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A Foundation Of Well-Being For The Psychic Medium

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I recently enrolled in a year-long mediumship development course. One of the introductory topics we have been exploring in the course material is the importance of self-awareness and recognizing what affects your personal and spiritual well-being.

This is crucial in psychic and mediumship work, as various factors can affect one’s overall well-being and ability to perform optimally during a reading. As a psychic medium, you have an obligation to provide the best possible guidance to your clients by taking good care of yourself.

And even if you follow various self-care practices and know what you need to do to maintain your well-being, there will be days when you simply do not feel your best. Therefore, it is also important to be self-aware and able to recognize when you are out of alignment with the source of your being or feeling “out of sorts.”

The mediumship course explores several interesting topics and aspects of self-awareness beyond what is generally experienced on a daily basis. For example, negative energy in your environment, tension and conflict in relationships, and worries about people, pets, or finances. It is also important to recognize that we are all unique and that what may significantly affect one individual may not have the same effect on another.

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The Difference Between Ghosts And Spirits

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The terms “ghost” and “spirit” are often used interchangeably, but there are significant differences in how they’re traditionally understood.

Over the years, I have found that it is quite common for people to sometimes confuse ghosts with the spirits of their deceased loved ones, primarily because both concepts involve entities that are no longer living in the physical world.

However, understanding the distinction between these two types of entities is important for those seeking comfort, closure, or communication with the afterlife, especially in the context of mediumship readings and spiritualism.

Our emotional connection to the deceased often influences how we interpret paranormal experiences. Grief, longing, and love can make us more receptive to signs and spiritual energies that we believe are from our deceased loved ones.

Without a clear understanding of the differences between ghosts and spirits, any unusual paranormal activity may be misinterpreted as evidence of a loved one’s presence.

While both ghosts and spirits are spiritual phenomena related to the survival of human consciousness beyond the death of the physical body, there are distinct differences in these two types of entities’ connection to the physical world and their level of progression or transition into the afterlife.

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The Magical Ways Spirits Contact Us

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI was recently heartened to learn that a good friend of mine has embarked on an exploratory journey to better understand his psychic abilities and the direction of his spiritual path.

He shared with me his amazement that since he began his developmental journey, more and more spirits have been reaching out to him and asking, “Why me? To which I replied, “Why not you?”

It’s common for spirits to try to communicate with those of us who are more sensitive and receptive. People who are more open to spirit contact tend to experience more paranormal activity and visitations from the deceased.

It is important to note that once you open this particular door to the other side, you may experience an onslaught of souls trying to get your attention.

You have the right to let spirit know that you are willing to listen and communicate only when they present themselves one at a time, and only when you are available and it is convenient for you to do so. It is important to set firm boundaries to ensure that your personal time and energy is respected and protected.

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Spiritual Is Sometimes Just Coffee, Cats, And Crochet

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I’m not working, spirit still comes to me when I’m in a very relaxed, mindful state. This often happens when I’m having my early morning coffee. Usually it is my guides telling me what to focus on for the day.

Sometimes I also perceive the name of a client who will be contacting me that day, or some information about a person in my life, or even a warning about something I need to be aware of.

The communication is always very clear, direct and significant, so I have made it a habit to always have my journal with me, especially when I have my morning coffee. That way I don’t miss or forget anything, as I sometimes did in the early days.

I also often receive spirit messages when I spend time with my sweet cats. Cats are little Zen Reiki healers, their purrs have a hertz frequency that is very healing and conducive to a spiritual state of mind. For some reason I can also see people’s auras better when the cats are around.

Another time my psychic awareness is heightened is when I am crocheting and suddenly I just know things. I “zone out” a bit and then answers just come to me about things I have been wondering about for myself and those I love.

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Shamanism – The Original Spiritual Practice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn recent years there has been an avid interest in shamanism. A myriad of books, seminars and extensive training programs around the world reveal a keen exploration of indigenous cultures and their connection with nature, their healing techniques (such as soul retrieval) and the role of power animals or totems.

Shamanism, in its classical sense, comes from the regions of Siberia and Central Asia and the term ‘shaman’ originates from the Tungusic word saman (masculine) or samana (feminine). The term shaman has been interchanged with ‘medicine man’, ‘sorcerer’, and ‘magician’ – but a shaman is so much more. The shaman is traditionally a central figure in the community: mystic, poet, healer, communicator with the unseen realm and psychopomp (leader of souls).

Personal experiences in the realm of shamanism are typically very euphoric and relaxing, and are often also described as dream-like, or an ecstatic experience. The divine calling of the shaman or shamanic practitioner manifests in several different ways:

• Divine calling from spirit (ecstatic dream, illness, or near-death experience)
• Hereditary through family lineage
• Apprenticeship
• Individual choice

All of these means of being “called to spirit” involves initiation and ritual in some form. Every clan, tribe or culture around the world pass on, through tradition, their teachings, rituals and creation stories. They all have a central theme, however, namely the ability to communicate with the unseen realm to gain knowledge, healing, the ability to ‘conquer death,’ and that we are all part of both the spiritual and physical realities.

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Spirit Messages Through Signs And Synchronicities

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people go through life without ever realizing that their spirit guides, ancestors, and deceased loved ones are communicating with them on a regular basis. Spirit is constantly reaching out to us from the other side, but it requires the recipient to be spiritually aware and attentive in their daily life.

The most powerful and easiest way to receive messages and guidance from spirit is to get a psychic or mediumship reading from a reputable psychic or medium.

The next best way to receive messages from spirit is through our dreams, especially visitation dreams in which we interact or have conversations with loved ones. We are most open to spirit communication when we are in the dream state.

Of course, some people are naturally more open to receiving messages from spirit, but anyone can increase their psychic awareness and become more attuned to spirit communication.

The first important step is to adopt a daily spiritual practice that raises your vibration and increases your awareness, such as meditation, prayer, divination, journaling, dreamwork, breathwork, chanting, ceremonies, or rituals.

The next step is to become more aware of signs and synchronicities in daily life. Signs from the spirit realm can include visual apparitions; smells (perfume, cigarette smoke); animals, insects, and other natural phenomena (birds, butterflies, ladybugs, rainbows); objects (coins, feathers); repeating numbers, words or thoughts; specific songs or music; or electrical activity (dimming lights, turning appliances on and off).

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How To Truly Honor Our Departed Loved Ones

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI attended a service recently at the local spiritualist centre that I found particularly meaningful. One of the spirit messages channeled by a visiting medium was for a recently bereaved man in the congregation. The grieving gentleman had been dealing with many mixed emotions since the passing of his spouse.

At first the medium provided the man with undeniable evidence that it was indeed his late wife who was making contact. She relayed several factual details and personal memories that only the man and his wife could possibly know of. This was especially evident from the amazed expression on his face in reaction to everything the medium was saying.

The deceased wife then admitted to being somewhat of a ‘firecracker’ during their 50-year marriage. She further confessed that towards the end of her life she had become especially difficult to deal with and said many hurtful things to him. She acknowledged that despite her unkind behavior he consistently remained patient with her and thanked him for his kindness and forbearance.

The man then confirmed that his late wife had suffered a series of mini-strokes that altered her mental state. She had also been prescribed medication that further affected her mood and behavior in a negative way. The wife then asked for his forgiveness and encouraged him to stop focusing so much on the negative memories of their final months together.

“She is asking you to please think more often of your special moments together,” said the medium.

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