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How To Choose The Best Psychic Medium

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf 30 years ago, someone were to ask me what a medium exactly was, I would have said that it is someone who connects with those who have passed away. A typical response, you might say.  However, over the years, I have come to learn that there are different types of mediums, all of whom have something unique to offer by way of a psychic reading or channeling.

Should you be interested in employing the services of a medium, you would be wise to look at your particular needs, discuss these with the medium you feel the most connected to, and see how they can help you. Doing so should help you to get the very best out of your experience.

For the sake of your clarity, and for you to gain the best mediumship experience, here is what you need to know about choosing the right kind of medium for your particular needs.

Mental Mediumship

Mediumship of the mind. As the name suggests, this type of medium connects with their spirit guides using telepathy or extra-sensory perception (ESP). Their psychic abilities enable them to hear (clairaudience), see (clairvoyance) and feel or sense (clairsentience) messages from the world of spirit. Their messages typically involve afterlife validation that life continues after our passing, messages of love from the Other Side, and evidence that our loved ones are still around us.


Clairvoyance means ‘clear seeing,’ in that the psychic can see through their third eye or the mind’s eye. Personally, I tend to receive premonitions of a more visual nature. Clairvoyants see mental images, symbols or visions of an outcome to a particular situation. Some can also see spirit in the form of light orbs, physical apparitions and other visual phenomena.

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The Karma Of Animal Cruelty

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOur cats, dogs and all the other wonderful animals we call our pets are like tiny buddhas. We receive wisdom from them in so many ways. They never use words to convey anything, only feeling. If we are in-tune with them, and watch their behavior, we get a sense of how they are feeling.

Venturing into the Akashic record, to read for my clients, I have come to understand that much of our karma is based on how we not only treat ourselves and other humans, but also our fur friends and every other living being on this planet.

And in my experience, karma seems to bear an especially heavy weight when it comes to the animals. To my knowledge, those who abuse and mistreat animals will pay a severe price for it in their spiritual growth and soul evolution. In fact, many people return in a next life as the very animal they hurt, and will experience the same, or worse infliction they put upon that animal.

Animals are creatures of God, messengers of Love. They are here to teach us how to co-exist with each other with compassion and unconditional love. They show us how to share space, heal with touch and communicate telepathically. Some cat owners, for example, will tell you how their cats begin to circle around them and purr whenever they are meditating, or engaging in other forms of spiritual practice, which heightens their energy frequency and spiritual awareness.

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Seeing The Real World Of The Heart

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a woman and mother, I have questions about things happening in my world. As an intuitive empath, I receive questions that others have about things happening in their world. A recent experience sums up what I consider to be the most reliable source of inner wisdom, and where answers can be accessed by all of us.

I was awake one night with the energetic sensation of a specific situation permeating my experience. I could feel the energy in each expansion of my chest, as I inhaled. It filled my every breath, my every sense. My mind questioned, but I heard the guiding whisper of God in my soul say, “The real world is in the heart.”

There are spiritual dimensions of reality that are deeper, finer, subtler, more substantial than what is evident on the surface in the physical world. The door that opens to them is within the heart. There is truly more than meets the eye.

This realization reminded me of the illustration plates in the anatomy section of my parents’ encyclopedia, which fascinated me when I was a child. It wasn’t the human body per se that so intrigued me; it was the way the transparencies overlaid one another to form the whole picture.

At the top of them all was the skin, creating a picture of a human the way I was accustomed to see. As I turned the first page, I got a glimpse of something I had felt but never seen directly before with my eye, namely muscles. Page by page continuously showed deeper levels of anatomy beneath the surface, including the circulatory system, organs, and skeleton.

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The Scientific Evidence For Psychic Empath Phenomena

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe extra-sensory, paranormal ability of clairempathy or ‘psychic empathy’ is not yet recognized in mainstream science, but that does not make it any less bona fide for the highly sensitive people who experience these empathic psychic phenomena as a daily reality. Despite the lack of academic interest, and contrary to widespread skepticism, there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence and a significant collection of scientific data steadily gaining momentum to offer intriguing clues to the psycho-physiological experiences of empaths, intuitives, sensitives and psychics all over the world.

I am a clairempath. I feel what other people feel. I experience inexplicable extra-sensory perceptions of other people’s emotions, mood states, subconscious motivations, and even their physical or medical symptoms. It happens without me having to see them, or knowing anything about them. Touching others, or being in close proximity to them, elicits more intense empathic perceptions, but it is not necessary for me to have direct contact or personal interaction with others in order to have a direct experience of their underlying feelings and intentions.

Empathic psychic ability or clairempathy is a clairsentient psychic ability. Clairsentience refers to the ‘clear’ sensing or feeling of extra-sensory information. In my experience this process of sensing is due to some form of energy transfer between me and other people. There is an energy interaction or energy exchange that takes place between me and them. I experience these vivid psychic or paranormal impressions of other’s energy on a daily basis, and I utilize it to the best of my ability in my work as a professional psychic medium, consulting with clients all over the world.

The term ‘sentience’ refers to awareness, or consciousness of a sensation or a feeling. Sentience does not involve thought, or logic, or reason. It involves spontaneous feeling or sensing, instead of rational thinking or deduction. Clairempathy therefore is an energy perception, or sentient response, that has no rational or logical origin. It is a form of perception which is experienced as a tactile, physical sensation… or an emotional feeling. My clairsentient or clairempathic experiences are uncanny and very real, as many of my friends, family and clients will attest.

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Checking In With Yourself

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn today’s hustle-and-bustle, busy world there is sometimes the need to slow down and take break. Take a moment to say hello to yourself. Do a check in. Catch up with you. As a wise man once told me, “You must start by starting!” Quite so, because it makes things much more confusing if we think about it too much.

The best time to begin your day is the previous night, when you go to bed. What’s your current practice before going to sleep? Have you gotten your clothes ready for the next day? That is a handy practice that many people do. Have you gotten your soul ready as well? That is truly where to begin.

Saying hello to your soul is a powerful healing tool. Doing it consistently, just like having coffee or tea in the morning, brings you closer to yourself and takes you to a higher perspective. By you treating yourself kindly, it spreads outward. As you heal yourself, so shall you heal others.

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Mirror-Touch Synesthesia (MTS)

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comScience is catching up with the empath, literally. Recently I came across a fascinating book titles Mirror Touch by Dr. Joel Salinas, a Harvard trained researcher and neurologist at Massachusetts General. It explores the phenomenon of Mirror-touch synesthesia (MTS) – a rare neurological trait that causes someone to feel the emotional and physical experiences of other people.

The word synesthesia means joined perception, or to blend the five senses. Science recognizes over 80 types of synesthesia.

Because of Dr. Salinas and other brave professionals, science is sitting up and taking notice and actually exploring the brain and how it functions in individuals with these traits. Dr. Salinas uses his ability of feeling the emotional and physical pain of his patients to treat their symptoms, as if they were his own. The experience for him and others like him is challenging and draining.

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Ways To Practice Aura Reading

click on photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI am often asked if I can see auras. Yes, but in all honestly I see them only with deliberate focus and, in using techniques I learned in psychic development. I am more of a clairsentient when it comes to perceiving someone’s Aura. I ‘feel.’

The aura is an expression of a person, animal or any living being’s emotions and energies – physical, etheric, astral, mental and spiritual. It’s a subtle emanation surrounding the body, almost like a light cloud or luminous mist. The aura reveals one’s character, state of health, as well as one’s emotional nature and stage of spiritual development.

Bright primary aura colors are associated with good health, i.e. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, whilst colors which have become dark or muddy in appearance are generally associated with disease or energy imbalances. When a healer examines the quality of the colors in the aura, he or she will often make an informed diagnosis. If a healer is really skilled, they can remove any offensive energy and bring one’s auric field into a healthy state of equilibrium. Continue reading

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