This Puzzling Phenomenon Of Apports
Many of us have experienced how items have mysteriously moved in our environment, only to reappear in the most unexpected of places. Often these are trinkets, like jewelry which have special links to a loved one. Crystals and other precious stones are sometimes also moved around by spirit.
Whatever the items, they are often the ‘calling cards’ of a deceased loved one or a specific spirit guide. This puzzling phenomenon of an object disappearing, and then materializing out of thin air, is known as an apport. Spiritualism was at the height of its popularity in the late 1800s. Thousands of séances were being held all over the Western world. Much was also documented about apports, or gifts from the spirits: shells, small trinkets, fossils, coins, feathers, flowers, and even items previously mislaid by the attending sitters suddenly appearing in front of them.
For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought ~ Edmund Spenser
Some 30 years ago, I used to do some grocery shopping for pensioners in the area where I lived. One such pensioner was known as Nan Lightfoot. She was a medium in the spiritualist church in her younger years. After bringing in her shopping and packing it away, Nan would make us a cup of coffee. Often, right in the middle of a general conversation, she would suddenly shift from English into broad Welsh!
During the Welsh chatter, Nan Lightfoot was receiving messages from one of her Ancestral Guides. She was originally Welsh. She would come out of these communications looking quite dazed, and she’d roll her head back and forth, before telling me what her guide had told her.
During one of the very first channeling sessions I experienced with Nan Lightfoot, she had described a young spirit girl around me who said her name was “Lali.” She told me how this little girl was pointing to an area of water, as well giving me a description of how the girl looked. That little girl was a friend I made as a youngster in the Canary Islands. She was, like me, a very lonely child, also from a show business family. Lali had drowned on the beach front on Christmas Day, before I left the Islands, and Nan Lightfoot said she had connected herself to me.
However, what came next blew me away! Nan Lightfoot then said: “Lali is telling me that she loves to play in your jewelry boxes.” I must admit, I often wondered why they were always so messy inside! The items would be so tangled and untidy, and being so obsessive-compulsive about order and tidiness at that point in my life, the messiness didn’t make sense. Now it all did make sense, but it didn’t bother me at all, as long as Lali was enjoying herself.
Happiness is a simple game of lost and found: Lose the things you take for granted, and you will feel great happiness once they are found ~ Richelle E. Goodrich
A few years later, it did occur to me that perhaps the shock of what had happened to Lali with her drowning, and the way she was attached to me, was preventing her from moving on, so I worked on encouraging her to move ahead and to the Light.
I have had other interesting experiences with apports. During my late teens, I was invited to a demonstration of levitation by my Yoga teacher. She levitated several feet off the ground – a human apport before my eyes!
Another experience which took place some eighteen years ago remains fresh in my mind’s eye. This happened during a closing meditation on the last evening of a week’s psychic development workshop. Several classes were brought together in the magnificent auditorium at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research, at Stansted Hall in the United Kingdom. The vibrancy of the energy that night was phenomenal. We sat in a circle around a huge flower arrangement in a basket. After prayer and during the mediation which followed, that basket lifted three feet into the air before my very eyes.
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Amazing story! Thank you Shani.
I learn something new from you each time, Shani. This is fascinating, thank you.