psychic attunement
From Believing To Knowing
“I wish I believed in the spirit world like you do,” my best friend commented many years ago. I then told her that it wasn’t so much a case of believing, but more of a matter of knowing.
Last week, a new friend asked me to teach him how to have this ‘knowing’ that I have. But I really have no idea how to do that? I never experienced a transition from believing to knowing. The ‘knowing’ has always just been there.
I have always felt that the spirit realm is our true connection to home. As the years passed, I began more and more to view planet Earth as our schoolroom. And boy can we get some lessons while we are here!
When I think back, I have recollections of spirit activity around me from when I was about five or six years old. My parents and I were living in Ottawa, Canada, at the time, where my dad had recently been employed. We were temporarily living in a creepy rental home, until my father found his feet and we would be able to move to a house with better vibes.
I recall seeing and hearing shadow beings in the hallway of that eerie house in Ottawa, and I remember telling my mother about the paranormal activity I sensed there. But she thought I was just imagining things, or seeking attention. I also recall lying in bed, scared, listening to what sounded like chattering voices. The energy in that old place wasn’t malevolent, but it didn’t feel benevolent either.
The most profound experience occurred when I was just nine years old. We had moved back to the United Kingdom and were visiting family friends. They were hosting a party, and the kids were sent off to bed, while the adults carried on with their social event below.
Spiritual Awareness In A Time Of Isolation
Many of us are currently experiencing varying levels of real isolation and solitude – some for the first time ever. This can be a blessing in disguise, as it affords us the opportunity to ‘clean house’ physically, mentally, emotionally, and also spiritually. So, if you’re by yourself right now, there are some easy, productive ways to raise your levels of spiritual awareness.
Meditation is one of the oldest and most universal methods to connect to the spirit realms and become more aware of oneself. When we meditate, our vibrations and levels of energy will increase, and our consciousness is raised. You may also want to try creative visualization, affirmations, mantras, or physical activities, such as Yoga or Tai Chi.
Getting to know your spirit guides is something you may have never done before, and now is the ideal time to do so. These spiritual beings are always by our side, willing to hel and be of service. Ask them who they are and what they can do for you. Trust in their presence and their intentions.
You can also work on opening the third eye and developing your psychic attunement. During your meditations, imagine the spot between your eyebrows opening wide and increasing your levels of sight and clairvoyance.
And how about experimenting with psychometry, the art of reading an object’s energy? It’s especially helpful if you want to communicate with someone who has passed away. If you have something belonging to a late grandparent or another loved one, such as a piece of jewelry or item of clothing, hold the item and focus on what it tells you.
Isolation Is An Opportunity For Deeper Practice
In the challenging circumstances we are now facing all over the world, many people are facing a period of self-isolation, social distancing, and even quarantine, in the interest of public health. Despite its impact on our lives and economy, a lot of good can also come from this, as it can be approached as an opportunity for spiritual retreat and inner growth.
In many spiritual traditions, solitude and isolation is actually considered essential. And it is not a spiritual practice reserved only for gurus, monks or initiates. It is in fact recommended for everyone to spend some alone time with their thoughts, and their spiritual practice.
Now, I am not talking about a luxury weekend retreat somewhere, on a sunny coast, in the mountains, or in a quaint monastery with beautiful gardens and amazing food. That sort of thing you can do any time of the year, and simply call it vacation!
Isolation is the doorway to an internal practice that leads to a more stable, fulfilled life, among other things. Why more stable? Because everything that we do in isolation, even if we are living with someone else, resonates in our mind in a much deeper sense than usual. Of course, if you do live with a partner or family, there is also the option of doing these practices together, but solitary is usually best.
If you regularly meditate, or pray, or repeat mantras, alone and without distractions, you will feel the powerful ‘echoes’ of those practices energetically. This is true and easy to see, as long as you do not turn on the TV immediately afterwards. I call this a deeper practice.
Raising A Psychic Child
Before I conceived my first child, I had a lot of communication in the spirit realm with the souls of both my children. My son showed me, for example, how he prefers to be viewed on the Other Side, as a young Mayan male. I had some physical challenges with his pregnancy, but he came to me in spirit and healed me. After his birth his healing ability became even more evident as he started growing up.
He also told me he wanted to be born on August 3rd, although my due date was actually July 27th. When my doctor told me he wanted me to be induced on August 1st, I begged my doctor to wait until the 3rd. I knew it was an important date to my son. But my doctor refused. So, I was induced on the 1st…and my stubborn son simply turned his head and refused to come out, until he decided it was the right time! He was born a triple Leo on August 3rd.
My son has shown from a very young age many signs that he is psychic. He once saw a advertisement for a herbal supplement to help children sleep. All it said was SLEEP on the packaging there was no other indication of bedtime or children sleeping. He could not yet read, and we have never talked about anything relating to the concept of needing to take medication to sleep. So, this was not in his frame reference. He looked at it and simply said, “This is to help kids sleep.”
I remember many moments like that where he just knew things he could not possibly know. When my mom, a very scientific skeptic, came to visit, she experienced a lot of back pain. I told my son that grandma had an ‘owie’ back. He was only one year old at the time. He then climbed on the couch behind her, touched her back… and her pain went away!
Connecting With Your Psychic Self
We all sometimes have unusual occurrences or extraordinary experiences that are not easily defined, or understood, by logic or practical thinking. Many of these events are often psychic or paranormal in nature.
For example, I am clairaudient and therefore I frequently hear voices. Earlier in my life I did not understand what this was, but I have since learned that there are sometimes conversations going on that I am privy to …conversations that are emanating from the Other Side, from beyond this world.
I don’t always recognize the spirits, or understand the gist of the conversation, but I no longer have any qualms accepting these auditory perceptions as a psychic or paranormal phenomenon. Of course, there are experts in the fields of Psychiatry and Psychology who will certainly not not agree!
Dreams are a common psychic phenomenon for many people. You might have had particular dreams yourself, where the events that you dreamt actually came to fruition. We all sometimes dream the future and this indeed qualifies as a psychic experience, and a psychic ability we all have.
Many of us experience lucid dreams, and some even have daytime visions. We typically do not trust that it actually was a psychic vision, or we question whether or not it was only our imagination. Well, what is imagination if not another word for visual creations?