Signs Of A Pleiadian Starseed Encounter
There is a unique group of highly evolved, spiritual beings present on planet Earth who come from the Pleiades, a cluster of stars also known as the Seven Sisters, located approximately 444 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Taurus.
They are known in esoteric circles as the Pleiadians or Starseeds, and I have had the privilege of meeting some of these special individuals in person over the years as a lightworker and channeler. What I have learned from them has been both enlightening and thought provoking.
The Pleiadian Starseeds are extraterrestrial souls who have incarnated on Earth to fulfill specific missions related to bringing about spiritual awakening, sharing knowledge and wisdom to aid in the evolution of humanity, and helping to raise the collective consciousness.
The Pleiadians come from a more technologically and spiritually advanced society and are motivated by a desire to assist humanity in our evolution and to offer guidance on our path to higher consciousness and global spiritual awakening. They are here to assist in the transition to a new era for Earth, one that embraces higher spiritual values, peace and harmony.
Dagaz Promises Enlightening Energy This Year
When I recently did a rune cast for the coming year, Dagaz came up as the central energy for 2024.
The energy of Dagaz within the context of the surrounding runes in my annual forecasting permeates the fabric of 2024, and its transformative qualities promise both personal and collective enlightenment.
Dagaz, known as the “rune of enlightenment,” represents a powerful force of transformation and enlightenment. Dagaz, pronounced “dah-gahz,” translates to “day” or “dawn.”
Dagaz is the rune of brave, bold change. Its energy encapsulates the moment of sunrise, signifying the transition from darkness to light. It represents the burst of light that breaks through at the moment of illumination.
It is a symbol of hope, clarity, and the promise of a new day and a metaphor for gaining insight, clarity and understanding.
In divination, Dagaz is a positive and auspicious sign, suggesting that a period of darkness or confusion is coming to an end, and a new phase of understanding, growth, and enlightenment is beginning.
This rune embodies awakening, transformation, rebirth, hope, enlightenment, and the continuous evolution of existence. As the focus of this year’s casting, this rune predicts profound changes in both personal and global energies.
A Vision Quest For Intuitive Business Wisdom
In business and finance, there is a mystical thread secretly woven into the fabric of success that is rarely recognized. It is an esoteric wisdom that transcends spreadsheets, profit margins, and market trends. This hidden and largely ignored business secret is known as intuition.
Intuition is a road less traveled in business, but I predict that it will become more prevalent in the future. One key development I foresee is that more companies will hire intuitive business consultants to help them with decision-making, alternative strategies, team building, trend forecasting, and so on.
Hiring an intuitive business consultant will become a business strategy that will elevate many companies beyond the mundane. Embracing intuitive wisdom in a business context isn’t just about unlocking business success; it’s about weaving a transpersonal narrative intertwined with the cosmic threads that lead us to a destination that transcends the ordinary. It is a destination where success is measured not just in profits, but in alignment with the cosmic forces that shape our business journey.
In my own entrepreneurial journey, I often found myself at a crossroads, faced with decisions that went beyond the boundaries of conventional understanding. It was during these moments of uncertainty that I began to long for a deeper, more intuitive perspective.
The Universe Always Has The Better Plan
Our journey through life is constantly changing. Whatever circumstances you find yourself in today is temporary. In time it will change. It may not change overnight, or within weeks, months, or even years, but it will change eventually. For change is the only constant in our co-created existence.
Since change is inevitable, it makes sense to embrace these energies of ongoing evolution, expansion and transformation. It really makes no sense to live in constant resistance to the universal flow, for it is a tragic waste of our creative energy as co-creators and detrimental to our soul purpose and karmic growth.
Living a conscious life in harmony with the cycles of life and in sync with the creative pulse of the universe is one of the most empowering and karmically liberating things we can do for ourselves in this lifetime.
While many of us tend to think we have the best plan for our life and that we know exactly what is best for us, we often do not really understand what will best serve our highest good. But God, Source, Spirit, the Divine, always knows what is best for us, and sometimes it is not what we originally had in mind.
We have to admit to ourselves that we tend to have a biased way of wanting things to work out, and that sometimes it may not be in the best interest of all parties involved, or even ourselves, on a soul level.
Spiritual Growth Without Judgment Or Guilt
I recently had a nasty fight with my ex-husband that was definitely not in line with the spiritual values and principles I teach my clients. Afterwards, I felt very defeated and disappointed in myself for not practicing what I preach.
But then Spirit whispered in my ear.
“It’s okay not to be perfect all the time. Sometimes you need to let the toxic air out of your human ego balloon.”
Upon further reflection, I was reminded that we are all spirit beings in human form, which automatically means we are limited and fallible. No one is perfect in this world.
After all, we have signed up for a very challenging physical adventure in this lifetime, which means we all have problems from time to time and we all make mistakes. That is how we learn and grow. In fact, one of the least spiritual things we can do is pretend we’re perfect.
Sometimes we need to let off steam by releasing pent-up negative energies that tend to build up in our auras as we navigate the ups and downs and many frustrations of our daily human existence. Yes, indeed, there are times when we need to go ahead and just beat the heck out of our ego piñata to get rid of some bad juju! When we release these unwanted energies, we detoxify our energy field to live a more abundant and fulfilling life.
Grandma Will Wear Her Big Girl Boots!
I recently discovered a website where you can “rent a friend”. It made me wonder, why would anyone need to rent a friend? Isn’t making friends a natural thing?
Normally, people who have something in common or enjoy each other’s company tend to gravitate toward each other. Even when attending a large social gathering, people tend to find like-minded people in the crowd to interact with. So, why in the world would anyone ever need to ‘rent’ a friend?
Well, the site had a list of occasions when one might want to purchase this type of service. Some of the things on the list included hiring a companion to be your plus one at a wedding, or to go to the theater, sightseeing, dinner, or even traveling abroad.
Essentially, the service connects people with common interests.
Then I wondered, are there really enough people who would use such a service to make it profitable? Apparently, there are and I should not have been be surprised. Our social life increasingly depends on digital technology.
Most of us are lucky if we can count on one hand the friends we can invite to join us on some of our adventures, let alone the few close friends we can count on in good times and bad. It is rare to have friends who have the time, money, or energy to do fun things with us on a regular basis.