The Blind Lady Who Looked At Pictures
An old friend of mine, who I have not heard from in a long time, called me recently and left a message on my voice mail to call him back. When I checked my messages I was surprised to hear from him after so many years.
I asked him how he got my number, since I have not talked to him for so long. Apparently he ran into my brother John at the gas station and asked him for my number. We made some small talk at first, and then told me he had some sad news – Sharon had passed away.
Sharon is my cousin and I was very shocked to hear this! But he quickly realized his mistake and pointed out that it was in fact not my cousin; he was referring to Sharon “the blind lady with the pictures”. Oh man, I have not seen her since my childhood, I exclaimed. Continue reading
Magical Thinking
Magical thinking is a common trait found among all children all over the world, between the ages of approximately two until seven years of age. This time frame is also known as the ‘pre-operational stage’ of child development and it is the period in our early life when we increasingly explore our environment, and gradually learn to distinguish between ‘fantasy’ and ‘reality’.
Children at this age initially have all kinds of imaginative ideas and magical interpretations of the world, in order to make sense of their external and internal reality. At this age we still believe that we can grow wings and learn to fly; or that animals can talk and sing; or that our shadow is a magical person following us around; or that the Sun goes to sleep in the ocean; that there is a man living in the Moon; or that the wind, the clouds and the trees notice us and obey our instructions. We often also have ‘imaginary friends’ at this age. Continue reading
You Need Some Pop-up Preparedness
Life happens, therefore pop-ups happen to. What is a ‘pop up’? Well, a pop-up is something unforeseen that occurs to put a snare or trip you up in a negative way. It is a term I have invented for lack of a better one. I feel it’s a gentler way of describing those negative things that tend to pop-up during the course of our life that set us back in some way.
A family may have planned a very special time together, for example, and they had looked forward to it and patiently awaited that very enjoyable event. Then the phone rings and one of the parents has to go and tend to a new priority, and the child is left wondering what happened.
Well, what do we do in today’s world, where we live by the cell phones and social networking websites, and our friends’ and other people’s needs and desires, while putting those that we are supposed to treasure the most and love the most on the ‘back burner’. In the process our most intimate relationships suffer. Some of us just don’t know how to say no to those pop-ups! Continue reading
The Significance Of Numbers
There have been occasions when clients would call me and ask if I could predict the winning lottery numbers for them. Truth be told, if I had access to that kind of information I would not be doing psychic readings to make a living.
I believe numbers play a bigger part in our lives than we tend to realize. Lately, when I do psychic readings, I have started to see significant numbers. Since I use a normal deck of playing cards there is the numbers two through to ten, and at times I use the Aces as ‘one’ when I get a ‘flash’.
When I do a reading I often feel that my spirit guide is trying to tell me something specific, and when I look down at the cards I do see the numbers of the cards around the client’s spread. Then I read what the numbers are supposed to be. If we see a certain number over and over we need to pay attention. I feel that such numbers are trying to tell us something.
Numbers are an important part of our personal life history – from our birthdates to many other significant times and dates and even personal identification numbers. Continue reading
Can Oxygen Help To Prevent Cancer?
Six years ago this week, I sat with my mother as she took her last breath. She died of brain cancer. She went to the doctor with a massive headache. They ran some tests, and she was told that she had fourth stage brain cancer, and had only three weeks to live.
Last night, in the exact same Hospice Center, six years after her death to the day, I sat with my life-long, dear friend and roommate of six years, as he was taking his last breaths. He too is dying of cancer at the age of 37. This cancer was also detected about three weeks ago. After only two chemotherapy treatments, the doctors said it was useless. He was then transferred to the Hospice Center to die.
Last month, my cousin went to the doctor complaining of pain in his groin area. He was admitted to the hospital for tests. They found fourth stage cancer and he died four days later. Continue reading
How Many Other Things Are We Missing?
Spiritual seekers tend to be very keen to beat the drum of abundance – which is too often merely a thinly disguised obsession with material wealth and earthly comforts.
We simply take too much for granted every day; blessings of Joy, Beauty and Divine Grace are seldom acknowledged in our lives. How spiritually aware can we truly be if we hardly ever stop to smell the roses?
Have you heard the story of the internationally acclaimed violinist who disguised himself as a street busker with a baseball cap, and then proceeded to play Bach undercover at a metro subway station? An email outlining this intriguing story has been circulating since December 2008. There have been claims that it may be a hoax, or an urban myth, but it is indeed a true story. The event was captured on video with a hidden camera. Continue reading
If Only We Had Some Patience In A Bottle
What is one of the most valuable commodities that anyone can possess in this day and age? What is the one precious thing we all seem to lack?
I believe that, given the opportunity, some of us would even trade all of our earthly possessions for a lifelong supply of this magical substance. It is the one thing that can secure us so much happiness, inner peace and long-term fulfillment.
Have you guessed what this ‘eighth wonder of the world’ is? Well, it is the virtue of patience, of course!
The Dutch say that “a handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains”. There is no doubt in my mind that should some genius be able to develop a magical formula to capture patience in a bottle, that person would overnight become the wealthiest and most famous person on the planet! Continue reading