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Anthon St Maarten

Anthon St Maarten is an international psychic medium, intuitive consultant and destiny coach. He has been consulting professionally as psychic medium since 2004 and has since established himself as a trusted advisor to many people all over the world. He is also a sought-after inspirational speaker, metaphysics teacher, radio personality, spiritual author and blogger, with a special interest in New Thought spirituality, metaphysics, parapsychology, mediumship and psychic phenomena. He is best known for his bestselling practical spirituality book Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny You can get a psychic reading from Anthon at

Creating Your Reality – Survivor, Sinner Or Saint?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTo create, attract and manifest is an innate metaphysical ability we all have access to as beings of Divine origin. Jane Roberts writes in The Nature of Personal Reality, “You are given the gifts of the gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.”

To be a creator is a function of our free will. We are all co-creators of our shared, physical reality and we shape our own destiny in every single moment of our lives. What you think, feel, believe, wish for, and desire in this very moment, is what you will become tomorrow, and the day after. Continue reading

The Divine Grace Of A Soulmate Connection

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is a myth that everyone is supposed to meet a ‘soulmate’ in this lifetime. Don’t get me wrong, soulmate connections do exist, but this phenomenon is quite rare. It is a singular spiritual anomaly that is certainly not predestined for most of us.

In a world where intimate relationships have become extremely challenging to navigate, the search for the ever-elusive soulmate has become a contemporary obsession. We have co-created a modern society where detachment, loneliness and disconnection reigns supreme, despite our easy access to social media and communication technology. Against this background, the manic hunt for the ‘love of our life’ has become one of our generation’s most profoundly tragic acts of free will.

In my view, the most disturbing aspect of this ‘wild goose chase’ is the fact that it is so often encouraged, or even set into motion, by well-meaning psychic readers and relationship coaches! Too many times, throughout my career, I have had to help pick up the pieces of a broken heart, or a destroyed life, after someone created false expectations for my client with the sweeping statement, “Yes dear, he definitely is your soulmate!” Continue reading

Intuition – The Unconscious Language Of The Soul

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPrimitive man greatly relied on his intuition, because he thought in images and symbols, and listened to his ‘inner voice’ and trusted his ‘gut’. Early man fluently spoke the language of the intuitive mind, the language of his spiritual origins.

Man is born intuitive, because man is of spiritual origin. Intuition is the earthly language of Spirit and it transcends the limitations of this time-space dimension.

Some scientists argue that intuition is merely an aspect of our normal human intelligence developed out of primitive man’s animalistic survival instincts. The concepts of “relying on your instincts” and “following your intuition” is therefore often used inter-changeably or in the same context. Many people assume that instinct and intuition are the same thing. This is however an incorrect assumption. Continue reading

Mediumship Is Not A Psychic Sideshow

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMediumship presented as entertainment is a double-edged sword. The media hype generated by psychic television shows, and live stage performances featuring celebrity mediums, has no doubt contributed much to an increased public awareness of mediumship. It has liberated spiritualism from the stereotype of the 19th century séance by bringing the work of the psychic medium into the public domain, and into mainstream pop culture.

But does mediumship as an entertainment genre do spiritualism and the daily work of psychics any real justice? I am certainly not a purist. Neither am I a traditionalist when it comes to spiritual matters. I tend to shy away from any form of fundamentalism or fanaticism. But having the work of talented mediums dished up as trivial amusement has certainly proven to be a mixed blessing in my own practice as psychic medium. Continue reading

Be Brave My Fellow Indigo

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA zealous pastor once pointed at me in front of a congregation of churchgoers and said, “You, young man, will someday go into the darkest of places and bring many souls to the Light.” At the time I did not realize that I would first have to drag myself through a dark night of the soul, before his prophecy would finally become manifest and I would be of any real use to anyone else.

As ethereal and cool as his words may have sounded at the time, the actual journey itself was certainly not a glamorous affair! Yet, I still consider myself to be one of the lucky ones.

I have been asked why my first book, Divine Living, was dedicated to “those Indigo Souls of my generation who may have lost their way.” As a formerly lost, unconscious Lightworker, and one of the seemingly misplaced New Children, it was simply my hope that my experiences might inspire others of my kind. It was my humble attempt at helping to prevent the tragedy of more of us being unnecessarily lost to humanity and our true life purpose. Continue reading

A Message Of Hope From Hel’s Pond

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA yellow butterfly guided me to Blanke Helle, or “Hel’s Pond” during a recent visit to Berlin, Germany. It darted ahead of me all the way from the bus stop in AlboinStraße, until I reached the entrance to the park where lies forgotten, and hidden from public notice, the ancient pagan site sacred to Hela, or Hel, the Norse-Germanic goddess of death and the underworld.

I have been guided by butterflies on a regular basis over the past two years, since the first one appeared to me at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece. I was much encouraged by the sudden presence of this golden, magical creature, because it predicted that my visit to this sacred pagan site would be less somber than I had imagined. Yellow butterflies represent rebirth, new life, transformation and resurrection in several cultures. The Irish believe yellow butterflies to be an indicator of the peaceful transition of departed souls. And in Christian tradition yellow butterflies are symbolic of the Christ’s resurrection from death. They are also regarded as a sign of the presence of angels. Would Hel’s dark waters ultimately leave me with a message of hope? Continue reading

The Divine Disconnect

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe separation between man and his Divine origins is the genesis of all religions, cults and belief systems in our world, and it is also the primary driving force behind all science, art and philosophy.

Searching for metaphysical meaning and life purpose is a natural attribute of the human condition. Exploring the existence of God or Divine Consciousness beyond our current reality is an innate yearning we all have. No amount of scientific or technological advancement will ever extinguish this urge from human awareness. Whether we admit it to ourselves, or not, we all feel the need within to bridge our disconnection from the Divine.

We begin to separate from the Divine Self the moment we are born. At birth we have no sense of ‘self’, and we have no awareness of being separate from Spirit or Source, but in time we quickly begin to identify with our new physical environment and with the human Ego or Material Self that we choose to adopt, based on the feedback we receive from others. We gradually also adopt the social role assigned to us by our family, our peers and our community. Continue reading

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