News and Views From The Psychic Access Community

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Just Existing, Not Living?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo you ever feel like you’re existing and not actually living? Well, guess what?  You’re not alone. I think at some point in our lives we all do, especially after everything we have endured over the past two years.

In these difficult times, we worry about our health and safety, money, career paths and choices, the perfect house, the perfect partner or spouse.

Our children. Have we raised them right? Or, have we spoiled them? If you don’t know yet…two year olds grow up and teenagers grow out of it!

All of the above are legitimate concerns. But at some point we need to remember to worry only about the things we can control.

Stop focusing so much time and energy on the things you cannot control. All it brings us are toxic thought patterns, an anxious heart and a restless soul. Once we have learned to give all of that up, life seems a tiny bit easier.

There is a famous saying: “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” How very true. You can fixate on all the frustrations, promise yourself that you’ll do this and that, or feel better once you get to wherever – but it doesn’t necessarily work that way. Because it’s easier to think about what you’d rather do, than to just going out and doing it.

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A Psychic Reading Brings Order To Chaos

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a typical lifetime the sun will pass over us twenty-five thousand times. If you were to walk just one mile due west each and every day of your life (if such a journey by land were possible) your life would end at the place it began. Just one mile every day, at a most comfortable stroll, you will have experienced more than anyone, and lived the dreams of most. Instead of merely waiting and watching the sun and time pass by.

If we walk slowly through life, but with purpose, we will see more, travel farther on less energy, and allow others more time to get out of our way. But occasionally, we will meet immovable objects in our path, and a decision on which way to turn must then be made.

Having a precise destiny in mind is challenging in itself, so making the right decisions along the way is essential to ensure our safe arrival at our intended destination.

In my own journey, I remind myself to smile demurely at those skeptical of what I do, even if their cynicism always surprises me, as we all foresee the future all the time.

For example, watching a carefree child at play, unaware in the midst of their joy of the likelihood, the inevitability of a fall sometimes becomes apparent and very clear to those with experience looking on.

The fact that some of us are able to see more, and in more detail, and further into the future, should therefore not be so impossible to conceive – as disconcerting or uncomfortable as this may be to the doubter.

Most reasonable people accept graciously the facts established by modern scientific method, often with little understanding of the reasoning or validity behind such conclusions. We do not have to understand the nature of everything in our lives, as long as it is evident and proven in our own experience.

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Learning To Truly Be With Yourself

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA fellow psychic encouraged me many years ago in a reading to be ‘with myself’ and not just ‘by myself.’ There was a difference she explained, as this was a process of getting to know our own true essence. But being yourself can be an uncomfortable pathway for introspection! It is a lot easier to distract yourself with work, entertainment, chores, socializing and all the other ways we tend to divert our attention away from looking within.

A wise client told me recently that it was during the recent pandemic lockdowns that her journey towards true self-love really began. My clients are often my most important teachers, as they prompt me at times to look deeper into a situation.

She had been going through intense periods of intense reminiscing, especially regarding relationships. Most of her flashbacks related to two significant past relationships which, after investing so much of herself, had not worked out.

One of her partners just didn’t want to commit and was wrapped up in a materialistic obsession of striving to achieve business success. The other, whom she loved very much, left her for another woman.

Ironically, after years of loneliness and looking for ways to fill that void, this ex she whom she used to love so much, recently got back in touch with her. Apparently, he wants to be a part of her life again, once he´s finally sorted out his disastrous relationship with the woman he left her for.

But she now feels she has healed, forgiven him, and truly fallen in love with her own company, and therefore she wouldn’t want him in her space too much, and that any future moments they do spend together will be on her terms.

She has nailed it when it comes to truly being ‘with yourself,’ instead of lonely ´by yourself.’

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The Soul Purpose Of Your Life Lessons

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEach one of us arrived on the planet with a hand-picked bundle of life lessons we signed up for before birth. These challenges serve as the corner stones our life journey and spiritual path.

Some of our karmic lessons are fun and exciting, while some can be shockingly difficult, even traumatic. How you will ultimately manage to handle them is a lesson within itself.

Our lessons are what will bring us to our highest good in this lifetime, but only if we manage to truly learn from them. Unfortunately, we sometimes tend to hold on to denial and simply refuse to learn. If learning your lessons have slowed you down, rise up and seek the purpose. Begin your move forward to achieve all that has been laid on your life plate.

Life lessons must be dealt with in a manner that will help you gain insight, and possibly even humble you, to seeing life and the world in a different light. Our lessons are however never meant to devastate or destroy us. In the extreme it might bring us to a dangerous edge of realization, but in the end it will always bring forth our most hidden qualities and profound gifts and blessings.

If we take our lessons head on, one by one, and learn each one of them fully, we will never have to learn that same lesson again. But if we choose to block the process and refuse to see the truth, we will experience it over and over, until we have learned.

Over the many years of doing psychic readings, I have found people with benevolent hearts often have many more life lessons to learn. Often these people are spiritual lightworkers or serve in the helping and caring professions And because of their empathy, loving kindness and compassionate generosity towards humanity, nature and all the sentient creatures of the earth, they bear a heavy responsibility in the world. They are the anchors of goodwill toward mankind. They are the keepers of joy, truth, peace, and hope; the Universal healers and earth angels.

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Your Thoughts Will Transform Your Life!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have some fantastic news for you today! You can have a magical year if you choose it! The magic is within you. If you truly believe you are going to have a fantastic year ahead, you indeed will. What we think and choose to believe becomes our reality.

You don’t believe me? Well, think about this for a moment: I am sure you know a few fairly negative people whose lives are always in chaotic upheaval or consumed with toxic drama. You probably also know some amazingly optimistic, positive folks whose lives always seem blessed, happy and full of joy… even when things are not necessarily always going well for them. Their good karma inevitably comes to the rescue to bless them!

We create our destiny, and we do it with our thoughts. Let your thoughts direct your path to happiness, health, abundance, and good, positive people around you! You are more powerful than you may know, and it starts with your thoughts and how you choose to perceive things. Tuning into that higher frequency is where it is at!

If you want things to change for the better in your life you need to switch from being negative to thinking positive. The power is in your thoughts. What you choose to think is what you put out into the universe and what you will in return attract.

I have known many folks indulge in constant self-pity and blame others for where they are in life. No one else is responsible for where we are in life. We are in control of our lives and our own karma We are the ones who can make or break our own day, week, month, and year. It all starts with what we choose to focus on and what we chose to spend our time and energy on.

It’s time to take responsibility for where we are in life and to start making it happen. The time is now. Anything is possible. You just have to believe and take some action.

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Maybe It’s Time To Dream Big Again!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe first week of a brand-new year is an opportune time for reflection on the past year, and an opportunity to visualize the upcoming year with fresh optimism and conviction.

For most of us, the past two years have been difficult and even overwhelming with various social restrictions, stress, political upheaval, illness, anxiety, fear, grief, financial loss. We endured a roller-coaster of events that made us hopeful yet kept us off-balance. Our lives and daily routines have been repeatedly disrupted.

However, in spite of the various set-backs, we made it. We showed courage, strength, perseverance and the ability to bounce back. We can now face 2022, trusting that we are slowly but surely heading in the right direction.

So, take a minute to pat yourself on the back. Reflect on some of the hurdles you overcame in 2020 and 2021, whether they involved financial strain, health challenges, family issues or unpredictable relationships. Regardless of the outcomes, you can rest assured that you did the best you could with what you knew at the time. We can take pride in the fact that, despite the constant setbacks and obstacles, we somehow figured things out and made it work. Job well done!

Now, let’s look to the future for the year 2022. Maybe it’s time to dare to dream big? Think of all the things you would like to accomplish over the next twelve months. What would joy, fulfillment and happiness look like for you?

Does it involve changes to be made regarding lifestyle choices, personal responsibility, or perhaps self-care? Might your happiness involve the mutual support of friends and family with group goals? Is a well-deserved vacation long overdue? Would taking a course, conducting some personal research, or working more efficiently improve your chances for a promotion or starting that new business?

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The Ripple Effect Of Kindness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlthough I am usually very careful with online transactions, I received a notification yesterday of two unknown online purchases for the same amount, but from separate companies, both debited to my credit card without my knowledge.

It´s been a few years since I have been scammed in this way, so when I began investigating the matter it soon became obvious that online fraud has become rife in recent years. It’s much more complicated and frustrating to sort this out with vendors and the bank than it used to be. It was certainly a lesson for me to be more careful in future.

However, an unexpected blessing came from the mishap, as it often does. At the end of the first phone call I made to report the issue, the call center agent who assisted me thanked me for “being so nice to him.” When I asked him what he meant, he said my voice had soothed him and that he consequently felt a great sense of calm. He explained that people usually begin these call by yelling at him, as if he is somehow to blame.

“Well, it´s hardly your fault,” I said.

He continued by saying that customers are usually very angry and upset. Although he is trained to handle such calls, and understand the frustration of the callers, one never really get used to the feeling of being attacked and insulted – simply for doing your job.

I felt blessed after our interaction to know that I had impacted someone´s day positively. It reminded me that our words and actions really can make or break someone´s day.

It reminded me of the time when I used to work for an airline, many years ago. Our service training was heavily focused on customer care, particularly as this particular airline didn´t have a great reputation for punctuality or customer service in those days. Management was making a concerted effort to rectify their bad reputation.

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