The Shaman’s Recipe For Energy Cleansing
A shaman in Colorado once taught me a wonderful recipe for energy cleansing or ‘space clearing’ in your home. I have been using it for years and find it a really good alternative to traditional smudging with sage or other herbs.
It requires a few more ingredients than smudging, but it is certainly worth it!
- 2 lemons
- Kosher salt
- Paper cups (1 for each room)
- Water (tap is fine)
- Wind chimes, or singing bowl
- Picture of a deity or angel, or something that symbolizes love and light to you
- Camphor essential oil in a spray bottle
- Jasmine incense, and incense holder
- Lighter
- Sturdy trash bag
Slice the lemons into wedges, and place one wedge into each paper cup filled halfway with water. Place some Kosher salt into each cup and place one cup on the floor of each room, or in a larger space place a cup every 10 feet or so apart on the floor.
Maintain A High Vibration With Constant Awareness
Being aware is the most important component of maintaining a high vibration. We tend to revert to old patterns and habits that cause a lower vibration at times. One needs to be consciously aware and pay attention to these lower vibrations, when they happen, and do something to realign your energy frequency.
When you experience a shift in vibration, there are many great techniques to raise your vibration, such as Transcendental Meditation or Kundalini Yoga… or just something as simple as taking a salt water bath! Another quick way to shift your energy is to put sage oil in a spray bottle of water and spray it over your head, to give yourself a quick cleanse.
You can also maintain a high vibration by keeping your house clean, and asking the angels to bless you with their love and light. Do whatever it takes to shift negative energy in your life into a positive frequency. The longer you stay in a zone of negative energy, the harder it will become to get rid of it.
Your energy frequency plays a vital role in your life, as it defines your connection to both the physical and the spiritual world. Aim to keep your vibration as high as possible at all times, as lower vibrational frequencies are linked to feelings of depression, fear, doubt and anxiety. To keep your vibration high, and maintain it on high in the world we currently live in, is certainly a challenge, but it is worth the effort.
Home Cleansing Ritual
Doing a cleansing, purifying and sealing ritual will refresh your personal space, infusing it with restorative vibrations and a spiritual aura. You can use this ritual any time you feel the energy in your house is dimming, or to bless a new home or office. It will raise the levels of your own well-being, as well as your surroundings.
- 3 white candles
- Cinnamon incense
- 1/4 cup whole cloves
- 4 cups water
- Sage or sweet grass smudge stick (or sage incense)
- Quartz crystals – one for each room in your house
- Sea salt
- Small bowls or dishes – one for each room in your house
Gather the cloves, cinnamon incense, smudge stick, quartz crystals, bowls, and candles, and place it your kitchen. Wear white when performing this ritual and play soothing classical, or instrumental music. Center yourself with a prayer or short meditation to set the mood before you begin.
The Psychic Diet
There are various diets, nutrition programs and recommended eating habits for keeping the mind, body and soul functioning at optimum levels. Healthy nutrition is especially crucial in maintaining our spiritual wellness and psychic intuition. It is vital for psychics, mediums, empaths and energy healers to find an optimal diet that works best for them, because quality metaphysical and psychic work can only be achieved when it is supported by a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
Eating whole foods, drinking plenty of water, and minimal consumption of alcohol, are all good for our psychic attunement, especially for people with intuitive gifts, such as mediums. Eating clean, wholesome food will improve one’s psychic connection.
Some experts believe that a psychic diet should restrict meat consumption, although I do not feel that this is absolutely necessary. Some empaths and energy healers, for example, report taking on the feelings of the animals they consume. A decision to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet is a personal one, and other health concerns, such as anemia or micronutrient shortages must be considered for the individual.
Psychics who do include meat in their diet, should ideally choose organic, free range meats. Some believe it best to stick to only chicken or fish. Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, are considered to be beneficial for all. It’s best to eat organic or locally grown produce whenever possible.
How To Use Crystals In Your Life
Stones and crystals have been sought after throughout human history, especially for the making of jewelry, amulets and ornaments. Many cultures also used them for healing purposes. The Egyptians, Sumerians, and Mayans are especially known for using crystals and stones in their healing rituals. Today these ancient traditions are regarded as pseudoscience.
Interestingly, the crystal structure is the basis of one of the biggest technological advances in the last 50 years. That technological advance is the microchip.
Some scientists attribute the healing potential of crystals to the placebo effect. Yet, despite the mainstream notion that there cannot be any scientific basis to the healing effect of crystals, the metaphysical community remains obsessed with the use of crystals and stones for healing and spiritual purposes.
The metaphysical use of crystals and stones has become a multi-billion dollar industry, and it is not appearing to slow down. Many are drawn to the touch, to the color, and to their properties. Rose quartz heals the heart. Amethyst calms. Citrine improves finances. Black tourmaline releases negative emotions and protects.
In my experience crystals really do have the ability to heal. They uplift people. They connect with us. Crystals heal and transform the environment.
Caring For Mother Earth With Archangel Ariel
Otherwise known as ‘The Angel of Nature’ or ‘Lioness of God,’ Archangel Ariel is the overseer of both the healing and protection of all the plants and animals of Mother Earth. She also manages the care of the natural elements, such as the wind and water, as well as inspiring humans to look after the beautiful God-gifted planet that we live on.
This being the case, her presence is very often felt where conservation projects are taking place, or when any plans are being made to heal the cleanse the environment and heal the planet.
Should you desire to learn more about nature itself, then Archangel Ariel will provide you with valuable insights and opportunities to help both expand your experience and awareness of it.
Furthermore, as the Angel who watches over the planet’s natural resources, she is incredibly helpful in ensuring that your basic needs, such as shelter, food, water and warmth, are always well met. Archangel Ariel also encourages individuals to live life to their fullest potential, by following God’s will of course.
It is also understood that Archangel Ariel is the grand overseer of The Universe itself, including the sun, moon, stars and planets within it.
Drinking Crystal-Charged Water
Drinking crystal-powered water is a must for anyone doing any kind of healing work. It is a great way to boost your immune and nervous systems, clear your mind of negative thoughts, increase your intuition and raise your vibration.
So, how does it work? First, you want to select a crystal that resonates with you. Keep in mind that each crystal and stone has a different metaphysical meaning, quality, energy and vibration.
Quartz crystal is the most powerful for healing work.
Rose quartz and green stones, like Malachite and Aventurine, helps with healing heartbreaks and emotional loss.
Amethyst is good for raising your vibrational and increasing your intuitive ability.
Carnelian is good for giving you a creative boost.
Citrine helps with finding your inner wisdom, will power and healing your childhood wounds.
Red Jasper and Bloodstone are great for releasing fear and anxiety.
Lapis Lazuli is great for helping you be a more effective communicator. It is a great elixir to drink right before giving a speech or having an important meeting.