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Finding Serenity

Click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat is spiritual serenity, and how does one get to such an enlightened place? I’ve put forth this question many times throughout my life, and I’ve also had it asked of me. People hear what I do for a living and they immediately assume I walk around chanting Buddhist chants, or waving sage throughout my sacred space 24 hours a day. If only!

I don’t have the answers any more than the next person does. There are some things I have learned and seen, as I am sure I have yet more to learn and see. It is an endless cycle of not knowing and then knowing, the same cycle we all go through. The same lessons. It is only in how we apply them that we become different. We grow differently and start to use parts of ourselves that perhaps someone else, who is growing ‘at their own pace’ may not be using yet. And that is okay. Continue reading

Life Is Like Cooking Bacon And Eggs

click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLife is like cooking bacon and eggs without a shirt on. Why is that? Well, let’s think about the process one goes through when cooking bacon and eggs.

After picking out the frying pans, next is to consider what version of eggs to cook. Scrambled, poached, fried (sunny side up, over easy), omelet, boiled? Do we add vegetables, or cheese? Which kind of cheese: American, Swiss, Pepperjack? Broccoli, onions, asparagus, carrots?

So many choices, so little time.

Having sifted through the refrigerator, checking out the ‘best before’ dates, and smelling and squeezing all the ingredients, we are now ready to cook the eggs. The first choices made, now it’s time to take action. What is the timing between starting the eggs and bacon: separate pans or combined? How crispy do we like our bacon? Continue reading

Do It Anyway

click on the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I posted on social media about my daughter’s graduation, when she was awarded a degree in Psychology with high honors from a well-known university. I was really proud of her, and wanted to share it with the world.

Many friends and family commented on the post, with congratulatory excitement and kind remarks. But later that day, I noticed there was also a hurtful comment on that same post from my mother.

In the post I had misspelled the words summa cum laude and my mother’s comment read, “Ask your daughter how to spell summa cum laude.” That was it. It seemed short and cold. My heart sank. Not only from the public embarrassment of her comment, but more so from the insinuation that I lack intelligence. Continue reading

Happiness Comes From Your Own Actions

Click on photo to get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPeople are too often stuck in a dark place in their lives, thinking that only a relationship, or financial gain, or a new job or house, is going to bring them happiness. The Dalai Lama says, “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” Take a moment to reflect on this statement. It is the simple truth, yet so many of us have a difficult time relating to the simplicity of it.

We have been brought up in a world where it is often believed that happiness is only achieved through external or material sources. But you and I are each responsible for our own happiness. This is a difficult statement for many to comprehend. How can that be? I have nothing. I am alone. I do not have a job. I do not have money in my bank account. I do not have a soulmate to love me.

The answer is very simple. No one else is responsible for your life, or your happiness. You are the sole creator of your reality. Do you choose to be happy, or miserable? Continue reading

Release Gets You Everything You Want

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlmost 20 years ago today, I was traveling to Sedona, Arizona, to attend a teacher training program for The Sedona Method program. Little did I know at the time that I was about to discover one of the most important keys to a happy, fulfilling life.

Soon, I found myself in a Sedona conference room filled with psychiatrists, psychologists, and doctors from around the world. I was a young mother and novice Tarot reader at the time. I didn’t feel I was at the professional level of the doctors and behavioral health specialists attending. I felt intimidated, uncomfortable, and actually wanted nothing more than to just go home.

During the first week of training, the director of the class asked me to come up to the front of the room and stand facing everyone. Oh no, I thought to myself, why in the world did I even come to this event! He asked that I demonstrate the technique he had just taught us, with a psychiatrist seated in the front row. My knees were shaking and my heart racing. But, there was no escape, so I decided to simply go for it. Although it was a daunting experience at the time, it was the best thing that ever could have happened to me. Continue reading

Letting Go After Divorce

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAccepting divorce as a reality is an important step in the healing process. One must mourn the loss of what could have been, but you don’t want to get stuck in the past, because it won’t change anything.

Acceptance is the most difficult step that one must take in releasing the past and begin a new chapter of life. Acceptance involves things like blame, resentment, and regret. We have the option to let go of negative emotions, which will give us the freedom to move forward.

So, now you are divorced, do you choose to stay bitter and hurt? No, you work through it and regain your strength, so that you can find yourself again. I know this is easier said than done, but nothing in this life is accomplished without some effort. You have one life to live, and you get to decide how you want to live it. Continue reading

Leaving A Legacy – A Message From My Guides

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs time goes on, it is natural to think of the impact you might have had on the people, places and things you have encountered over the years.

Some people become great inventors, physicians, leaders, politicians or investors, among many other noble professions. They can measure their legacies easily from the many lives they have touched with their work. Often their identities are household names and the entire world is familiar with their efforts.

But what about those of you who are living day-to-day, doing the best you can to keep your life in balance, your children educated and your mortgage or rent paid? What kind of legacy do you envision for your own family and for the world in which you live? Continue reading

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