spiritual awareness
The Healing Power Of The Ocean
In the same way that material things need to be cleansed from time to time, after it has been frequently used or exposed to unwanted environmental influences that can potentially harm it, the human body and the soul also need to be cleansed. It must be done to ensure that the functionality of the mind, body and soul is not affected in adverse ways on the long run.
Ocean healing is one of the best ways to restore our energy balance, both physically and spiritually. It is a very effective and efficient way to cleanse the body, recharge the mind and revitalize the soul.
The healing power of the ocean has been known to us since the dawn of time. Connecting with the ocean heightens our spiritual awareness and inspires a positive change in our life, as the vibrational frequencies of the body, mind, and soul reaches a new high when we are near the water. The currents in the ocean act as a restorative, relaxing, and soothing energy.
There are many creative ways in which you can align yourself with the energy of the ocean. To benefit from this healing power, it is best to spend as much time on or near the ocean as possible. Walk on the beach, go sailing or fishing, or swim in the ocean itself. All these activities bring you closer to the ocean’s healing ability. You can go with someone, or you could go alone, either way, without your conscious mind even realizing it, your body, mind, and soul will find healing by you spending time by the water.
Is Time Speeding Up, Or Are We Being Prepared?
I’ve been saying for years that I feel as though time is speeding up. I remember, as a very young child, excited to go on an outing with my grandparents, feeling as though that ‘magic hour’ when we would be leaving, would never arrive.
I also remember my grandmother telling me, “Don’t be in any hurry to grow up. Time speeds up as you get older. Before you know it, years will fly by like weeks.” I’ve always remembered her words and I try to take her advice into consideration when contemplating the idea of time literally speeding up.
But, I still can’t wrap my head around what feels to me as ‘lost time.’ I feel as though I am somehow being cheated out of my time here on Earth.
I look around and I see people my age who don’t appear to look in their mid 40’s. And, when looking at old photos of my parents, and how much older they looked at my age. I have to wonder if time is really speeding up and causing us not to age as rapidly as our parents did? But, in reality the appearance of aging could be due to environmental factors. Our lives may not be anywhere near as difficult as our forefathers lives were.
What You Might Not Know About Reincarnation
Reincarnation, or the rebirth of our spiritual form into different bodies over time, is a broadly accepted concept across many spiritual traditions and cultures. It is a natural extension of the Law of Karma, which tells us that there is no cause without effect, nor effect without a cause. But beyond the basic concept, many of us don’t know very much about this eternal cycle.
Nature is full of these ongoing cycles: the planets in their orbits, the seasons here on Earth. We, in both our physical and spiritual states, are no different. At the moment of conception, our cells begin to multiply at exponential, and highly patterned rates, until the time comes for our physical birth. It is widely believed that each soul, or reincarnated spirit, enters the body when we first draw breath.
It is the agents of karma, among them the angels, who decide, for specific reasons, which souls will occupy each new body. Perhaps there are lessons to be learned or obstacles to overcome. The point is, it is believed that we ourselves do not choose.
In many spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism, the purpose of reincarnation is such that each soul may learn the requisite number of lessons in physical form to ultimately achieve enlightenment, or nirvana. One truth not commonly known is that many more souls exist in the Universe than there are physical people on Earth. A soul may not be reborn immediately following one death; it may wait for hundreds or thousands of years.
The Return Of The Divine Feminine
Sometimes when I do psychic readings, I sense a powerful female presence from Spirit, with wings spread wide, who appears to be lending strength and support to my clients. I recognize her as the Egyptian Goddess Isis, or by her Greek name, Auset.
When Goddess Isis comes into a reading, I know that serious business is at hand and that my client needs to be brave, strong, and to believe in themselves. This brings in the grander subject of the Divine Feminine and how that is showing up during my client’s reading.
The awakening of the feminine is alive and happening all around us, and more widely recognized now than ever before. The rise of the Divine Feminine is showing up in all sorts of arenas, including the corporate workplace. Women, as a whole, are speaking up and no longer have much tolerance for sexual discrimination, lower pay rates, or other outmoded ways of female disempowerment.
However, the interesting thing about the Divine Feminine is that it has a quality of power that is not based on forcefulness. It works more in alignment with the psychic realm and intuition. The Divine Feminine works in harmony with what is, and ways to empower everyone.
Becoming Your Best Self
Know that Spirit is always beckoning you to become your best self. Stay open for the positive to emerge and, with open arms, joyously welcome the blessings of health and wellness, inner peace and wisdom, blissful love, streams of prosperity, and all that your heart desires.
Make a huge effort to quiet the chatter in your world and listen to your inner voice. This may mean muting your television, or not checking in with social media as often. Your quiet time might also manifest through long walks in nature, or soaking in a tub of warm water scented with your favorite essential oils and surrounded by candlelight.
However you choose to silence the outside world and tune in to the sacred realm, trust that your experience will be golden as Spirit will be guiding you to become your best self ever.
Know that you have the gift and ability to visualize and actualize the life you are seeking. See your life as you would love it to be, and ask Spirit to help you define your very best self. Often we set the bar far too low for our best selves. In this manner we cheat ourselves and miss out on fulfilling the divine purpose of our lives.
Opening Your Third Eye
The Third Eye has been known since ancient times to be a gateway to psychic ability. It is known in the psychic field for its role in deep intuition and spiritual clarity.
Many experts further associate the pineal gland, a tiny organ in the brain, next to the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, with the Third Eye. Biologically, this gland serves a number of essential functions, from circadian rhythms to the regulation of hormones.
We can maximize this tiny, but critical part of our spiritual being, by ‘opening’ and activating the Third Eye completely. Some experts believe that detoxification, specifically from calcium phosphate, is necessary to awaken its higher functions. Calcium phosphate is a chemical found in many of the foods we eat, as well as associated with fluoride found in drinking water.
Over time, as the pineal gland becomes calcified, we lose the ability to see the world as it truly is – unified with the spirit realm. It is the spiritual equivalent of a pair of glasses with scratched or clouded lenses. Eating a nourishing, beneficial assortment of foods, as well as drinking purified water, will help to rid the body of the toxins that has accumulated in the pineal gland and therefore clouds the Third Eye. A variety of organic supplements and essential oils, when added to an improved diet, can also speed the process.