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divine intervention

In The Grace Of Divine Time

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSeveral bald eagles flew in above me this morning, as I drove along a peaceful country road, which I travel several times a week. For the past month or so, I’ve been seeing these eagles roost in one particular area along my route.

I usually see them poised in stillness upon the bare branches of the winter trees. But today, most of my sightings were of them circling in flight overhead, crossing back and forth over the road.

Sometimes they appeared to be pursuing their prey, other times leading their young, or simply enjoying the freedom of gliding through the sky beneath the beautiful morning sun. This occurred in several places along my journey, spanning a range of miles beyond the one roost and eagle family I’ve been witnessing.

Before, during, and after my way was bedazzled with this abundance of bald eagle beauty, my thoughts had been steeped in the topic of time. I sensed the eagles crossed my path to affirm and guide me in my contemplation of eternal time.

I also sensed they came as signs of a shift in my life. They were reminding me that what has been waiting in my life – energy that has been paused, stuck or still, resting, gathering, or incubating – is beginning to move on the horizon of visibility, and gradually gaining momentum.

When I arrived home, waiting in my mailbox was a pamphlet with the printed words: The Times Are Racing. Well, message received loud and clear! It’s time to express my appreciation of time.

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The Angel Messages In Repetitive Numbers

CLICK HERE for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNumbers show up as spiritual signs in the lives of many people these days. When we keep seeing certain numbers, or number sequences, our Angels are encouraging us to seek information or advice on the deeper meaning of these numbers. Each number has its own metaphysical correspondence and spiritual meaning, which represents the vibrational energy frequency of each number.

You may spot these repetitive numbers, or number sequences, on vehicle license plates, clocks, watches, house numbers, car pedometers, road signs, and anywhere else numbers may appear in daily life. For example, you begin to notice that every day, whenever you happen to look at a clock or watch, the time displayed is always 11:11. Or, you may find you are handed the same small change over and over, every time you pay for something in cash.

Personally, I have been seeing a lot of double and treble numbers on the TV screen and on my phone. Whenever this happens, I thank my Angels for trying to get my attention. Then I sit quietly in a moment of contemplation, and request their guidance in understanding the message. I also ask them to impress upon me any additional information I may need to know.

Below are some numbers most commonly asked about. Once we accept the universal energy which they are endowed with, they really can help guide us along our spiritual path. Keep your mind as clear as possible, once a certain number has made a repeated impression upon you, and then check this list to see if the Angel number symbolism resonates with your thoughts or plans at that particular time.

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Gauchito Gil – The Cowboy Saint

CLICK HERE for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are many saints not officially recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, or by any other religion for that matter. One of the most popular among them is Antonion Gil, better known as the Gauchito Gil (Little Gaucho Gil). His popularity rose exponentially in the last few decades and he is considered miraculous by many people who venerate him. He might not be properly canonized, but he is informally considered to be a saint in Argentina. His cult is so widespread that everyone in the country at least knows of his existence.

When traveling from one town to another in the Argentine provinces, it is very common to see a tree with many red ribbons blowing in the wind, and underneath it a small wooden case that holds an image of Gauchito Gil. In some places there are even a small temple, or even a church dedicated to this saintly figure. None of them are recognized officially by the Catholic Church, but the service of a priest is not uncommon.

Gauchito Gil’s life came to a tragic end 142 years ago, on January 8, 1878, near Mercedes, Corrientes, in Argentina. His executioners were a group of policemen who had to transfer him to the courts of Goya, but who decided instead to execute him on the way there.

Gil was accused of being a deserter and a matrero (someone who lives in isolation to be out of reach from the law). But the laborers and peasants in the area knew him instead as a warrior for justice, who protected the weak, relieved the sick and avenged the humiliated. His enemies considered him a fearsome expropriator, as well as a healer capable of making people fall in love with him, or paralyzing them with his powerful eyes.

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Thank You For Leaving Me

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHeartbreak is never easy. I have heard the words, “But I love him,” so many times after a break-up. I have also heard, “No one can replace her.” I have even heard, “I’ll never even think about another person in this way, or even try to find someone new.”

Who is this mindset hurting? Look at the reality of it. It’s not hurting the other person, who walked out on the relationship. They walked out for a reason. Often they have also moved on with someone new. The only person being hurt, by hanging on, is the person hanging on.

I have also heard, “She is my soulmate,” or “He is my twin flame.” Well, if they are not on the same page as you in this lifetime, and not committed to making the relationship work, then they are not your soulmate, or twin flame. It takes a commitment from both parties.

Love is subjective. Love has to be equal from both people involved. However, when only one has their heart and soul invested, it will never last. If someone is able to walk out on the first argument, it is definitely not meant to be. If there is ever disrespect, it is also not meant to be.

I have also been at this place in my life. I was devastated when my husband walked out. I thought I had failed, but then I realized the truth. The marriage was over long before this happened. The equality of feelings was long gone, and respect was non-existent. He controlled what I did, even how I thought at times, and was wreaking havoc on my self-esteem.

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The Power Of Psychic Prediction

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe future is fluid and dynamic, and responds to the forces of the present moment. Feeling peaceful, grounded and centered in the present moment is a feeling we all strive to experience every day, but the challenges of life often pulls in memories of the past, and worries about the future.

Thoughts of the future can bring up fear and anxiety as we face the unknown, especially when viewed through current life challenges. In such challenging times you may want to consider reaching out to a psychic advisor, for clarity and support in navigating the path ahead. In my own life I have valued the support of a trusted fellow psychic advisor, especially during emotional and challenging times.

We all experience difficult times, and having someone hold a vision for us about our future path can be highly valuable. Someone to see the divine order in unforeseen events, and show us a way through the uncertainty, despite the challenges and broken pieces of the present. This reassurance helps to strengthen our resolve and belief in ourselves and our future.

As a psychic reader, I have great awareness of the power of a prediction. I believe that the true gift in a prediction is that they can provide a preparedness for the journey ahead, and they can anchor us in faith and hope. Faith is to have trust in something or someone, and it is a source of comfort.

Asking the Divine about the likelihood of future outcomes shows an open-heartedness and desire to see beyond the current. It also says to the Divine, show me the way. Guide me the vision, so that I may walk with more clarity and an open mind and heart.

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Step Back And Let The Magic Happen

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you been wanting something to happen in your life for so long and so strongly – like a proposal from your boyfriend or to purchase a new home – but you feel like it will never happen? You may want to consider the possibility that the Universe is throwing up blocks on these goals because it is not the right time for it to manifest. Never give up on your dreams.

If you think about your goal or wish as a puzzle, it becomes clear that the full picture cannot emerge until all of the pieces are in place. When the divine timing is right, you will be amazed at how perfectly and easily these pieces do fall into place!

Spending your energy on trying to control the process of manifesting can become very exhausting. You become stressed and anxious, wondering when you will ever be on the other side of achieving your goal. It is human nature to visualize your end result, which is a good way to continue the manifestation process, but be sure not to become too obsessive, or try to rush the process against what the Universe is delivering to you.

Slowing down and handing over control to the Universe can actually help your manifesting efforts. This not only align you better with what you are aiming to attract, but often also enables something to appear that’s even more rewarding than what you were initially hoping to manifest.

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Be Patient And Trust The Process

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLife presents many challenges to each of us. Even those people who you think have lucky ‘horseshoes’ and ‘rainbows’ over them, have their own challenges, just like you and me. However, it is how they choose to deal with adversity that makes the real difference in their ‘fortunate’ lives. Their choice of reaction, or non-reaction, to each setback or negative event in their life, is what creates their ‘luck.’

If your life seems to be suffering from a lot of ‘bad luck’ lately, take another look at how you reacted to your last break-up, loss of a job, lack of finances, or not manifesting your dreams. Are you that person who chooses to sulk, complain and be envious of the success of others… or are you the person that knows that challenges are just side-steps towards what you are going to achieve for yourself?

Your perception, or the way you look at life, is what makes or breaks us in the end. That person who seems to have everything you desire, did not get there because they were ‘lucky.’ They arrived where they are because they believed, and they worked hard on what was important to them.

When that job didn’t come in that they wanted, they didn’t get upset or discouraged,. They didn’t give up and think they were not good enough. They stood back up, shook it off. They accepted that they didn’t get that job because something far better was probably in store for them down the road. It often is that simple.

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