divine timing
The Truth About Manifesting
Spiritual seekers often ask, “Why am I struggling to manifest what I want? Why is it taking so long?” Many books and workshops on the Law of Attraction and the practice of manifesting, tend to give people the false belief that they can simply say something like, “I want a million dollars,” and then it will show up in their bank account.
I have attended many of these manifesting workshops in my lifetime, and I have watched many webinars on the subject. Most of them have one thing in common: the people leading them are charging a fee and are certainly making money. But I have yet to see their students achieve the same!
Manifesting is tricky. You have to learn to allow, and to keep your thoughts, your free will and your ego out of it. Manifesting is also guided by what you are meant to have, or the lessons that you are meant to learn from past lives, current or past karma, and even your desire to have it all ‘right now.’
We have all had experiences of thinking of a person… and then suddenly you run into them, or receive a phone call, text or email from them. Is it just coincidence, or is it synchronicity, or did you actually manifest it? Take a moment to consider this.
Divine Timing And Patience
One of the spiritual messages I receive quite often is that everything comes in Divine timing and more patience is required. It is difficult for many of my clients to digest this, as there is typically no specific date provided with this kind of message.
Sometimes Divine timing is due to our guides and angels feeling that we are not ready yet. Other time there may be blockage that has to be removed, or another reason why things are being held up. When it is in regards to a relationship with another person, it may not be that person’s time to be in your life. While you may be ready, something may have to happen to free them up.
As difficult as it seems, if you wait patiently and do not allow yourself to become frustrated, things eventually will shift. Things will start to happen at a quicker rate. If you carry negativity, frustration, anger, baggage of the past, it creates additional resistance and nothing can move forward. Often we are creating the walls and barriers that prevent the good from coming in ourselves!
When Will I Find My Soulmate?
The questions I get most often in psychic readings is about finding true love and meeting soulmates. Why am I still single? When will I meet the love of my life? Will I be married? To be honest, I asked myself the same kind of question for decades.
When I got divorced at the age of 28, I had no idea that I would be single until the age of 52. Yes, I had several failed relationships during those years, and even when I connected with someone who I was certain was my life partner, things always seemed to fall apart. However, many years later, when I did meet my soulmate, it was incredible! Truth be told, I would go through it all again to end up in the relationship of my dreams, no matter how long it took.
Psychic Prediction – Free Will, Fate Or Divine Destiny?
Psychic reading is often assumed to be synonymous with fortune-telling, and while they may seem similar on the surface they are in fact two very different practices. Psychic reading is a spiritual practice… a sacred portal to manifesting your true destiny. Fortune-telling, on the other hand, is a fallacy and potentially dangerous and destructive.
Yes, fortune-telling is a myth. Nobody can ‘tell your fortune’ for the simple reason that you don’t actually have a ‘fortune.’ Your fortune is something you create every day through your beliefs, thoughts, choices, decisions and actions. You are a spiritual being continuously seeking physical expression in your current incarnation. And therefore you are the creator of your own reality experience, and the designer of your own destiny. Your fate is ultimately in your own hands (albeit with a little help from the Divine). Continue reading