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Spiritual Awareness In A Time Of Isolation

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany of us are currently experiencing varying levels of real isolation and solitude – some for the first time ever. This can be a blessing in disguise, as it affords us the opportunity to ‘clean house’ physically, mentally, emotionally, and also spiritually. So, if you’re by yourself right now, there are some easy, productive ways to raise your levels of spiritual awareness.

Meditation is one of the oldest and most universal methods to connect to the spirit realms and become more aware of oneself. When we meditate, our vibrations and levels of energy will increase, and our consciousness is raised. You may also want to try creative visualization, affirmations, mantras, or physical activities, such as Yoga or Tai Chi.

Getting to know your spirit guides is something you may have never done before, and now is the ideal time to do so. These spiritual beings are always by our side, willing to hel and be of service. Ask them who they are and what they can do for you. Trust in their presence and their intentions.

You can also work on opening the third eye and developing your psychic attunement. During your meditations, imagine the spot between your eyebrows opening wide and increasing your levels of sight and clairvoyance.

And how about experimenting with psychometry, the art of reading an object’s energy? It’s especially helpful if you want to communicate with someone who has passed away. If you have something belonging to a late grandparent or another loved one, such as a piece of jewelry or item of clothing, hold the item and focus on what it tells you.

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Transcending Turbulence And Restoring Peace Within

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the most moving metaphors I have ever heard, describes the calm that rests beneath the surface of the ocean. While there may be waves and turbulence on the top, if you dive down deeper, you will come to waters that are more still.

Similarly, the troubles of life that bring disturbance to the body, mind, and relationship dynamics of the world, occur at levels which are external to the eternal self. By going deeper, peace within can be found.

Spiritual traditions of the world define the self and the soul in varying ways. The ancient Vedic texts, for example, identifies the individual soul as measuring one ten-thousandth the size of the tip of a hair, and states that it is located in the region of the heart, seated beside the Paramatma, or Supreme Soul (God).

In the Vedic tradition, consciousness is recognized as the symptom of the soul, which is carried throughout the body by the blood, as it is circulated by the beating heart. When the heart stops and consciousness leaves the body, it is because the soul has departed.

Lord Krishna further describes in Bhagavad-gita that this atomic soul is never born, and never dies. It is immutable, unchangeable, indestructible, and always aloof from matter and its influences.

These spiritual teachings go on to highlight that the pure eternal soul is one’s real identity – the ‘I’ or ‘me’ felt by each and every living being. In this world, it has become temporarily covered by a subtle body made up of mind, intelligence, and false ego, as well as by the physical body comprised of earth, water, fire, air, and ether. In this state, the modes of material nature act upon it, and one acts out various behaviors compelled by the energies of those coverings. But the soul itself remains untouched and unaffected.

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Recurring Messages From Spirit

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen I consult with my spirit guides, or the guides of someone I am reading, they always share what is for the highest good of the person.

A paranormal investigation group, who puts out a newsletter for their members, recently asked me about me for one of their articles. They wanted to know what the best advice has been, and the most frequently recurring advice and messages that I tend to receive from Spirit during readings. I shared the following with them:


Time is fleeting. Spirit says that while time is very much a man-made concept, we humans tend to think we have a never ending supply of it. We are often so busy with everyday life that we adopt an ‘all we have is time’ mentality. Spirit says this is not spiritual truth, nor wisdom. We must always aim to do what we need to do now, and not wait for later… as later may never come. Be present in the now, value every moment, and seize each day in every possible way!


Love your fellow human beings and show them kindness and compassion. Express you love to your family and friends every day. A lot of people in the world are of the mindset that it means less if you say it constantly, but Spirit says you can never say ‘I love you’ enough.

Look the people you love in the eye and tell them today how much you love and care about them. Say it as often as you possibly can. Your heart chakra will tell you when and with whom to do it. Pay attention to this. We are of God, and God is pure love. Through every thought, word, and action we are meant to be working towards pure love and do everything in the name of unconditional love.

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Transmuting The Negative Energy Of Self-Sabotage

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn many religions and spiritual wisdom traditions we find guidelines on healing and mind-body wellness. Many of these philosophies, in conjunction with modern medicine, can be a great aid for mind, body and soul. In all spiritual traditions there are usually rules or recommendations aimed at the well-being of society as a whole, as well as each individual soul. Many of these teachings warn us of dangers we might find in our own thought, choices and actions. And if we are unaware or careless, a damaging thought or action can turn into a harmful pattern.

Recognizing a damaging thought or behavior pattern in our lives is not easy. We might realize that someone else makes the same mistakes over and over, but it may be difficult to have the same insight about ourselves. We create the imagined walls of our own limitations, and abide by them, without being aware of making this decision. These limiting, destructive thoughts and actions that appear repeatedly in our lives – especially those demeaning, self-sabotaging, angry thoughts – are in essence negative energy vibrations. A few example of such thoughts can be:

I am useless and incompetent.

I am not strong enough.

Nobody cares about me.

I do not deserve better.

I hate myself.

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Take This Time To Find The Future Inside

Click Here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe last couple of months have brought out a variety of emotions for all of us. They reach from anger, fear, frustration and anxiety, to kindness, compassion and love. People never see things in the same way, and differing views and opinions about the Covid-19 pandemic are causing confusion, noise and heated arguments on social media, in the news, in politics and in our streets.

One cannot help but be left to wonder, who is actually telling the truth? Whose facts are the most reliable? Is certain news fake? Are some of the things we hear or see just rumors, or weird conspiracy theories? Are some purposely spreading misinformation, or exaggerating what is going on? Is the situation possibly more serious than most of us realize, or less severe than we may believe? There are so many questions right now, not many clear answers, and a lot of uncertainty.

But instead of focusing on all the chaos and drama around you, it may be wise to instead shift your attention to something more important. Especially if you are currently still quarantined at home, this is the perfect time to evaluate what is going on deep inside your soul. It is the perfect time to spend in solitude and silence, go within, and allow your soul, your inner guidance, to speak to you. And if you are sheltering with family or friends, try to find a quiet place or secret corner where you can hide away for a while every day.

Maybe there are many voices out in the world today that we cannot trust. But there is one voice we can always trust – the voice within. Each one of us has a deep consciousness that holds the answers to our fears and life questions. Each one of us has a direct connection with spirit, and this is the best time to truly allow spirit to talk to us. Are you truly listening? Or are you merely flapping your mouth, and creating more fear or anger for yourself and others?

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Time To Feng Shui Your Home

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSocial-distancing and being quarantined at during the Covid-19 pandemic, is the ideal time to embark on a major de-clutter and clean-up. By doing a thorough cleaning and clutter clearing clutter now, we can open up the flow for positive energy to flow through our homes, offices and lives once the quarantine is lifted.

To make the most of such a spring clean, consider applying some feng shui principles to rearrange your home. Many people’s perception of feng shui is that it is just a form of interior design, but it is actually an ancient spiritual practice and philosophy. It will literally open energy channels for abundance and prosperity,  as well as health and wellness to flow into your life.

Feng shui is a system of laws that govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (chi). The aim is to create a harmonious environment that enhance the balance of yin and yang. It is about living in spiritual harmony with our environment.

When we apply feng shui to our home and lifestyle, we do so in order to achieve balance in both our working and living space, and maximize our potential for success in our personal lives and in business.

Feng shui literally translated means ‘wind water.’ Wind scatters energy and water holds energy. In applying its principles, we can clear out negative energy and generate more positive energy.

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Change Your Life With Mantras And Affirmations

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe live in difficult and uncertain times, and happiness often seems elusive. It is possible, however, through training your mind, to ‘flip a switch’ to activate feelings of joy and happiness with just a few words. This is known as affirmations and mantras.

The two concepts are somewhat similar or related. Mantras are short words or phrases used in meditation in order to create focus, peace and calm, as in the practice of Zen. Affirmations are positive statements of intention that are repeated frequently to create new neural pathways, thought patterns and energy frequencies.

It’s easy to incorporate these two techniques into your daily spiritual practice.


If you already meditate, you may choose a traditional mantra, such as Ananda (the Sanskrit word for bliss) or Ohm (the primordial, sacred sound of all creation). You could also choose another mantra that has special meaning for you, or even create your own.

As you engage in meditation, pay special attention to your breath as you focus on you mantra, either spoken aloud, or silently in your mind. Let all negativity go as you exhale. Repeat this process for 10 to 20 minutes each day, preferably in the same place, without any outside distractions. This way your mind begins to associate your mantra with feelings of calm and serenity.

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