News and Views From The Psychic Access Community


It’s Always Darkest Before The Dawn

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comConcepts of the Divine, with an ever-changing definition, have been part of the human experience since the beginning of time.  Most of the world’s people throughout history continue to recognize a place for divinity in life.

Our spiritual journey, throughout the ages, has been steeped in mystery and often, superstition and dogma. Organized religions have historically attempted to answer deep questions, and have sometimes provided comfort and solace to people during times of upheaval.

However, the most important questions have been left unanswered. For example, we know precious little about ancient, prehistoric cultures that worshiped the Sacred Feminine. Earliest recorded myths and legends have been lost or destroyed, and most stories that remain portray not only a divine battle of the sexes, but a difficult, contentious relationship between the divine and human beings.

The Greek gods, for example, were capricious and mean-spirited. They plotted all sorts of obstacles that humans either did, or did not overcome in order to survive. Guile and trickery also set the stage for many myths from various indigenous cultures, in early human-god myth making.

With the rise of monotheistic religions, mankind was taught to blindly accept whatever lot the almighty doled out, fairly or unfairly. Emphasis was placed on omnipotent power, absolute authority and greatness, beyond any human capacity to comprehend, much less participate in.

These attitudes toward humans’ relationship with God have been echoed in authoritarian family and community practices, and even the military forces of nations. God became the ‘Almighty Father in the Sky’ issuing strict orders. There was no room for questioning in an authoritarian family or society. “Because I said so,” was reason enough to blindly obey. Punishment for infractions or disobedience was swift and sure.

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Can A Christian Be Psychic?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI am often asked if I personally have a problem being a professional psychic, as well as a Christian. Some people seem to feel that working as a psychic is against the teachings of the Bible.

Growing up in a Christian, church-going family I was never taught that being a psychic was something considered as being wrong in the Bible.

Not only were we brought up in the Christian faith, but I also come from a long line of psychics in my family. Being both psychic and Christian is something that was never considered strange in my family; to us it was normal.

The Bible has accounts of many great prophets that did amazing things. Not only did some of them contribute to the actual writing of the Bible, but they were also a part of many miracles and wonders. They made a difference in the outcome of important Biblical events. They were the messengers of God.

The calling of a psychic is very similar to the work of a prophet. I guess it is just on a smaller scale? When a psychic does a reading they see many things from the past, the present and the future, the same way the prophets did in the Bible.  The prophets were there to help, guide, advise and warn of coming danger, the same way modern psychics read for their clients.

Being born a psychic or medium is a God-given talent and calling. Did you know that one of the world’s most well-known psychics, Edgar Cayce, was also a devout Christian who read through the whole Bible once every year. Why should a psychic, who received his gifts from God, be persecuted as someone who is doing evil?

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Power Of Love, Or Love Of Power?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou may be familiar with the myth about the city of Atlantis and the civilization that is believed to have once existed there. The inhabitants of Atlantis are also believed to have been very advanced spiritually, much more than we are today. They were a psychic people and possibly communicated telepathically. They were able to build amazing structures and move impossibly large objects, and also do other amazing things that would be unheard of at that time.

The Atlanteans also used crystals, like some of us do today, and they had a higher spiritual or cosmic consciousness. It certainly must have been a very saintly realm. But, as the story goes, there came the influence of a dark, negative energy that made material things look more and more attractive to this advanced people. They turned to material desires and increasingly sought material gain and self-indulgence.

Sometimes it seems we are also going the same way. These days people are more interested in personal gain, getting rich, and owning more. Personally, I find it very sad and disturbing. I believe the first downfall for Atlantis was when they started applying their spiritually advanced abilities for the purpose of self-indulgence and material prosperity.

I don’t want this to happen to life as we know it for us. I am very fortunate to work with some of the best psychics on the internet at Psychic Access. We all have a true gift and we use it to help and guide others, and serve our fellow man. But there are also those in our field who also have the gift, but they use it for self-gain and profit, certainly not to help others. They live selfishly and for self enrichment.

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We Can Co-Create A More Caring World

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEach part of our body has many functions, many parts. Some we can see and some, of course, we cannot. Each has a very important function and serves a role that helps our body to work and operate well.

For our body to continue to run well, we have to take care of all the parts. We must ensure, for example, that we don’t drink too much alcohol, or eat too many processed foods, because if we do it could ruin our health. But healthy living goes beyond our physical lifestyle. If we think negative thoughts, or are emotionally bitter or cynical, then we also promote disease in the human body.

It also goes beyond our own life and body. Our planet is also a living, breathing body and all the smaller parts of our wonderful world must also run smoothly, in order for nations and countries to survive and grow, and for all to live in peace and harmony.

If we all do our job, and we are all on the same team with the same values, such as harmony, love and peace, we could have a gloriously peaceful, harmonious world. We are aware of things like corruption, greed and dysfunctional politics. These evil practices go on and make for ripples of constant negativity. Sometimes we see it in horrible ways, where lives are ruined and destroyed.

We all have different talents and gifts. If we all listened to the messages from our higher consciousness, and acted on them, we could co-create a meaningful change in the world.  If we all did our part, and maybe weren’t so complacent, and really listened and heeded our true calling, we may be able to work together – just like our body uses all of its parts to function. We are all one in spirit and we are all connected. We must all contribute.

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Small Gestures Of Kindness In A Time Of Cruelty

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople are feeling anxious and uncertain with what has been happening in the world in recent months. Many are fearful and stressed, and unsure how to act appropriately in these strange times. Some act out in destructive or dramatic ways, taking their frustration out on others.

It is common knowledge that the digital age and social media has spawned a generation of computer warriors and online bullies who express their insecurities and fears, in often extremely mean and cruel ways, from the comfort of their living rooms and basements. This savage lack of empathy and decorum has seemingly now spilt over into our streets and neighborhoods too, in the midst of a global pandemic.

It is easier for many to be critical and judgmental, to complain and argue, instead of facing facts, dealing with the truth and seeking lasting solutions. Often not knowing the entire story, many people choose to see only see one side of things, while telling others off for disagreeing with their limited point of view. The computer has unfortunately given some people a platform to spread strife and hatred, instead of love, hope and kindness.

I pray that more people will strive to seek the truth and learn to look for the good and kind in others. Showing tolerance, patience and kindness is always the better, more open approach. And always remember that if someone attacks you directly, then it often means they are somehow struggling or hurting. It usually serves no real purpose to attack them back.

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When We Fear The Turning Of The Tide

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAt this time in our world each person must examine their own thoughts and feelings on important issues. You might ask, “What does it matter what I think or feel? I am only one person nobody cares about my opinion!” Well, if everyone felt their voice did not matter, we would never create any change in our world.

It can be very difficult to find your own voice sometimes. To find your voice is to go within and discover your own truth. Each of us have a unique view of the world we live in.

It can be very challenging to speak your mind, especially is a group situation where others think differently. We often remain silent, because we fear rejection if we should stand alone in our beliefs and opinions.

The opinions of others can make us question our own judgment and shake our confidence. We become self-critical. Feelings of fear arise in us. We doubt our ability to express ourselves in a way that others will respect and understand.

The opposite is true also. When things are going along just fine in our personal world, it is often hard to realize and understand that not all people think and feel they way we do. People tend to associate for the most part with others that think and feel the same way.

It is easy to get comfortable in our own world, and avoid what is going on around us. But some point we will have no choice but to pull our head out of the sand. Even if we don’t realize it, the energy of a changing tide does affect all of us.

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A Unique Time For Human Connection

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis is a unique opportunity in human history. We have more time now to expand our awareness and understanding, and to take the guidance from the sages of the ages to find peace in a tumultuous situation. One of the most unique aspects of the current situation is related to human connection.

At a time when we are being asked to practice social distancing, we also have a unique opportunity to be connected through social media and video conferencing. I am amazed at the opportunity that the miracle of technology has given us. Many of these technologies were not available 20 years ago.

Recently, I have been seeing stories about the kindness and compassion people are showing during this time. All the communication technology we have at our disposal enables us to connect with one another at a deeper level.

I would also recommend not focusing too much of your mental and emotional attention only on yourself at this time. The current situation is not just about you, and when we focus too much energy on what we are going to do or how this will affect us on a personal level, it only increases our sense of anxiety about the unknown.

If you are currently finding yourself with more free time, also do not just use this as an opportunity to only binge on television or movies. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with watching television or movies, but this is also an opportunity to expand your interpersonal connections in a unique way. This is a time where we can extend our energies on compassion and kindness toward our fellow humans.

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