energy alignment
Take The Heavenly Solitude Challenge!
My clients often ask me how I manage to stay so positive and upbeat every time they call for a psychic reading. They often mention how my energy seems to lift their spirits, and this brings me immense joy! I feel blessed when I can share my gift for energetic healing.
This does not mean that I am automatically or miraculously energized and balanced to be of service to others. To share some love and light, I have to be disciplined with my spiritual practice and self-care routine. One of the key ingredients in my self-nuturing routine that keeps me going is spending some time in solitude.
Solitude is to be alone by choice, without the presence or interference of others. As a spiritual practice it involves deliberately setting aside time to be alone, away from the distractions and demands of daily life, in order to connect more deeply with your higher self, spirit and the divine. It is a time of quiet reflection and introspection.
Unlike loneliness, which is often associated with negative emotions, solitude is a positive and restorative experience, embraced for spiritual growth and personal well-being. I often enjoy my solitude with a cup of tea or coffee, sometimes knitting, sewing, doing yoga, meditating or going for a walk. I cherish these moments and wish everyone could experience the peace they bring, even if only for a few hours each day.
A good time to embrace solitude and a spiritual practice is during times of transition or personal challenge, when life feels overwhelming or uncertain. Whether you’re navigating a career change, recovering from a loss, or simply feeling disconnected from your inner self, solitude can provide the clarity and peace you need to reconnect with your passion and purpose.
The Magic Of Crystals And Gemstones
Many of my clients light up when you mention the magic of crystals and gemstones, and they usually have a story to tell about a particular stone they own or carry with them for specific intentions, healing, added strength, protection, and so on.
How do crystals and gems work for you? Well, in many magical ways. When you are attracted to a particular stone, whether it’s color, texture, shape, or other qualities, the attraction you feel to it is the first step in the magical process. This attraction is actually the stone’s way of calling you to it, to make contact.
Sometimes a stone may be given to you by someone, or it may just find its way into your hands in one way or another. The circumstances under which you found it, or perhaps how it found you, is just the beginning of a new and magical relationship.
There are many metaphysicians who believe that crystals and gemstones are our ancestors or ancient beings or life force crystallized from history. Some people believe that certain stones you come in contact with are stones you had in a past life.
They could be pieces of land or rock that surrounded you in past lives here on Earth and are showing up in your life today as a friend or ally. This is pretty cool to think about! Imagine a stone that you have now that you also carried with you before, from another time. Would you still see that stone the same way when you looked at it?
Researchers and historians have hypothesized about pre-Christian cultures and civilizations that considered the standing stones to be the ancient sages or ancient gods. There are unusual theories about sites like Stonehenge and how these large stones got there, as there is still no logical explanation. Some say that Merlin the Magician brought them to Wiltshire, England from a town in Wales called Maenclochog.
Being Present In Your Power
In my field of work, one becomes acutely aware of the importance of being present in one’s power on a daily basis. Our personal vibration acts as a “passport” to profound spiritual experiences, helping us to access different levels of awareness, psychic perception and self-empowerment.
Our personal vibration is essentially the energy we radiate and attract in return. It shapes our experiences and interactions with the world around us.
A higher vibration is associated with positive feelings, clarity, and a sense of connection to something greater, as well as manifesting abundance, well-being and prosperity. Conversely, a lower vibration can manifest as negativity, confusion, and a sense of disconnection, dysfunction, lack and scarcity.
Raising our vibration involves practices that promote emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. These practices can include meditation, prayer, visualization, affirmation and other forms of energy work and spiritual self-care.
Over the years, I have explored various techniques to help me be more present in my power. While the specific method is a personal choice, any meditation or mindfulness technique can benefit our well-being and help us find peace in the midst of chaos.
After experimenting with different methods, I have settled on one particular practice that has been working very well for me lately. It is an effortless meditative approach that helps me connect with both my inner world and the realm of spirit.
Unleash The Radiant Magic Of Citrine
Citrine, meaning “lemon” in French, is a captivating quartz crystal known for its radiant hues and remarkable metaphysical properties.
Frequently referred to as the “Merchant Stone” due to its ancient association with wealth, prosperity, abundance and achievement. Personally, I like to think of it as my “prosperity enhancer.”
Throughout history, citrine has been believed to bring good fortune and success in business endeavors. Merchants believed it could attract customers, increase sales, and ultimately bring prosperity to their enterprises.
For those born in November, Citrine, along with Topaz, serves as a birthstone, offering a special connection to its vibrant energy.
Citrine is a natural stone that ranges in color from pale yellow to golden, and even to an enchanting orange-brown. The luminous crystal can be found in various parts of the world, including Brazil, Argentina, Burma, Madagascar, Scotland, Spain, Russia, and Namibia.
Citrine’s versatility makes it a valuable addition to any spiritual or metaphysical practice. Whether used in meditation, energy healing, or intention setting, Citrine’s vibrant energy aligns with the frequencies of abundance, prosperity, joy, optimism, good fortune and self-confidence making it an essential tool for spiritual well-being and personal achievement.
Given its extensive range of benefits and applications, Citrine should be a staple in every practitioner’s toolkit. Its adaptability ensures that one can utilize this gem in numerous ways to enhance your energy work and achieve desired outcomes.
Unleash The Power Of Your Intention
When I first started working professionally in the spiritual field, I used to get pretty uptight about whether or not I was spending enough time preparing myself properly before consulting with clients, both for psychic readings and energy healing sessions. That was until I visited a well-known elderly spiritualist who lived in the countryside outside of Johannesburg, South Africa, for a reading.
“You work with spirit, just like I do,” I remember him saying. “But I sense that you worry that your preparation is weak and not good enough.”
He was right, I was often stressed about having enough time to prepare with my guides before the sessions began. I always want to give my best to my clients and feared that I would disappoint them if I was not properly prepared and perfectly “tuned in.” Was I doing it right? Did I spend enough time on it? Was I leaving out an important step? Should I just do it once a day before I start or before every single session?
Ironically, while my sincere intention with all this worrying was to give my clients the best readings and healings possible, I was actually not always giving my best, because I was so stressed and worried about being well-prepared!
“All you have to do is set your intention clearly every day before you start,” the wise old gentleman said. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Of course! Keeping it simple is often the best approach to most things in life, so why should it not work in spiritual endeavors also?
This was how I learned that the most important ingredient for successful preparation in any spiritual practice or metaphysical activity is intention. Today, I like to think of intention as the vital spark that lights the flame. It is a powerful tool in all metaphysical practices. Oddly enough, intention is often the key aspect of our spiritual practices that is most often overlooked.
Working Your Way Up The Emotional Scale
Is it not amazing how many different emotions we can experience? No one even knows for sure how many different human emotions there are!
Over the years, psychologists and neuroscientists have proposed various models for categorizing and understanding human emotions. The highest total number of distinct emotions identified by a single model is found in the research of Alan S. Cowen and Dacher Keltner, who identified 27 distinct emotions. Their model is one of the most comprehensive in terms of categorizing a wide range of human emotional experiences.
A concept closely related to the wide range of emotions we can experience is that of an emotional scale, also known as an emotional spectrum or hierarchy. This idea involves categorizing and ranking emotions based on various criteria such as their intensity, positivity or negativity, and how they relate to each other.
There are several emotional scales that are used to help us better understand and navigate our emotions. There is Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions, Russell’s Circumplex Model of Affect, David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness and Abraham-Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale.
Emotional scales and models serve a variety of purposes, including therapeutic contexts, self-help, academic research, emotional intelligence training, spiritual growth and guidance, manifestation practices, and other esoteric and practical applications. They help people identify, categorize, and work with their emotions for improved emotional well-being and self-awareness.
The Spiritual Heart Of Watermelon Tourmaline
Watermelon tourmaline holds a special place in my spiritual practice, and in my heart! Not only is this captivating stone a feast for the eyes, it is also a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth, especially in opening and healing the heart chakra.
As a psychic practitioner, I have witnessed the transformative power of this gemstone in opening the spiritual heart. From a psychic perspective, its energy is a bridge to the heart center, helping us to connect more deeply with ourselves and others.
Watermelon tourmaline is a unique and visually striking variety of tourmaline that features a color gradient resembling the interior and exterior of a watermelon. This gemstone typically displays a vibrant pink or red center, surrounded by a green outer layer, mimicking the look of a watermelon slice. This distinctive coloration is due to the natural zoning of different trace elements within the crystal as it forms.
Its unique coloring symbolizes the harmonious blend of heart chakra energies, with the green representing the nurturing and healing qualities of the heart chakra and the pink embodying love, compassion and emotional warmth.
The heart chakra, or anahata, is the fourth primary chakra, located in the center of the chest. It is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, connecting our physical existence with our higher spiritual aspirations. When balanced, the heart chakra emanates unconditional love, empathy and emotional balance. However, energy blockages in this chakra can lead to feelings of jealousy, resentment and emotional instability.