sacred space
Feng Shui Your Life
If you’ve been feeling stuck, depressed, or just in need of change, tap into the power of Feng Shui. This ancient Chinese art, of arranging the home for maximum energetic potential, is easier than you think to apply in your everyday life.
The best way to start is to create routines and rituals for yourself. Everything in the natural world exists according to a series of daily patterns or routines, and we are no different! Take time each day to meditate, incorporate gentle physical activity such as a walk or yoga, sit down and eat mindfully at each meal. It’s also crucial to create a sacred space to escape from the stresses and sensory input of the modern world.
Are you the kind of person who finds it difficult to start things? Make a dream board filled with visual representations of your hopes, dreams, and aspirations, then place it where you can see it multiple times a day. Continue reading
Feng Shui Your Home For A Happier Life
I am very much into how our thoughts and feelings help create our future. However, it needs to be asked what external factors affect those thoughts and feelings in the first place, such as our environment, for example. Therefore, the ‘Queen of Clutter’ (that being myself) would like to discuss how Feng Shui could help you attract better fortune into your life. Feng Shui is an ancient art from China, which involves balancing energies in any particular place. Here is how you can do it.
Begin With The Bagua
A bagua map (also called pakua) consists of nine squares, each one symbolizing an essential part of a balanced life. This map can be used in any room in your house, as a guide to finding the right area for positioning things. Continue reading
Cleansing Your Energy With Sage
To cleanse using the smoke of burning sage is an ancient Native American healing art, also known as smudging, which is designed to help clear negative energy. It can be used in your home, office, car, and also on your own energy.
If you are feeling depressed, angry, frustrated or even having trouble sleeping, smudging with sage can help you clear your negative thoughts and start anew. To sage yourself, buy organic sage. Place the sage in a bowl or an abalone shell (my preference because of the ocean energy it brings). Using a match or lighter, light the sage. It will briefly produce a flame and then it will just smolder and smoke.
Using your hands, pull the smoke into your face and upper chest area, over and over. While doing this, think about what you want to clear. Be specific and detailed. Then think about what you want to bring into your energy: peace, calm, love, positivity, hope, guidance, kindness, self-love, self-acceptance, vitality, youthfulness, energy, patience. It is helpful to take a shower afterwards, to cleanse all of the vibrations you just released off of your body and energy. Continue reading
Feng Shui Water And Air
Your home is your refuge. It is where you re-charge your energy like a battery. It is so important to make it a sacred, safe, healing place for you and your family.
Most Feng Shui masters say that clogged sinks and shower drains, as well as plugged up toilets, stagnate energy and block prosperity, abundance and wealth. They deplete finances.
Stagnant water creates mildew, which has been known to cause respiratory problems, neurological problems and can weaken the immune system. Stagnant water also can create an energy flow issue with travel, ambition and energy. If you are feeling low energy, especially if it is only when you are in your house, check your drains! Continue reading
Stuck? Time To Clear The Clutter!
My life is running in reverse right now – or so it seems. My energy is low and it is affecting my health. I took the time to sit today and ask my guides, “What am I missing here? I have been doing what you asked, helping others, being there for those that need me and working towards my goals and my highest good. Why are these things hitting me right now to knock me down again?”
The answer I received was eye opening and so simple. “Sheri, it is time to clear the clutter, so you can move forward again.”
Clutter is one of those things that can hold us back, that can take us in reverse, or just put a wall up in front of us, so we don’t achieve our true higher potential. Continue reading
False Education Appearing Real
I love the acronym F.E.A.R. (False Education Appearing Real) since we all have people, circumstances, phobias and so forth, that can put us into that space. Fear is an instance of emotion that is triggered by the awareness, or anticipation of danger. It can also become a state of being. Excluding clinical fears, needing professional help, there are many fears we simply impose upon ourselves as a result of life experiences.
One of my fears is acrophobia, the fear of heights. When I get within five feet from the edge of a rooftop, I begin to shake. Climbing 30 foot ladders has me nervous and when I hiked to the pinnacle of the mountain of Macchu Picchu in 2004, I could not take those last six nervous steps onto the plateau pinnacle rock. This was partly being due to a few other tourists already sharing the rock… and I am a little “accident prone.” Continue reading
Rid Yourself Of Psychic ‘Junk’
Anyone who lives in a big city knows that space is at a premium these days. And that’s just elbow room. We seldom talk about our psychic space, which is constantly being bombarded. How in the world do we protect ourselves?
First and foremost, you need to have healthy boundaries. Each of us needs and deserves to have a safe place, a sense of self-worth, and protection from others. Think about what happens to a beach that is battered constantly by waves. It will wear down and eventually disappear. If you don’t have boundaries, your very identity will be like those grains of sand.
Learning to connect back to the Earth and nature is essential to our well-being. This can be as simple as walking without shoes in a natural space, or by keeping plants in your living space. When we are separate from our natural selves, we lose perhaps the most important part of our soul. By walking in nature, you are literally reconnecting. Like a lightning bolt discharging energy when it strikes solid ground, you are releasing all the negative energies that accumulate in your body. Take a friend, or walk your dog if you have one. Continue reading