Energy Work
Raising Your Vibration Changes The World
When I was a Yoga teacher, I often had students invite me for dinner or a social visit to help them clear the energy in their home. I would always remind them that, while I may be able to improve the vibration of their home and clear any negative energy, the results would only be temporary.
Attaining an improved energy frequency in this way, of feeling light, happy, hopeful, and positive, can be like a ‘quick-fix crash diet’ to get some weight off quickly. The instant, easy results may motivate one to lose weight more permanently with a sustainable, sensible nutrition plan and fitness routine, but it will never be a long-term, lasting solution on its own.
I have been practicing energy work and raising my vibration since I was teenager. My practice intensified when I began to study Kundalini Yoga in my 30’s.
Raising one’s energy vibration is a basically a process of expanding and strengthening the aura – our personal energy field. Various energy influences can cause our aura to retract and become diminished, for example as we grow older, or when we are traumatized in childhood. The aura ‘pulls in’ to protect us, much like someone might hunch over when they are being physically attacked.
Poor posture is often the result of the fourth (heart) chakra and the aura retracting to protect the self. Our energy vibration is a combination of the aura and the chakras or energy centers. When you realign and balance the chakras, you basically ‘take out the psychic trash’ and your vibration is heightened.
Having a consistently high vibration, however, can come with its own set of challenges. For example, I cannot wear a watch, for because my vibration tends to make them break down or stop moving. I often have problems with machinery and technology in my environment. I have also been told that went I walk into a room, the vibration changes.
Just like when a really negative person can bring everyone in down, or even make you feel ill, a positive, high vibration can make a room light up. People literally get high off the energy. The feeling is similar to falling in love or after one has given birth to your child. A raised vibration is a kind of low-level euphoria anyone can achieve.
Astrology Forecast May 31 – June 6, 2021
There’s not a lot of astrological movement this week as we enter the month of June, so take some time to reflect and regenerate as the energies of the next few days unfold.
Today’s Aquarius Moon will have us continuing the social chatter we started yesterday, encouraging us to connect with people we’ve lost track of or follow up on a recent conversation.
The Aquarius Moon trine Mercury in Gemini today also heightens our ability to learn new things and exercise good judgment. Today is a great time to take on that daunting project that you have been putting off. You may just be amazed how easily you can figure it out!
The Moon travels through Pisces tomorrow through Thursday, slowing outer movement and calling for internal focus and simplified days.
Venus will move into Cancer on Wednesday, another event that will turn our attention to our emotions and home lives. Loving ourselves more is a theme of Venus as she travels through Cancer, so take some time out for a spa day or to catch up on movies or books that have been waiting for your attention.
We’ll come back to life Friday and Saturday as the Moon marches into assertive Aries, where we can attend unfinished business and restore balance to our worlds.
Sunday’s Taurus Moon adds power to our physical movements, inspiring a clearing out of closets, reviewing finances, or digging in the garden. Whatever we decide to spend Sunday doing, a hands-on approach will serve us well. If you need a little extra help with your finances, the Taurus Moon sextile with Jupiter in Pisces creates the perfect opportunity on Sunday to generate new ideas to increase your income. Use this lunar energy on Sunday to set intentions for manifesting success and prosperity.
Journeys And Destinations
One often hears the saying “It’s about the journey, not the destination.’ But what does it truly mean? I believe the events of the past year has brought many of us to a deeper understanding.
The importance of the ‘journey’ became more evident with so many cultural holidays, birthday parties and family gatherings that had to be cancelled during the worst of the pandemic. For example, the significance of planning these special events became especially obvious this past Christmas, as well as the many cancelled festivals here in Spain.
The Christmas holiday season is usually a hectic time, with much hustle and bustle, including the mandatory family conflicts or ‘differences of opinion.’ But the joy of the season leading up to Christmas and New year is typically a time of excitement, especially for children.
People normally spend lots of time planning these celebrations and the excitement leading up to any gathering is often more fun than the event itself! Not having these occasions to look forward to has created a void in the lives of many people all over the world.
Instead, Christmas 2020 was a difficult time for many. It certainly brought up a myriad of personal challenges and negative emotions, particularly for those unable to visit loved ones, or not being able to have relatives home for the holidays.
Here in Spain, the locals are constantly planning their many fiestas. Each town and province has its own special festivals and cultural traditions, especially in the summer months. I have even witnessed the locals take to the streets in very cold weather, just to enjoy the vibe and camaraderie!
The Spaniards have a deep sense of community and they love letting their hair down whenever they can. Having grown used to the culture here, it made the silence of the empty streets this past year even more jarring than it might have been somewhere else.
Reconnect And Recharge Your Soul
What a crazy place the world is right now! First wave, second wave, third wave. New virus, old virus, mutant virus. To be vaccinated, or not? Fear, chaos, anxiety. Misinformation, conflicting information, false information. What do we trust? Who do we turn to for guidance?
And the pandemic is not our only concern. Scientists are warning us that the polar ice caps are melting faster than they had anticipated, as global warming causes climate change. The oceans are drowning in our plastic waste and animal species are going extinct.
Whatever will be next? Will things ever get better, or will they get worse? Are we worse off than our ancestors? Where will it all end? How do we center ourselves in all the chaos and drama, and foster a sense of inner peace and faith amidst all the upheaval?
The one aspect of this world I completely trust is Mother Nature. The Earth Mother, Terra, Tellus. Our beloved Gaia. Like any other maternal energy, she continually finds a way to cope. She readjusts, heals and rejuvenates.
I believe the planet will find a way to heal, restore and recover. Our Earth Mother has the innate power to sustain herself, despite the assault and abuse by her thankless human offspring. Unlike us feeble humans, Mother Nature does not resort to hysterics, fear and panic.
I believe there is a divine understanding that at different times particular events and changes will unfold, as the world evolves its own destiny.
The other aspect of life that I have complete faith in is my soul, my spirit, my higher self, that remains steadfast within me regardless of what goes on in the outside world.
We Are Never Alone
Extreme loneliness and feeling isolated have become more prevalent over the past year. Distancing ourselves from loved ones, friends and co-workers has not been easy, but being the determined spirits we are, we are all finding new ways to communicate and stay in touch. Yet, it will never be the same as a real-life hug.
Living in a house with several other people also does not shield us from feeling lost in all the chaos and noise that reaches us from the outside world, leaving many of us feeling empty, anxious and downcast.
To navigate these challenging times it is vital to have strong internal center and active spiritual life. Being spiritually aware and grounded empowers us with the knowing that we are never alone. Spiritually conscious souls know that the Universe, Spirit, God, Source, is always with us, supporting us, directing us, and protecting us.
Touching base with Spirit on a daily basis offsets the void of loneliness, fear or despair when it rears its ugly head. Some people do not have a social support system, and this can generate even more severe loneliness, depression and mental health challenges.
It’s important to remember that in our daily prayers and meditations, we are able to send protection, healing light and loving energy to others at a distance. We should be mindful to reach out to others more often and share our ‘spiritual glow’ with them.
It is also helpful to remember that there is always a higher purpose with everything that happens in our world. Keeping this knowledge uppermost in our minds can take us out of panic mode and remind us that faith and trust will bring us through to the other side of this pandemic.
When a sense of loneliness arises, one of the best things you can do is to reach out to someone else who is in a more difficult or less privileged circumstance than yourself. It serves to break the hold that a feeling of solitude can have on us.
Weight Loss Astrology Using The Moon Phases
The past winter has been especially tough on all of us. Many of us are experiencing some form of pandemic fatigue or cabin fever. We’ve baked all our cookies, ordered junk food deliveries, and did the experimental microwave recipes during lockdown. And many of us have put on a pound or two, or more, for sheer comfort’s sake!
But now we’re finally beginning to look ahead again. Spring has sprung here in the Northern Hemisphere and the climate is warming up. We wanna wear less and it’s time to get serious about figuring out how to achieve our best Summer ‘beach body.’
In my own search for weight loss inspiration, I discovered a great formula for women devised by sports nutritionist, astrologer and weight loss guru, Kira Sutherland.
She recommends a diet lasting 12-14 days, starting with your menstrual period. This is apparently the absolute best time to lose weight. Then you stop and return to normal eating, even allowing yourself some well-earned treats. Even I can do that!
If you don’t experience a monthly flow, a bit of astrological research will be needed to follow this diet. If you don’t have your natal birth chart available, or don’t know how to interpret it, you may need to consult a professional astrologer.
What you’re looking for is your Natal Moon Phase Cycle, from New Moon to Balsamic (no, not the salad dressing). At birth, we fall into one of eight cycles of Moon-to-Sun connections that define our Natal Moon Phase.
Once your phase has been determined, it’s time to check out the Ephemeris to note when the transits in the sky mirror the same Moon Cycle that is in your natal blueprint. And when that blessed event occurs every month, it’s time to punch the stop watch and begin your two week Kira Sutherland diet!
After 14 days, stop. You’re done for now. Relax the diet and stop weighing yourself for the next two weeks. You deserve a reward for all that hard work and sacrifice, so feel free to live your best couch potato life! Once the lazy two weeks are at an end, you can begin again on the next moon phase cycle, or at the start of your next period.
How To Practice The Art Of Gratitude
My life has not been without its challenges. Nevertheless, I love my job, have a beautiful son, an adorable husband and supportive friends and family. Therefore, irrespective of current world events, I genuinely have a lot to be grateful for!
Gratitude is beneficial for all of us, including physically, emotionally and spiritually. For one, appreciating the good things in our lives helps us to be more tolerant and forgiving, with a higher sense of life satisfaction. Grateful people also tend to have more hope and inner peace and feel less anxious and alone.
God, Spirit, the Universe loves gratitude! Those who are sincerely grateful are blessed with even more to be grateful for. Like attracts like.
How does one ensure that you practice the art of gratitude ever day? The following guidelines should help:
Seek Out The Positive
In my own personal research into positive psychology, I became aware of something referred to as negativity bias. In case you have not heard of this, it means that our negative thoughts tend to be more dominant than the positive ones.
An excellent way of counteracting this negative way of thinking is to seek out at least three things in your life every day that you are well and truly grateful for. Try to make this a daily habit. By doing so, it should have you smiling in next to no time!
I remember when I was about 26 years old and in a particularly challenging place in my life. I was advised by a psychic, whom I reached out to with my troubles, to watch the film or read the book, The Color Purple by Alice Walker. It is some of the best advice I have every received. Once I had read the last chapter, I felt so grateful for whatever I had in my life.