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The Ghosts Of Regret

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs part of my training as a spiritual life coach, our class was asked to do a profound exercise. Our task was to imagine ourselves on our deathbed someday, being visited by a gathering of ghosts. We had to imagine these ‘ghosts’ from our past as being very bitter and angry, because they represented all the things we never achieved or succeeded in, coming back to haunt us. They were the ghosts of our unfulfilled goals and dreams returning to die along with us.

We were asked to then review our life and imagine what we would say to ourselves and our ‘ghosts,’ now that our life is over. What would we advise ourselves to do if we could go back in time, get a second chance, and somehow live our life anew?

For me, this was a very thought-provoking process. The first thought for me was my personal ‘bucket list’ of things I still want to experience in this lifetime. For example, I still want to travel on the Orient Express train with my family; see the view from The Shard (a 72-storey skyscraper in London); fly down The Grand Canyon; and witness the splendor of Niagara Falls.

There are many things I still hope to also do. But why have I not done at least some of it yet? Too busy earning a living? Yes, we all get busy, and most of us need to work. However, does this mean we cannot also lead a fuller life?

The next thought the deathbed exercise brought up for me was a sad memory from a few years ago, when my late brother was receiving rehabilitation treatment at a local hospital. We were very close as siblings. He confided in me one day, while we sat looking out the hospital window and saw a young family walking by, that he often feels intense regret and sadness when he sees people with their kids and grandkids, while he had no offspring of his own.

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Protect The Energy Of Your Home

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou sense someone is watching you. Staring at you. The hair on the back of your neck stand on end. A chill runs down your spine. You turn around to see who it is, but no one is there. You are alone in the room.

If you have ever experienced anything like this, you may have experienced a spirit energy disturbance or paranormal activity, more commonly known as a haunting.

Fortunately, these supernatural experiences are seldom evil or threatening. In most cases, it is due to a simple energy attachment or imprint, also known as a residual haunting. This can happen when we move into an old house, or bring home a piece of antique furniture, and so on. A house blessing ceremony, or energy clearing ritual can usually resolve this kind of problem quite easily.

In rare instances, one may however be dealing with a much more malevolent energy infestation or an intelligent haunting, such as a poltergeist or demonic entity. In these cases, it is usually best to call in expert help from a rescue medium, shaman, paranormal investigator, demonologist, or even an exorcist.

There is however another form of energy contamination that is much more common than residual imprints, spirit attachments, and intelligent hauntings, namely the toxic energy that other living persons can discharge in and around our home.

Our homes are our sanctuary, but sometimes we forget that when we invite certain people into our space, they can leave some creepy energies behind that we would rather not have around us. The worst time to have something like this happen is when our defenses are down and when we are not expecting it. For this reason, one must ensure that you cleanse and protect the energy in your home regularly. This is especially true for psychics, mediums, and empaths, as we tend to be more attractive to unwanted energies.

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Heal Your Home With A House Blessing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen you purchase a new home a ‘house blessing’ is recommended, especially if it is an older house with more history. An old family home, like ours that dates back five generations, usually hosts high levels of imprinted energy.

I have always sensed that many family events and life experiences have occurred in our house. We have been able to trace the property’s origins back to 1750, so the place as no doubt witnessed its fair share of birth and death, joy and sadness, hope and despair. In fact, I even know in which room my dad was born.

But no home is ever a flawless sanctuary or the perfect ‘happy place.’ Whatever house you may move into, there is bound to be some level of negative energy that still lingers from its previous occupants. A house blessing can help ‘clear the air,’ so to speak.

If you enter a house and instantly feel a little uncomfortable, especially in a specific area or room, chances are something unpleasant happened there. This may range from something as benign as unresolved arguments that repeatedly occurred there, to verbal abuse, physical violence, substance abuse, extreme illness, intense grief, suicide, and even rape or murder.

Apart from the energy imprints left behind by former occupants, some older homes may also be haunted by the attached spirit energies of deceased former residents, as well as in exceptional cases by other spirit entities. These paranormal energies can be present as either residual or intelligent hauntings, or both.

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Everyday Mysteries Of The Unexplained

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLiving on my own I am naturally more conscience of any unusual sounds or movements in and around my home – be they from this realm or the next.

I am not much of a collector, nor a sentimental hoarder. Consequently, the tables, dressers and other surfaces in my house are not crammed with ornaments and trinkets. On my personal dresser I have a few items that have been sitting in the exact same position for a long time. These are only moved on dusting day, which I must confess is not very often.

One of the items on my dresser is a moderate size jewellery box. Inside there are only few sets of modest earrings, as I have never felt the need to wear a watch, and I am not really one for necklaces and bracelets.

Because I seldom need to open my jewellery box, it is always in the exact same place on the dresser.  To my great astonishment, as I was getting ready for the day, it caught my eye that the box was now not only in an entirely different position, but appears to have been moved a substantial distance away from its usual place?

I stared dumbfoundedly for a while, trying to make some sense of it. How was this even possible, as I am the only one in the house? I have not had any visitors recently. How did it get to be placed in such a different position and location?

Whilst I was still trying to figure this out…wouldn’t you know it…another odd event occurred a day or two later.

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Spirit Visions, Dreams And Visitations

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all possess the gift. Most of us do not believe, or wish to tap into our psychic abilities. Some of us may not be ready to use the gift for good, so it’s probably good that God doesn’t allow some of us to access that part of our psyche.

We are all at different stages of development, but that doesn’t mean that one is better than the other – because some have the gift and some do not. It all depends on divine timing. We must learn as the lessons are given, until we evolve in such a way that we may tap into the gift when we are ready, or when God feels we are ready to bestow it.

One night my dearly departed grandfather came to me in a dream. He was driving this very old-fashioned car, which I later learned he used to own when I paged through the pictures in an old family album. He just was there, he didn’t say anything. I was embracing the light he had brought with him. It was such pure love and just filled me up, and I was so happy and content. I also knew and sensed there were other beings of light present, who may have helped him to make himself known to me.

He came to me so that I could say goodbye to him and tell him that I love him. I felt so good being able to say goodbye. It gave my mind the sense of calm and closure I needed. I needed to say goodbye, because I never got that chance while he was still alive.

During his visit my grandfather also gave me the gift, and while doing so I also had a taste of the blissful energy of the afterlife. In life he always used to tell me that if he was able to he will one day come through from the other side to visit me. He did and I am grateful.

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Mediums To The Rescue

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen some people pass away, they are taken by surprise and in shock. These souls aren’t sure what is going on, where they are now, and how they got there, while wondering where everyone else has gone. These individuals find themselves stuck in a physical, human mindset and unable to progress in the spirit realm.

How can such a confused soul energy become unstuck and cross over into the light? Well, that’s where spirit rescue work comes in! Some of the most rewarding spiritual experiences in my own mediumship career have been during rescue sessions that I used to attend. Once every month, a group of mediums would gather in a séance circle and with the aid of a facilitator we would engage in the rescue process. In the trance state, one of us would then begin to channel the energy of someone who needed assistance to cross over and reach the Other Side.

There are several rescue sessions that particularly stand out in my memory, even after all these years. The first was the spirit of a young woman about 35 years of age. She had been sitting on her kitchen counter in Indiana for months, wondering where the rest of her family had gone? We soon discovered that they had all been killed in a car accident and only she had returned home to search for everyone. The facilitator encouraged her to look to the light, reach for their outstretched hands and join her husband and two children.

Another time, I channeled the energy of a little boy about six years old. He was hiding under one end of his bed, which was on an angle forming a tent over him. He had perished in a house fire in Nebraska and couldn’t find his parents. We encouraged him to look towards the light and reach for his waiting mother’s hand.

Another unusual case was a patriotic young WWII soldier who had been killed in combat, but refused to abandon his post. Our facilitator had to give him a direct order to look to the light and immediately report to his commanding officer!

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Jimmy – A True Ghost Story

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I first moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, I lived in one of the three old stage coach depots located here. The two others were owned by Burl Ives and the French Consulate, respectively.  I can’t speak for those, but I can tell you about my experiences in the one where I lived.

I lived there for five years and it was totally charming. It had been designated as a guest house on the property, next to the main house. It was built with grey native stone and it looked like a painting by Currier and Ives. The perfect Santa Fe retreat, right? Or, anywhere, for that matter!

But a ‘caretaker’ came along with the place, although I did not know that until after I moved in.

The first fine morning at 4:00 a.m. he announced his presence, although I would soon learn that his appearances were anything but rare. This particular morning, I noticed that the lamp in the living room was flickering a bit. As I had been traveling extensively, I was on Australian time and, fortunately, felt quite alert at 4:00 a.m.

I, promptly, began to investigate. Wondering about the condition of the electrical current, since the house was such an old structure. I turned on other lights to see if they would also flicker. They didn’t, so I checked the relatively new lamp.

Jiggling it, shaking it and using various, and assorted other manipulations, to make it flicker, didn’t do the trick. Hmmm, I thought. Is this possibly an otherworldly entity? I was soon to find out that, indeed, it was not of this dimension, when for several consecutive mornings at the same time, 4:00 a.m., the same lamp would flicker a few times.

Finally, I introduced myself, and the lamp flickered! The lamp was in the front window next to my wingback chair. And, then, I was having a conversation with my chair. It went something like this, “Well, you seem quite benevolent, but what are you doing here?”  The lamp flickered again. Although I could feel a presence, I had no fear. So, I became bolder. I asked, “Do you live here?”  Again the lamp flickered. Finally, in exasperation, I said “Well, for now I guess you can stay, but you eventually need to move on. Oh, and don’t bring any of your friends here.”

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