The Blessing Of True Friendship
Too often we make a self-limiting choices in life based on negative past experiences, which then keeps you from enjoying new, wonderful experiences, meeting new people, or learning a new talent or skill. To truly be free we must allow ourselves to let go and just be. We must remain willing to live an authentic life and selectively make ourselves vulnerable. Replaying the past over and over in your mind is draining and counter-productive.
I normally don’t open myself up easily to new friendships. I work with people all day, so that is how I get much of my social interaction. I love to help people and my clients are pretty much my family. I feel very connected to my regular callers, as they tend to be the most open-hearted and like-minded people. In my personal life I haven’t been so lucky, as many people are just not open to the alternative ideas, lifestyles and beliefs. In fact, some people are completely closed-off and narrow-minded about the mystical and the metaphysical.
I am not alone in this. A 2019 study, for example, revealed that the average American hasn’t made a new friend in five years. The study also found that he average american has three best friend and five reasonably good friends, as well as about eight people they like but do not spend any time with. However, this does not automatically guarantee that these people we consider to be our friends always feel the same way about us. A 2016 study found that this is probably only true for about half of friendships. Yes, only 50 percent of our perceived friendships are actually mutual and reciprocal!
Recently, I took a chance on a new friendship outside my work life, and I am very blessed to say that it reminded me that it’s okay to let the walls down so sometimes, and not to worry about stepping on toes or feeling like you have to walk on egg shells. I guess we just need to be smart about our choices. I have always been drawn to calm, centered, casual people who have a good sense of humor.
Your Personal Shift Into Conscious Living
Every day we run into people. We meet clerks, bus drivers, cashiers and all kinds of people that we bump into around the neighborhood.
We greet and are greeted in different ways. We pick up on other peoples energies based on how they treat us, and sometimes we can telepathically feel what they are feeing and telling us with their eyes.
It’s up to us, each of us, to give light or darkness in every single interaction we have with one another.
I hope to empower each and every person and inspire everyone who reads this at this very moment. I want us to awaken from this very sleepy realm we live in; this physical weighed down realm.
I hope everyone will feel uplifted by my words and recognize that our actions and thoughts and every will be judged one day. Ultimately we will be the ultimate ones that judge ourselves. I want us to empower one another and ourselves. I want us to awaken!
There is a global shift in consciousness occurring. It’s been unfolding for some time now, and will continue to happen. The veil is thinning.
Those of us who have developed our inner psychic center and have tapped into that part that allows us to sense and feel more deeply, know that we are entering a new era in the evolution of humanity. We are evolving at a very rapid rate and those who are remaining stagnant and are unwilling to explore the intuitive and spiritual parts of their mind and psyche are still living in the narrow-minded classical realm.
I truly feel it’s time and a call has been put out to me to share this. If you already live in the quantum realm you will know exactly what I’m speaking of. Those of us who already live a conscious fifth dimensional life in a third dimensional world, know our place in the universe and are doing our best to make that difference for the greater good of mankind, our amazing planet and all its living beings, plants and animals. We are all connected. We are all neighbors, brothers and sisters.
Balance, Flow And Your Perception
So much of our lives seems to be about balance. We spend so much time and energy trying to become more balanced. We are taught that if we balance our life things will be easier. If we are balanced we will be more in tune with nature. Balance your checkbook. Balance your weight. Balance your spiritual life and lifestyle. So many people feel as though they have failed themselves by never achieving this balance.
Well, maybe we are going about it all wrong. There was a time when I believed all things in this universe were balanced. But, when you really stop to think about it. Nothing in this universe is balanced. It is continually flowing.
If we think about our solar system. It isn’t balanced at all. It continuously flows. The planets move in a procession through space. Harmonizing gracefully with one another. Rivers flow. Water flows. Our bodies, comprised mostly of water, flow. The blood in our veins, flows.
Our minds are never still, our thoughts are constantly flowing. Glass, may appear to be solid, but in reality, it is forever flowing. Look at a piece of glass that has been in the same position for 75 or 100 years. The bottom is thicker and the top is thinner. As, gravity has pulled it. It has flowed.
So, again maybe we can learn something from nature. Instead of trying to balance everything, which by the way is impossible. Maybe, we should focus more on finding ways to flow harmoniously through our life. If we are forever trying to do the impossible, we are forever defeated. The world isn’t going to stop and allow us to balance it. So, instead of working against it, we should figure out where we fit into it, and just go with it.
If you don’t know where you fit in the bigger scheme of things, look at it like this: the universe and nature aren’t concerned with the material things. And, maybe we shouldn’t be so consumed by them either. Maybe we should step away from our computers, television sets and phones and try to learn a little bit more about who we really are, as well as about each other.
Two Easy Ways To Start Meditating!
Meditation is the go-to spiritual practice for millions of people all over the world. Not only does it offer incredible benefits for clarity of mind and overall well-being, it is also a powerful self-care tool to help us navigate our lives for our highest good.
But, for newbies getting started with a meditation practice can be challenging at first. I often hear people say, “I can’t meditate, I fall asleep every time,” or “Oh, I tried meditating, but I got too distracted, because I can’t properly clear my mind.”
If this sounds like you, please know that many beginners struggle with the notion that in order to ‘properly’ meditate, one must sit motionless, eyes closed, and clear your mind of all thoughts, and that an inability to do so means that they’ve failed to meditate, or that meditation is ‘not for them.’
The truth is meditation is called a ‘practice’ because it really does take practice to develop and master. But that does not mean it has to be complicated or difficult. Anyone can learn to meditate. To develop your meditation skills more easily, I suggest you begin with a meditation routine in one of two ways: guided meditation, or nature meditation.
Guided Meditation
We have ease of access to guided meditations these days due to convenient advances in digital technology. Gone are the days of having to attend a meditation class in person, or struggling with audio cassette tapes! These days high quality guided meditations can be instantly downloaded or streamed from various websites, apps, and social media platforms. All you need is your smartphone, and a pair of earphones or a headset.
The Babysitter’s Near-Death Experience
While I was working out at the gym one day, I saw a little old lady who used to babysit me and my brothers when we were little children. I will never the wonderful times we had with her. She was always making it so much fun. She wasn’t on the phone all the time or watching television. She wasn’t ignoring us kids like so many of the other babysitters my mother sometimes hired for us.
When I spotted her and her daughter in the gym, I walked over to greet her, and told her that I remember her very well. I also thanked her for giving me some wonderful memories and teaching me so many valuable life lessons. The one thing I specifically remember her telling me was to always be careful about what we “put into our minds.”At a young age she had already made me realize that what we think about can either help us or harm us. I have always held on to that wisdom in my life. Because it is truly worth more than gold.
One time, I asked her how she knew so much about things. She looked at me and said,“Moon, you know what, I died once.”
“What? No way!” I responded. I went to catholic school growing up, and near-death experiences were certainly not the kind of thing we were learning about in class.
“Yes, I was in the hospital,” she continued. “I had a major operation and I could not wake up afterwards.” Apparently, she had flatlined during surgery and they had struggled to revive her.
“I am very lucky to be here,” she said and then shared some very interesting things with me about her near-death experience (NDE). I still remember that when she first left her body her parents were both there to meet her and she could hear loved ones on the other side of the tunnel having fun. I also remember she said she felt like a ball of light at the time and that it felt so good. The next moment she was being pulled back into her body. Continue reading
The Spiritual Path Of The Wandering Nomad
A recent chat with a relative about my plans for the future reminded me of a first cousin who once remarked on my nomadic lifestyle, “You really don’t seem to stay in one place for more than ten minutes!” A friend once also pulled my leg about needing to buy a new Rolodex, because I was filling hers up with all my constantly changing addresses from all over the world (those were the days before contacts could be more easily stored on a smart phone).
According to Astrology, I was supposed to get settled early in life as a Cancerian, by creating a permanent home and haven, and having a family with several children. Well, this was never the case. I thought the desire to settle down might come as years passed, but it never happened.
I also never became broody. I would become motherly over a puppy, kitten or other young animal, but I never felt the desire to have children of my own.
Over many years of personal growth and spiritual exploration, I have gained a deeper understanding and greater clarity regarding the choices I have been making in this lifetime.
Astrologically, for example there is a strong Gemini influence in my natal chart which is contributing to my restlessness, as well as Leo fueling my creativity and my sense of determination. I am not am expert astrologer by any stretch of the imagination, but the way it was explained to me by a professional astrologer made perfect sense.
A past life regression session also revealed that I had conceived many children in previous incarnations and that the desire to have offspring of my own this time around was not a part of the blueprint.
I found the matter particularly challenging when I was younger. I would be dating a wonderful guy who really wanted to settle down with me and longed to have a family, but the mere thought of having my wings clipped by marriage and motherhood was always unthinkable to me. So, many good relationships ended because we really were not on the same page about settling down and having children.