How To Manifest What You Really Want
I have, for at least 40 years now, been a deliberate creator, and passionate practitioner of the Law of Attraction. Nevertheless, when I first started working with this fantastic cosmic law, I noticed that I often manifested almost the exact opposite of what I was hoping for!
How could this be, I asked myself? After all, I had read all the books, did the meditations and vision boards, was thinking positively, and even bought the incense. Why wasn’t I getting what I wanted?
The answer came to me in time. It was because I was inadvertently counter-manifesting. This can happen so easily when we attempt to manifest – particularly in one’s early days of learning the art of cosmic ordering.
Okay, so how does one manage to counter-manifest and, more importantly, how do you avoid it?
Align Your Energy
First and foremost, if our energy vibration does not match what we are wanting to attract, we simply cannot draw it towards us. Like attracts like, remember? No amount of visualization or list-making is going to make any difference if we are not in a positive, open state of mind and elevated mood. We have to be ready to welcome whatever it is we have set an intention for.
Therefore, the first golden rule of successful manifestation is to raise your energy vibration with some healthy self-work and personal investment. By doing so, you will begin to attract more good things into your life, rather than drawing those things that you do not want.
Manifesting – Does The Outcome Justify The Intention?
You probably know by now, from your personal experiences, that the metaphysical process of manifestation is not always cut-and-dried. Sometimes the results are disappointing, while at other times it truly is a matter of ‘careful what you wish for.’ One aspect of deliberate creating that I never before anticipated, was that it might bring up a personal moral dilemma! Let me explain.
When I was 11 years old, it was discovered that I needed glasses for better eyesight. Like any other normal child, I certainly was not happy about the situation. However, I was smart enough to recognize that it would make seeing the teacher’s writing on the school blackboard much easier, as well as enable me to recognize people and appreciate beautiful sights more readily.
So, I had no choice, but to put up with wearing those awful eyeglasses until I turned 16. It was at that time I started to work and earning my own money, which gave me the ability to make some important decisions for myself and determine what I could purchase on my own behalf.
A lot of people were beginning to wear tinted contact lenses at that time, so I decided I would also get on the bandwagon. Soon, I was exceptionally proud to transform my ordinary hazel eyes into an appealing vibrant green! However, the lenses on the market then were not as easy to wear as they are today. They were very inflexible and abrasive on the eyes and, even while being meticulous with its care, still very easy to tear.
I kept up with this struggle of constantly switching back and forth between lenses and eyeglasses, until many years later when I developed hypoglycemia. One of the side effects of this ailment is extremely dry eyes, and so my contact lens days were pretty much over. I simply gave up the idea and continued with regular eyeglasses for many years after.
Manifesting A Better Life
The best time to work on manifesting better things in your life is when you are alone and everything is quiet around you. Ask the Universe for what you want and what you need in your life.
Writing down your wishes is a good starting point, Make a list of what you want in the next year, then five years. Make a list of the things you desire and be clear about what you want and need. You can ask for anything: a new job, new love, a better relationship with your family, and so on.
Once you have made a request, be aware as you guides will answer you, and guide you in the right direction. The key here is being aware of how they direct you, if you want to ensure you will accomplish your manifesting goals.
You need to be aware how your guides are directing you, or you could miss important opportunities along the way. They place ideas and thoughts in our minds, give us signs, and send us messages all the time. You need to be aware that they are there to help you always – just call on them!
And if your guides want you to learn a lesson, for example, such as ending a relationship that is toxic, in order for you to find a new, better relationship, then that is what you will need to do to accomplish your goal. Manifesting is seldom about simply receiving everything on a silver platter. It often also requires hard work, patience and sacrifices to achieve your end goal. Continue reading
How To Manifest Abundance And Prosperity
Conscious, deliberate creation is key to bringing what you want into your reality. People have a myriad of ways they manifest things in their life without realizing it. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good. We create and attract things without even being aware that we are creating them.
The first step to creating more of what you do want, is to identify what it is you truly want. If you are going to be ‘wishy washy’ about it, then the Universe will deliver ‘wishy was’ results in response, including zero results. How do you get clear on what you truly want? One way is to allow yourself to ‘space out,’ or just daydream a bit about what you want in life.
Say, for instance, you wish to manifest more financial prosperity in your life. You know you want to make more money, but you do not know how to do it. The first step is to clearly decide, and yes, this is key, that you absolutely are going to make more money.
Several years ago, I rented an office in a building next door to a very successful accountant. She owned three large accounting firms in three different locations. One day, in the office hallway, we struck up a conversation about our businesses. I asked her if she’d mind sharing her secret to building such a successful business. “I just decided one day that I was tired of not having enough money, and that from now on I will live an abundant life,” she said. When she said this to me, I had chills going up and down my spine! I felt some sort of transmission happen where she passed along the abundance vibe to me.
Singing Raises Your Vibration
I recently had a mediumship reading that brought me great comfort and confirmation of Spirit’s presence. Especially at this point in time, getting acknowledgment of my late father being around me was very reassuring. In this particular reading, the medium told me that my father was around me and he was referring to me singing in the car! Well, that is so true. As a youngster, my father and I would sing in the car, and he would initiate the harmonies.
I have a photograph in the lounge of my dad playing the piano, singing into the microphone. It was taken many years ago, when I joined him on a cruise ship he was working on at the time as a musician. I still talk to his photograph frequently and had done so for quite a while on the day before I had the reading. So, being told by the medium of my conversation with him was beautiful confirmation that he must be there around me.
I remember doing some chanting at a psychic development workshop I attended several years ago. My mentor there was explaining the extent to which singing can raise our vibration. No wonder we get goosebumps when we hear an angelic voice on a talent show, or when we become profoundly moved to tears by a beautiful choir.
I can hold a tune, but never really developed my singing voice. I began to learn the piano at about eight years old, but we moved countries so that got shelved. Then I took up guitar lessons, and I would play and sing on the beach with the local youth club members where we lived on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria.
Change Your Life With Mantras And Affirmations
We live in difficult and uncertain times, and happiness often seems elusive. It is possible, however, through training your mind, to ‘flip a switch’ to activate feelings of joy and happiness with just a few words. This is known as affirmations and mantras.
The two concepts are somewhat similar or related. Mantras are short words or phrases used in meditation in order to create focus, peace and calm, as in the practice of Zen. Affirmations are positive statements of intention that are repeated frequently to create new neural pathways, thought patterns and energy frequencies.
It’s easy to incorporate these two techniques into your daily spiritual practice.
If you already meditate, you may choose a traditional mantra, such as Ananda (the Sanskrit word for bliss) or Ohm (the primordial, sacred sound of all creation). You could also choose another mantra that has special meaning for you, or even create your own.
As you engage in meditation, pay special attention to your breath as you focus on you mantra, either spoken aloud, or silently in your mind. Let all negativity go as you exhale. Repeat this process for 10 to 20 minutes each day, preferably in the same place, without any outside distractions. This way your mind begins to associate your mantra with feelings of calm and serenity.
Tomorrow Will Worry About Itself
Scrolling through my Facebook feed today, I noticed a link to an article titled, “Hell Is Coming.” It featured a graph for the stock market plummeting deeply into the red. Obviously, I did not read the article – the picture and title said enough!
I am sure you have also been noticing an increase in negative messages on social media platforms and in the mainstream news. As a spiritually aware person, I don’t see any intrinsic value in this kind of negative speculation.
Yes, we all must deal with the circumstances that we are currently facing in our world, and it is important to effectively process our feelings along the way. However, when it comes to speculation, there is no difference between a positive speculation and a negative speculation. They are both fantasies conjured in the minds of others, spreading through our adoption of it.
According to some self-proclaimed ‘experts’ the sky is currently falling! Fortunately, I have never taken much stock in conspiracy theories and doomsday soothsayers.
It is true that we are going through a time of unprecedented change, and we are facing challenges that we have never faced before. But, that dramatic article could have easily read, “A Cure For Covid-19 Is Coming” or “This Is A Great Time To Invest In Affordable Stocks.” Why is it that we don’t see many opinions about best-case-scenarios out there?