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Belief Is The Key To Manifesting

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIs there something you want to happen, or something you desire, want or need? Put it out to the Universe as a request for what you want to happen in your life. But the key is to believe. If you do not believe it can happen for you, it most likely will not happen…because you are standing in the way of it happening.

Many people sabotage their own manifesting process because they do not believe they deserve to be happy.  I have seen this happen so many times. But everyone deserves to be happy.

Things can change in your life. You just need to set the intention, take some practical steps to make it happen, and most of all trust the process and believe.

When you are in alignment with the abundance of the Universe and you trust that it will provide for you always, then it all starts to fall into place. Manifesting begins and ends with believing in the laws of the Universe.

For manifesting to truly work one must have the sincere, unquestioning faith of a child. Young children have the uncanny ability to wholeheartedly believe even the most impossible things!

If we had just a little more of the open-minded belief of children, our lives would be so much happier and more fulfilled. It is not about being naïve, but about being open and accepting.

If we do not trust the Universe to provide for us, we tend to repeat the same mistakes time and again. Instead of setting a clear intention for what they want to be different or better in their life, many people we just keep on manifesting the same old energy repeatedly.

For example, they break up with someone who they felt was not right for them, but then they start dating someone else who is exactly the same. They continue in the same pattern and repeat the cycle of continuous heartbreak, over and over – instead of saying I want to be with someone who treats me better, and work towards that.

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Renewed Inspiration Through Visualization

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDespite the psychic readings we receive, the inspirational books we read, and the seminars we attend, we often tend to find ourselves back at the drawing board for inspiration. Why? I guess we need to inspire ourselves on an ongoing basis.

Clients who visit me for private consultations say they leave me feeling serene and all fired up to take on the world. Many of them also come back every now and again for what one high-powered lady calls her “fix”.

And me? Well, I need to inspire myself on a regular basis, in order to be of any help to anybody else!

Visualization is an excellent way to ‘recycle’ some past moments of inspiration. We can make time in our busy worlds and synthesize all the knowledge and experiences we have gathered, in order to visualize what we want.

By remembering and tapping into that feeling we had when we saw that moving film, attended that life-changing workshop or read that inspirational book, we can apply that intense feeling from a previous experience to what we want to manifest now.

An attitude of gratitude goes a long way too when it comes to manifesting our desires. Thank spirit for all the positives in your life, and you will be surprised to notice the amount you have already manifested and have to be grateful for.

Another helpful technique is to make a visualization board by drawing pictures from your memories, or from magazines, to make a collage which will be your personal vision board. Place it where you spend most of your time. I was given a ‘recipe’ for creating long ago by a colleague.


1. Recognize the higher self (that you are spirit)
2. Decisiveness
3. Acoustics
4. Imagination and creativity
5. Evaluation
6. Approval
7. Experience

Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible ~ Cherie Carter-Scott


1. Recognize that you are spirit and therefore have the capacity to create.
2. Be certain of exactly what you wish to create. Think of how it is going to affect you.
3. Announce it verbally.
4. Visualize it.
5. Decide whether you are pleased with it.
6. Give consent for it to materialize.
7. Step back and admire and enjoy what you have created.

Note: Be sure not to create anything which creates imbalance in your life.

Maybe It’s Time To Dream Big Again!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe first week of a brand-new year is an opportune time for reflection on the past year, and an opportunity to visualize the upcoming year with fresh optimism and conviction.

For most of us, the past two years have been difficult and even overwhelming with various social restrictions, stress, political upheaval, illness, anxiety, fear, grief, financial loss. We endured a roller-coaster of events that made us hopeful yet kept us off-balance. Our lives and daily routines have been repeatedly disrupted.

However, in spite of the various set-backs, we made it. We showed courage, strength, perseverance and the ability to bounce back. We can now face 2022, trusting that we are slowly but surely heading in the right direction.

So, take a minute to pat yourself on the back. Reflect on some of the hurdles you overcame in 2020 and 2021, whether they involved financial strain, health challenges, family issues or unpredictable relationships. Regardless of the outcomes, you can rest assured that you did the best you could with what you knew at the time. We can take pride in the fact that, despite the constant setbacks and obstacles, we somehow figured things out and made it work. Job well done!

Now, let’s look to the future for the year 2022. Maybe it’s time to dare to dream big? Think of all the things you would like to accomplish over the next twelve months. What would joy, fulfillment and happiness look like for you?

Does it involve changes to be made regarding lifestyle choices, personal responsibility, or perhaps self-care? Might your happiness involve the mutual support of friends and family with group goals? Is a well-deserved vacation long overdue? Would taking a course, conducting some personal research, or working more efficiently improve your chances for a promotion or starting that new business?

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The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing 222

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are currently experiencing a spiritual awakening or have been on a path of spiritual awareness you may noticed certain repeating numbers showing up for you more frequently. But why are you seeing a specific number or number sequence over and over again, and what is its spiritual meaning.

When spirit is seeking to get our attention or communicate with us, we experience certain signs and synchronicities, including seeing certain numbers or repeating number sequences, also known as ‘angel numbers,’ that show up in your life in a noticeable way. We begin to constantly see these numbers everywhere, on watches and clocks, road signs, license plates, billboards, addresses, electronic exercise equipment, phone numbers, social media posts, and so on. Each number and number sequence carries its own, unique message and energy signature.

The number 2 is one I have found particularly meaningful.  It is a highly esoteric number tied to the informational nature of light and how we perceive the world.

In Tarot, the number 2 is associated with the High Priestess card. She is the keeper of secret knowledge. She understands the esoteric mysteries of the Universe. She also knows knowledge is found in the light code and the high priestess can access this information. She knows how to flow with the universal laws, and how to use these laws to enact what others may view as ‘magic.’

She therefore represents masterful manifestation, and yet also an element of personal sacrifice. The high priestess does not manifest for her own selfish desires. She manifests for the highest and best good of all, even if that means she must integrate lessons and challenge herself to grow spiritually.

The High Priestess understands that the wise man knows himself to be a fool, and that there is always more to learn. She is humble, yet wise. She moves effortlessly within duality, understanding when to speak and when not to speak, when to share her knowledge and when to remain silent. When to spend her energy and when to withdraw.

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The Spiritual Significance Of Seeing Zero

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThroughout time the circle has been a powerful archetype steeped in esoteric symbolism. A zero is also circle. It is an unbroken line. The circle, or zero, represents the eternal nature of the soul and consciousness. It represents the interconnectedness of everything and the universal law of oneness.

It symbolizes the doorway to Source that resides within our own being, or better yet, that we are Source, or expressions of Source. We are as intimately connected with Source, as is all of creation. The entire Universe consists of Source energy. Zero is both everything, and nothing.

While the number 1 reminds us that we are conscious creators of our reality, and calls on us to use this power intentionally and wisely, zero reminds us that anything, absolutely anything is possible. Even that which is currently beyond our awareness or understanding.

While the signs associated with 1111 remind us of our power as conscious creators, seeing signs associated with 0000 reminds us that this creation power is limitless, and that we can literally manifest anything we can imagine.

The number 0 also reminds us that we can move beyond what we may currently be able to ‘see’ or conceptualize, as our consciousness expands. Zero is everything: the circle, the soul and Source; and it is also nothing: the void, the absence and the nothingness within. It is literally all of everything and nothing at the same time.

Zero is also the beginning, the starting point from which all else will spring, as well as the conclusion. This duality may appear confusing or contradictory, but when the number 0 shows up in your life as signs and synchronicities, it usually indicates the beginning of a period of intense spiritual growth. Through this growth you will soon find it is possible to hold various contradictory concepts at the same time, and that they can work together rather than in competition.

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The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing 11:11

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe synchronicity of seeing 11:11 is a common sign of spiritual awakening many people begin to see once they become more metaphysically aware. But what does it mean? Why are you seeing this number all the time? And how does it relate to your spiritual path?

As we awaken into higher consciousness, we begin to see all things more clearly for what they truly are. Many people embark on a spiritual journey because they are seeking greater balance and harmony in their mental health and emotional well-being. But while spirituality can help us heal and find greater peace, there are two sides to this coin.

On the one hand we may be waking up to some brutal truths and particularly challenging realities. The world seems broken right now. Humanity is collectively so painfully out of alignment with our highest good that we are destroying the very Earth that gives us life and supports our very existence!

Once you wake up to everything that is happening in the material world, and the thinly veiled realities of conspiracy, hatred, violence and greed, it can be so disheartening.

On the other hand, once we awaken we are able to fully experience and actually see the magic an wonder in the world around us! We also begin to realize that we are the architects of our own life path and destiny. The gift of free will gives us so much potential to create the life we desire. And we begin to experience the signs and synchronicities which confirm this new sense of empowerment and higher consciousness.

It is exciting and liberating to discover that we were not meant to be ‘slaves’ to some pre-determined destiny. We now get to consciously and deliberately create our own reality, as a powerful co-creator of the world we live in.

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Everyone Is An Artist

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comArt is a powerful form of self-expression. It allows us to communicate complex emotions and spiritual concepts through various mediums such as the visual and fine arts, music, dance, acting, creative writing, and so on.

When we are being creative we connect with the subconscious part of ourselves. This can be a powerfully healing experience to help us process and integrate our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and life experiences on a deep level.

When we are children, we don’t have any preconceived ideas about art. If you observe young children, you’ll see this very clearly. They don’t worry about how ‘good’ an artist they are. Most kids just see art as a form of play. They love to draw, or paint, or color, and are typically pretty thrilled with their creations.

So, what happens along the way that we become so self-conscious about our artistic endeavors? It seems to me that at some point most people have had ‘the artist’ within subtly discouraged or silenced. Whatever the case may be,suffice it to say that life takes over at some point and being creative artistically takes a back seat.

“I was never very good at it anyway,” or “I just did it for fun,” are common remarks I’ve heard from people. But what’s wrong with not being very good at something? Especially if it’s fun? Moreover, the benefits of spending time being creative are vast! Art Therapy is growing in popularity and more studies are being done around this modality.

One particular study focused on people with chronic illness or cancer. The researchers looked at the impact visual art activities such as painting, drawing, and pottery had on patients and found that art helped to distract them from thoughts of illness.

Art therapy improved their well-being by decreasing negative emotions and improving positive ones. Depression levels were also reduced, and medical outcomes improved overall. There were also reductions in stress, anxiety, and distress. Further there were improvements in the patients’s spontaneity, expression of their grief, positive identity and social interactions.

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