can put you in a place where you are inattentive while driving. If you have to drive, be careful and alert. Be conscious of what is going on around you as others are feeling the same effects of the eclipse as you – or simply not paying attention.

So this August 21, enjoy the total solar eclipse and look to it as a time to enhance the spiritual aspects of your personal journey. Do not fear it, embrace it.

About The Author: Sheri

Sheri is an international psychic and angel reader who provides clear answers on finance, career, relationships, manifesting your dreams, and working-out the kinks of life. Since 2004, Sheri is the owner on an International Spiritual Healing Centre where she runs her Reiki practice - either working on clients or teaching them the levels of Usui Reiki. She utilizes her office space for readings that are conducted via mail, phone, chat or live. Since 2008, she's honed her gifts on various psychic service websites, where she's provided telephone, chat or email readings. She also works on a spiritual network for people who have suffered horrific loss, applying her own first-hand experiences with such tragedies. Sheri's work has been described as honest, compassionate and life-transforming and she would like to see all of her clients soar free to a higher level of spirituality and growth, and exponentially change the world to the best it can be. You can get a psychic reading from Sheri at

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