spiritual awareness
Choosing A Spiritual Path With Heart
There are many blind choices we make when we are too young or inexperienced to make the best decisions for ourselves. We are born into a family, or raised in a culture, for example, with its unique traditions and beliefs, or lack thereof, and we are usually quite susceptible in our youth to these influences.
In the process of becoming an adult, the questioning of such beliefs and traditions leads us towards who we will become, to discovering what truly resonates with us, and what does not. But this is something we may have taken lightly in our youth, and therefore needs to be looked over several times in our life to find out with real sincerity what is truly calling us.
It is possible that being born in a traditional Christian home, for example, we felt constrained and limited, even small and powerless, ultimately causing us to reject all dogmatic religion. For someone else, brought up maybe in an atheist home, the search for God or faith may bring a profound sense of empowerment and life purpose that nurtures their life. It all depends on us as individuals, and how we process our own reality.
Carlos Castaneda writes in The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, “Before you embark on any path ask the question: does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the question; and when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is ready to kill him.”
The Unseen Spirit World Around Us
While traveling this summer, I stayed at in a vacation rental home on the coast of Oregon. It is an older house which has been completely gutted and redone from floor to ceiling. It has every finishing touch you could imagine and is across the street from the beach.
One day, while sitting in the master bedroom with the door partially open, I thought I saw a white, sheepdog push the door open with his nose to come in and greet me. He looked quite happy with his tail wagging. He was adorable and filled with loving energy. I blinked my eyes and looked again, but he was gone? I then realized I had just seen a dog in spirit, who used to live in that house.
Many people have this type of occurrence happen on a daily basis, but do not understand or trust what they see. Often we glimpse things out of the corner of our eye, or peripheral vision, but most of us interpret this as simply being due to our imagination. We thought we saw something, but there was nothing there when we looked again. Unfortunately, our modern culture encourages us to trust only our logical, linear mind over our intuition.
When Spirit shows up in the form of our deceased loved ones from the Other Side, and this includes our departed pets, we can become aware of them through our psychic senses. People who are more sensitive tend to be able to pick up on the subtle presence of Spirits who come to visit.
Shifting Into A Creative Vibrational Frequency
You are more powerful than you may be consciously aware of. You have access to more creative power than you think, and if you want to raise your vibration in the quickest way possible, you need to integrate your physical body with the light of the spirit of your higher self.
When your vibrational frequency shifts into a creative state, you will experience a shift in your health, relationships, income, and your entire life. It is very crucial for you to imagine yourself in the future.
To jump start this process you need to write an outline script for your future life. Find a peaceful, quiet place where you feel comfortable and then start scripting life the way you want it to be in a few year’s time. Write every detail about it, every little detail, whether it seems important or not.
Be true to your own wishes and desires. This outline is not something that you need to show to anyone else. This is for you and you alone. It is your life, you design it. Write in words what you want and how you want it to be. It will start to happen the way you want it to be. Believe!
You need to be in the right state of mind to get down to every detail that you need to write, otherwise it will not be as effective or successful as it can be. If you don’t seem to find the right mind frame to think properly about what you really want, you should invoke the angels and get their help, guidance, and assistance.
Put Your Phone Down, And Start Living!
I was blessed to be born before the arrival of the Internet and smart phone technology. It was a time when kids were playing outside all day, and we often did not want to go home, because we were having too much fun. It was a time when people still connected with each other in person, and on a deeper level. It was a time when we lived life in a much simpler way.
Since then the rise of digital technology and the Internet seemed like it happened overnight, and everyone was instantly hooked, including myself! It was exciting, because information was now just a click away. Communication was faster and easier, and you could ‘connect’ with just about anyone, anywhere, anytime.
But then social media and smart phones came along, and before we realized what hit us, it began to gradually cripple our ability to focus, to truly connect, to be present in the moment, and to be in touch with our spiritual nature. To make matters worse, we started comparing our lives to others: friends, enemies and idols… only to diminish our sense of self-worth.
Last weekend, I was playing the board game Monopoly with my teenage son and his best friend. His friend seemed unable to put his phone down and pay attention to the game. I asked him why, and he said it was because he was addicted to knowing what others were doing, and that he didn’t want to feel “left out.”
Tapping Into Higher Spiritual Consciousness
To experience the spiritual love you are surrounded with, you need to let your heart be open and let it expand freely. It is the same as the spiritual awakening process you undergo by tapping into your higher self, thus easier tapping into the spiritual realm.
The acceleration of energy you feel while this happens, is a result of the change that is taking place inside you and within your surrounding environment. The angel of power is with you throughout this whole process, whether you know that in your conscious mind, or not.
What you need to know is that in the higher realms, the energy is moving much faster than the energy in the lower realms. There is a whole process for you to experience this accelerated energy, so that you can fully tune into the accelerated energy changes that are taking place.
Tapping into the spiritual realm is known to have caused complications and confusion amongst many people, as it is not aligned with the intentions of the highest order of good. But, at the time of awakening, it is like a new beginning that accelerates your energy, which makes you aware of the spirit in the physical form. All at the same time you gain higher awareness in the higher order of the realms.
Awakening Soul To Soul
Awaken Soul to Soul, a 2012 spiritual documentary explores how the current global shift and our personal crises are an impetus to awaken to oneness. The film asks us to examine our deepest levels of connection as a solution to the problems we all face. We can’t possibly begin to solve the common ills of the world unless we realize our shared humanity and spirituality. But how to begin this journey, to awaken our own souls?
One step we can all take is to discover our own spiritual gifts and use them in constructive ways. Intuition, or ‘knowing without knowing,’ for example, is a quality we all have to some degree. Learning to listen to our intuition, or inner guidance, through practice and meditation, will connect us to our own soul, as well as that of others.
This process may involve distancing ourselves from toxicity, including people, places or things with negative energies, as well as the hectic pace and sensory onslaught of the modern world (social media, television news). The psychic part of us, like any other part of our body and soul, does not function at full effect if it is unhealthy.
Becoming aware of our own healing ability, as well as our metaphysical creativity, is also part of the awakening soul. Learning Reiki, or aura reading, for example, will develop extra-sensory gifts, while sharing them with others. Something as simple as creative journaling or free form poetry can be a spiritual release and an awakening of the subconscious.