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psychic dreams

Spirit Visions, Dreams And Visitations

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all possess the gift. Most of us do not believe, or wish to tap into our psychic abilities. Some of us may not be ready to use the gift for good, so it’s probably good that God doesn’t allow some of us to access that part of our psyche.

We are all at different stages of development, but that doesn’t mean that one is better than the other – because some have the gift and some do not. It all depends on divine timing. We must learn as the lessons are given, until we evolve in such a way that we may tap into the gift when we are ready, or when God feels we are ready to bestow it.

One night my dearly departed grandfather came to me in a dream. He was driving this very old-fashioned car, which I later learned he used to own when I paged through the pictures in an old family album. He just was there, he didn’t say anything. I was embracing the light he had brought with him. It was such pure love and just filled me up, and I was so happy and content. I also knew and sensed there were other beings of light present, who may have helped him to make himself known to me.

He came to me so that I could say goodbye to him and tell him that I love him. I felt so good being able to say goodbye. It gave my mind the sense of calm and closure I needed. I needed to say goodbye, because I never got that chance while he was still alive.

During his visit my grandfather also gave me the gift, and while doing so I also had a taste of the blissful energy of the afterlife. In life he always used to tell me that if he was able to he will one day come through from the other side to visit me. He did and I am grateful.

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My Past Life Nightmare In Hexham, England

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy friends have a running joke that no event with me can ever be just a normal, everyday experience. Such was my notorious visit to Hexham, England.

I used to have a friend for many years who I knew to be kind and generous. She is a talented singer and we met while performing in a musical together. We were never close friends. Instead, we kept in contact and exchanged birthday presents, but rarely talked or saw each other in person.

At one point she was going through a difficult time. She had ended several friendships, was feeling lonely, had financial problems, and desperately hoped to meet a special guy. Then she invited me to take a special trip with her to Hexham, England. She owned an international timeshare and offered to use it for the two of us for our holiday accommodation in Hexham. Although we shared the costs, she also insisted on handling all the flight bookings, transportation and other arrangements. We had a very good relationship, so it never occurred to me that all of this might later become a major issue between us.

It was a long, 13-hour flight. When we arrived at the airport, sniffer dogs held back by airport employees ran up to us with rabid looks in their eyes. They were barking loudly; it was really terrifying. Neither one of us drank, used drugs, or had ever committed any crime. In fact, she is a devote Seventh Day Adventist. So, being targeted by security dogs was an out of the norm experience for us. The customs officials took us into a backroom and thoroughly searched our baggage. I have also never experienced this before. Of course, they found nothing. I was later informed that do not often receive American visitors in Hexham, so they were therefore instantly suspicious about us.

We then found a taxi and transferred to our timeshare accommodation. To make matters worse, our visit was during an outbreak in the area of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as ‘mad cow disease.’ Everywhere we went our shoes and the wheels of the vehicles we travelled in had to be sanitized with some awful, toxic spray. Not a fun way to start a vacation.

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How My Psychic Ability Developed

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been asked many times over the years how my psychic ability developed. I can’t speak for anyone else, but this is how it happened for me.

As a young child, I had an imaginary friend, her name was Dee-Dee. My mother said I played with her often. She also said, I blamed Dee-Dee for almost everything. Saying things like, “I didn’t do it, Dee-Dee did!”  My mother said when I was four years old, after my brother was born, Dee-Dee just went away. The rest of my childhood was pretty much uneventful, with the exception of a few prophetic dreams.

As a teenager, I had an uncanny ability to narrowly escape trouble. I probably should have been dead ten times over. Always, at the last second, I would always change my mind – decisions that ultimately saved my life.

Then, when I turned 19, about a year or two after I had my first son, things began to change. It began with a visitation from a girl who looked exactly like me, except, she had darker features. My hair was blonde, hers was brown…that sort of thing. She terrified me, but by being aware of her presence my awareness was heightened all together.

I started off going to parties and after a couple of drinks, I found myself going around the room, from person to person, connecting them with deceased relatives and friends. Mostly, giving brief messages. This became almost expected entertainment once I arrived. Doing these readings was not only mind-blowing for those receiving them, but for me as well. They caused me mind-shattering headaches.

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And They Call It Puppy Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany supernatural events occur at my home. When you actively work with the Divine on a daily basis, you can’t help but be plugged into energy that is wondrous at times. Also, my intentions are always set for positive, high vibrational energy to come in, so I don’t worry about the other kind.

When my daughter visits, the wattage is amped up to even higher levels, as she is quite a spiritually gifted creature herself! Recently, before she came home she experienced a vivid dream involving our new puppy – an adorable black, white, and brown King Charles Cavalier. He was due to arrive in a few days.

In the dream, the new puppy was happy to meet her, affectionately licking her face. She then named him ‘Admiral Halsey,’ after the delightful song Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey by Paul and Linda McCartney. What a perfect name for a pet, I thought.

But I had not mentioned any of this to my husband, as he was away at the time, visiting his mom. We lost our beloved family dog, Oliver, nearly a year ago from cancer, and my husband made it clear he didn’t want to go through anymore dog tragedies. He was adamant about not getting another dog, and there was no changing his mind on the matter.

The grief I felt for Oliver was immense; the tears I cried could have easily flooded the Nile! I will never stop missing him and I longed for a dog in our home. The desire kept on growing, until the burning need became so great, it compelled me to cast a horary astrology question to find out if I would ever be getting another dog, or not. Horary astrology is an ancient divination technique in which one casts a horoscope to answer a current question or address a burning issue in the here and now.

I was not expecting a positive outcome for the horary chart, and so you can only imagine my great surprise and utter euphoria when it very definitively showed that not only would I be getting another dog, but he was going to be arriving very soon!

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You Are Never Alone

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI receive many calls from clients who are feeling terribly isolated and lonely. And ‘lonely’ does not automatically imply being alone. Even while we may be constantly surrounded by people, one can still feel extremely alone. Having lots of people around does not guarantee meaningful connection or a sense of belonging.

I always remind my clients that if they only consider how much spirit is constantly around us, they will never feel alone again. Tuning into these soul energies around us is a great comfort and can even be a life saver.

Our departed loved ones and our spirit guides are around us all the time, but especially present when we are going through a challenging or painful time. Whether we are aware of their presence, or not, they are there.

Through meditation and other spiritual practices, we can raise our vibration and make it easier for us to feel their presence, and even ‘hear’ them. All interdimensional communication is telepathic. We just need to tune in to a higher vibration to meet them halfway.

Spirit is in a different dimension. Their energy is very fast and ours are very slow. They need to slow their vibration down and we need to raise ours in order to meet in the middle and communicate.

Many years ago, a friend’s father passed. Her dad soon after came to me in a dream. He was giving me several messages he wanted me to relay to her, but I was having a very hard time understanding what he was saying. The messages were coming in too fast. To my shock and surprise her dad then became impatient with me! In fact, he was quite annoyed.

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The True Power Of Your Worst Nightmares

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was 24 years old, I was a somewhat disempowered young lady who went to work for the city council. All the girls in the office had an active social life and a boyfriend, except me.

In fact, I was bullied for it and became a bit of a joke around the water cooler, to the extent that I could not properly concentrate on the task at hand and ultimately lost my job. Looking back, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. But, at the time, it did not feel like it.

About a year ago, I started to have a recurring dream that I was 24 again, and sharing an office with the same mean girls, supervised by the same misogynist boss. But this time I had a very different mindset.

In my dream, the boss had criticized my work. So, I pick up the documents he complained about to, walk up to his office, put it on his desk, and tell him politely to type his own letters in future. I was going home now, because I am no longer prepared to put up with his nonsense.

Well, if only I had the same courage back in the old days, I might have suffered far less emotional anguish! I felt really empowered in the dream, and it brought me the realization that I no longer have to suffer fools and that I need to stick up for myself more often. However, the dream also revealed to me that I still had not entirely made peace with the past, otherwise the dream would not be recurring.

The moral of the story is that dreams do not only reflect how we are doing in the present, and how far we have advanced in life, but also what we need to do to work on ourselves to be even better in the future. How powerful and life-enhancing is that!

Another compelling dream I have been having of late is of myself flying a light hovercraft over the estate where I lived as a child.  I faced several challenging, traumatizing things growing up there, including poverty and domestic abuse. However, this liberating dream confirms that I have managed to rise above those childhood setbacks and obstacles, and I am now in control of my own life and destiny.

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Strange Happenings In Other Dimensions

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI can vividly recall various unusual experiences during my childhood, including leaving my body several times and then being pulled back with a dramatic jolt. The return to my body would be so jarring that it would always wake me up.

There appears to be a variety of explanations for this odd occurrence, with the main one being that it is a purely psychological sleep phenomenon related to unusual stress and trauma. But while I do not necessarily dispute this possibility, I am not readily convinced this may be the explanation in my case.

The reason I question this theory is this experience has been happening to me again lately, with a steady regularity, but with some subtle differences.

My favorite version is when I am conscious of it happening, to the extent that I am even seeing myself re-entering my body. I am also no longer ‘slamming back’ as I used to before, but rather gently easing back into my physical form…like a baseball sliding into home base. I even recall smiling because it seemed so deliciously absurd.

The next aspect that has caused me to really think again about this recurring experience, is that I can clearly see myself in two separate dimensions all at the same time. At first it took me a minute to realize what was happening, as I did not look exactly the same as my earthly self. I stared at my ‘other self’ for a few minutes, recognizing our similarities and feeling like I have met my other self before.

Well, let me tell you, I was flabbergasted and very pleased, once I realized this was indeed me, a doppelganger, one of my other selves, operating completely independently in an alternate universe. The most joyous part is that I do not have to explain myself to the myself!

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