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What To Believe When You Come Undone

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSo much of the typical human belief system is actually in direct opposition to the concepts of spiritual law. Let’s take the idiom “Life is too short,” for example. This saying is used to essentially suggest or convince oneself or another that we don’t live long…so just live for the now and just do what’s desirable regardless of the consequences. Well, wrong!

The soul’s journey is quite a long one. We reincarnate through many centuries of lifetimes, until our souls have completely evolved, returning to each new life with lessons to learn based on beliefs, karma and decisions made in our prior lives.

For example, a slave master born might return in his next life as a slave, to face his karma and endure what it’s like to be treated as such, and ultimately understand why it’s wrong. So, in reality, life is ‘too long.’ Every action has a reaction – an energetic effect. Thus, we need to be cognizant and conscientious of all that we say and do in this life, and not just engage or divulge in whatever we please, because of a physically limited life span.

That same theory of misunderstandings and contradictions between spiritual concepts and human beliefs, more detrimentally applies to life struggles and emotional well-being. How many times have you prematurely mourned a relationship…then wound up reuniting with your partner? Or maybe you lost your favorite job and felt hopelessly valueless and depleted, foreseeing eternal darkness, only to find your dream job shortly after? Moments, days, weeks, months, years, where you either take on a defeatist attitude, and suffer, or become a control freak and try to take matters into your own hands. Thinking you are, but not trusting that you are not, the wizard behind the curtain?

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You And Your Spirit Guides

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are all surrounded by spirit guides and angels. These otherworldly beings have been with us since birth, and it is their mission to protect and guide us. But who are they, exactly?

Depending on your primary energy (feminine, masculine, or non-binary) your guides will likely have similar forms of energies. These guides are loved ones and friends who have passed on and are awaiting rebirth. They may even have been animals or one of your pets in their former life.

Most of us have a main guide, plus others who play a secondary role. Some may be around  us for our entire life, while others are temporary, or stay only for a specific purpose or to teach a specific lessons, or point the way to a specific destination or solution. The one thing all of them have in common is unconditional love and acceptance – the kind of caring that we often seek among the living, but only rarely find.

Guides are around us all the time, whether we are aware of them or not. They know us better than we know ourselves, and they are able to anticipate what we need.

How do we know they are there? For the most part, they are invisible to us, but can be sensed in other ways. Sudden flashes of inspiration, a favorite song playing when we turn on the radio, the feeling of a hand on your shoulder. Those are all a sure signs a spirit guide or guardian angel is speaking to you.

So, is it possible to communicate with these invisible spirit beings? Of course! Each time we pray or meditate, we are speaking to them. Silently asking for help will call them to our aid. Even if we engage in something meaningful to us, like our hobby or a creative pursuit, there is a dialogue with spirit guides, since they are the source of all inspiration. For some people, journaling, especially of their dreams, is a good way to listen to what their guides are communicating.

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We Are All Worthy Of Forgiveness

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes my brokenhearted clients ask when the person they love will also hurt the way they have been hurt by them. They have been wounded, sometimes very deeply, and they so desperately want to know that the one who hurt them will also suffer in the end. Preferably, a lot!

They desire retribution for all the pain, suffering and deceit they have suffered due this person. There has to be some kind of justice. Isn’t there some form of karma, they will ask pleadingly.

Some spiritual teachings and belief systems suggest that our most emotionally challenging experiences in this lifetime occur as a result of life lessons we have agreed upon with other souls, before being born into this particular lifetime. This concept is known as our life plan, soul agreement or soul contract, among other.

These challenges can present themselves as blockages and patterns, that we aspire to finally recognize on a soul level and then to rise above – too often after repeating the same lessons many times over during this lifetime and others.

Yes, it makes sense to me that there is a profound lesson in harsh, life-changing experiences, but it’s not so easy to see it that way, and to believe it could be something we would have agreed to, especially when we hurt so badly now.

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A Time For Turquoise

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn town today, I passed a jewelry store predominantly showcasing pieces of turquoise jewelry. I instinctively looked at my hand. Yes, I was wearing my turquoise ring!

Some eight years ago, as I sat in my monthly psychic circle, my father came through with a no-nonsense message for me to “wear the turquoise ring!” The other sitters in the circle looked a bit taken back, because they had no knowledge of me owning such a turquoise ring.

And so, I did wear it for a while. But, in time, it increasingly remained in my dressing table drawer. However, recently, in a profound reading I had with a trusted medium, the turquoise ring was brought up again, and in even less uncertain terms this time! So, now I’m wearing it again, upon dad’s insistence.

Turquoise is known in metaphysics for its protective qualities. When I was studying Aura-Soma, some twenty odd years ago, I was always drawn to turquoise as a color. Aura-Soma is a method of color therapy, as well as a divination system based on colors, originally devised by British pharmacist and chiropodist Vicky Wall.

I soon learned that the color combinations, and the sequence in which I chose the turquoise, were both relevant to my past lives in Atlantis. This interpretation by my course mentor made absolute sense, because in two very significant past life regression sessions later on, these lifetimes in Atlantis also featured very strongly. Perhaps this is why I always loved the color so much, even from a very young age.

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Finding Answers In The Akashic Records

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comImagine an enormous, vast, endless library where every book is a detailed record of every life every lived on Earth, as well as in every other dimension, or realms of existence. These are what is known as the Akasaha, or the Akashic Records. It is a complete collection of all the thoughts, words, feelings, events and experiences that have ever occurred in this life, and the next.

By accessing the Akashic Records, one can gain information about past lives or a present life. One can read any moment of someone’s life. One can feel their emotions, observe their thoughts, and find explanations and answers to life questions. One can also do this for any other soul the particular person interacted with in their current life, or their former incarnations.

There is no ego on the other side, so there are no secrets and no need for privacy. The Akashic record is a ‘public library’ with ‘free access.’ Every life lived contributes information or spiritual data for the collective consciousness, the universal mind and soul. We don’t just live our physical lives for our benefit, and our own soul evolution. We also live our lives for the expansion of the Universe, and the evolution of every other soul that has ever lived, or will ever live in the physical.

Anyone can go into the Akashic records and research their own lifetimes, and that of others, in order to learn from our choices, decisions, faults, mistakes, thoughts, emotions, challenges, adversities, lessons, gifts and blessings.

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My Lives Between Lives

Click Here for a free psychic reading at Psychic Access!Recently, I had the privilege of being a ‘case history’ client for a friend of mine, who had recently returned from completing a past life regression on life-between-lives. I have been fortunate enough to have had wonderful experiences with past life regression in the past, but the ‘in-between lives’ experience was something new for me, and I felt honored that she asked me to partake as one of her case studies for her course assignment.

During our session I was taken back into the past, and received imagery of previous lives. Glimpsing previous lifetimes was to help me see more clearly lessons learned, or not learned. My friend was a wonderful facilitator, as was the help received from my own master spirit guide.

In our session, I learned where my fear of fire originated from. To date, no past life reading I have received has ever touched on the origin of this fear. I have now discovered that my fear of fire relates to a more recent life, in what appeared to be approximately a century ago.

I was a male soldier in the Navy. My uniform was white, and my father, like in so many of my other past life regression experiences, played a significant role in this life also. He was a senior staff member on that ship. I also saw the Star of David during the regression, which suggests I was of Jewish faith in that life.

That particular life experience ended for my father and I when our ship caught fire. My uniform also caught fire! I recalled the flames, and then drowning.

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The Universal Law Of Karma

Click Here for a free psychic reading at Psychic Access!Karma is a universal spiritual law, the same way that gravity is a law of nature or physics. The Law of Karma basically states that ‘as you sow, shall you reap.’ Karma is therefore the spiritual principle of ‘cause and effect.’ For every action there is an equal reaction, or ripple effect.

Karma is also what keeps everything in the Universe in balance. The Chinese symbol of Yin and Yang perfectly illustrates this process of ‘karmic balancing.’ It shows how all the positive and negative forces in the universe balance each other out, because karma equalizes the energy that flows through everything.

Every single action that we take in life is therefore like a spiritual seed we plant. Some of the seeds will sprout quickly, while others may take lifetimes to come to fruition. However long it may take, one thing is for sure, in time every seed we sow will germinate… and we will eventually have to face the result of all our actions and choices.

Karma is therefore an endless chain of actions and reactions, which binds every soul to their good and bad deeds. The soul, born into a physical body, is constantly acting to bring about the results of activity from one life to the next. We choose to act in a certain way, and then become involved with the reactions or consequences of each chosen action.

After giving up one physical body, we eventually enter into another, and we mostly forget everything about that previous life. In this way the soul reaps the results of his actions, from lifetime to lifetime. Everything that happens in our lives is nothing but the reaction of past activities.

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