Protect Your Energy From Toxic People
It is vital to protect ourselves energetically from toxic, negative people. It is essential to our health and well-being. To one degree or another we’ve all have experienced negative, toxic people. These people are sometimes easy to detect, but not always.
The most typical scenario I have encountered is the unkind or rude family member, or distant relative. These are also the most difficult to dealt with, because we often time have no choice but to spend time with them at family events and gatherings. Usually we feel we have no choice in the matter, bit this is actually not true. We do have a choice.
We don’t have to attend every family event. If you know the toxic person is going to be there, you simply don’t have to rise to the occasion. Stop feeling guilty for not attending. Of course, there are usually other family members who make you feel like you have to be there. “It just won’t be Christmas without you,” they might say. But what it really comes down to is your personal well-being. Sure, you may only have to absorb their negative energy once or twice a year, but just like once you have heard something disturbing you can’t ‘unhear’ it, once you have had the experience it is now a part of your memories.
I prefer to be proactive when it comes to managing my energy. And we do have the right to decide who we choose to spend time with, or not. I prefer spending time with those relatives and friends who are compassionate and kind, instead of those who lack tact, are rude, cruel and inconsiderate. I prefer to avoid those who think their opinions are fact, and who are constantly dropping poison upon others with their negative comments. Not okay. Not ever.
Live Only For Today, It’s Plenty Enough!
Living just for today is plenty enough to keep us busy. Why make it more stressful by also worrying about yesterday and tomorrow?
We can easily become inundated with the drama and chaos of the modern world, and bogged down with other people’s negative energy. These days there is generally a feeling of having to go, go, go, and do, do, do!
The demands of staying in the ‘rat race’ hypnotizes most people, until they are left feeling drained, depleted, and unable to function properly anymore. Many folks are constantly feeling exhausted, and they don’t know why.
Sometimes it’s all you can do just to get through the day. And often that is all you really have to do. If you just focus on what you need to do for just today, you will find the daily demands of modern life much more manageable. Living just for today is plenty, don’t put it upon yourself to do anything else, except to live in the now.
Spirit says people are too focused on worrying about the past, the future, and what could possibly happen. That is not the way to make the most of every day, says spirit. The better way is to live each moment fully. Make more of an effort to see, feel and hear what’s going on around you, in every very moment.
It is really that simple. When you rise in the morning do not focus on anything else, other than paving the way mentally for the day ahead. It keeps the mind free of nonsense. Living for today is plenty enough, doing it any other way steals the joy and substance from the moments.
Make Precious Memories With Those You Love
I had the wonderful pleasure of recently reading for a man who had a wonderful, larger-than-life spirit, as well as a wonderful personal story to share about his experience connecting with his dearly departed mother.
He told me he is not one to share his personal beliefs or private experiences about spirituality and the paranormal. He was raised to not talk about such things. But more recently he has felt the need to talk about these things, because he is not getting any younger, and his wife of many years may not have much longer to live.
He told me how was getting ready to go to sleep one evening, and while saying his prayers, a very sweet smell of perfume entered the room. It reminded him of his mother. Then a very bright light appeared all around him. It brought with it an immense sense of joy, serenity and inner peace. Something he very much needs at this time.
He just wanted to bask in that feeling forever. Suddenly he no longer cared about anything else in the world, only for that blissful moment to continue. Before he drifted into sleep, he opened his eyes for a moment, and saw his mother standing before him.