angel readings
Connecting With Your Team Of Spirit Guardians
You have a ‘squad’ of spirit friends you can count on and talk to when you need support. Our spirit helpers, be they guardian angels, guides, animal spirits, ancestors, or departed family members, are there to look out for us. They want to make our lives better.
So, how can you get to know them better? Because these beings are of the spirit realms, it’s not quite as simple as calling a human friend or sending a text, but the channels of communication are definitely open.
The first thing you need to do is get to know their names. If they are the spirits of loved ones or pets, of course, they already have a name you know them by. Use your intuition to receive the names of your guides and angels. All you need to do is ask. They will reveal their name to you when you are ready to receive it.
It is also important to understand that our spirit guardians communicate through various unspoken messages and signs, such as patterns of recurring numbers, lyrics of a favorite song, or seeing the same patterns in nature, such as cloud formations or a particular animal. Pay attention to these special signs. In our world, it’s easy to become distracted and overstimulated, but our guardians are always sending these subtle messages if we pay attention.
Engaging in your daily spiritual practices is necessary to connect with your spirit guides. When getting to know angels, for example, an angel card oracle deck is a useful tool, or a Tarot deck to link archetypes to individual guardians.
For animal spirits there are also lovely card decks, which can be very useful in identifying your totem of guardian animals. You can also keep your departed pet’s favorite items after they’re gone.
Dreamwork With Your Angels
Dreaming is not only the doorway to the unconscious, but also an entrance to other realms. Our dreams connect us with our subconscious mind and the spirit realms, often in the form of strange and mysterious symbolisms.
We should be more grateful for our dreams, because even the difficult ones, that stir up our traumas and worries, help us to deal with any issues we have been resisting.
Dreams are also a portal into the influence of angelic forces. Connecting with the Angels in this way is easy and natural; it happens even when we are not aware of it.
The dream state is an entry point that offers unique advantages for our heavenly companions, for when we sleep, the mind is wide open. The resistances and blockages of our busy minds are suspended for us to access what normally cannot be seen. The fluidity of dreams is closer to the higher dimensions, rather than to the structured, material state in which we exist in our waking hours.
Our Angels often appear to us in dreams, but we seldom remember this, or, if we do, we do not recognize them. They are usually that friendly presence that often accompanies us through a dream. Or they may feature in the dream, as wise, powerful, and influential figures, but not necessarily with wings or other stereotypical symbols of their identity, such as ‘harps and halos.’
Angels are messengers of the Divine, and they come in various manifestations. For example, they sometimes appear in animal form, or make their presence known as an intense, bright light. They also have diverse things to communicate and infinite ways for doing so. But they all have one common purpose, and that is to be of service to humanity.
Most of us have all been brought up to believe that there is a separation between humans and Angels, but in truth we share our world with them! In our dreams, we can overcome the mental barriers that separate us from their higher energies.
An Angel Message Of Unconditional Love
There are angels and spirit guides that work with us daily. They change at times, depending on what we need. They are always within reach and can hear our requests, our tears, and our laughter. They feel our sadness and joy.
I have a few angels and guides that are very dominant in my life, and at times they have a lot to say! But their messages always come from a place of truth and love.
I asked my angel earlier what the message was for today, and this is the message I received:
“This is a time to see the light of highest good in everyone. Even when others are negative, mean or hurtful, look below their outer facade, and see their soul.
See beyond their abrasive personality or behavior and feel instead compassion for them – even the most challenging souls that you cross in your path. There have been many in your life, and there will be many more to come.
This is a difficult lesson to learn. It will bring confusion at times, but you will in time find a sense of calm knowing that you did all you could do to be the best person you can be to others.
Rage and resentment serve no purpose. Anger, hurt, vengeance, spite, or wishing bad karma on others, serve no purpose.
Do not judge others because they are different from you. Accept all people as they are and send them loving energy that they will find their highest good in the challenges and lessons of their life.
Once you fully understand that you are here to love, and only love, the negativity will no longer affect you as it has in the past. When you can see each soul within the outer physical person, you will see the good that has simply been buried by those who do not have faith in themselves.
The Truth About Angels Among Us
The term ‘angel’ often means different things to different people. The true definition of the term is ‘messenger of the Divine.’ The English word angel derives from the Latin angelus, which in turn was borrowed from the Greek angelos, literally meaning ‘messenger.’
Angels in this context can therefore be anyone who brings us a message or gift from the Divine! In my own life I have experienced several physical messengers from God – both human and animal angels! However, this blog is about the spiritual angelic beings who are not of this world, but merely interact with humankind.
Firstly, we need to discern the difference between an angel and a guide. All spiritual beings emanate from the Divine Loving Essence, the Source, God, the Eternal, and exist in the Oneness, which is why all beings can be angels. However, the spiritual definition of angels, that stems from many religious traditions, are beings that have never had any physical, incarnated experiences.
Spirit guides have had prior incarnated experience. They are either a being who has had an incarnation on this earth plane, or another plane of existence. Guides can therefore relate to our human struggles of free will and soul growth, as they have faced these challenges themselves. They can help guide us through these challenges with deep empathy and wisdom.
Angels on the other hand are beings that have never experienced the potential hazards and hardships of free will. They have never gone through any of the contrasting experiences we have as humans. They are an expression of pure, unadulterated love, joy, and peace. They do not have the capacity to empathize with our physical experience of contrast, but they deliver instead direct messages from Spirit, that emanate from the Divine Source.
Signs Your Angel Is Near
Each of us has a guardian angel… a spiritual being whose purpose it is to watch over us and guide us through life. But since our angels are (usually) invisible, and can come and go in a split second, how do we know when they are near?
Specific patterns are usually the most telltale sign. Do you keep seeing numeric patterns repeated, on license plates or billboards, for example? Are the same songs always playing in whatever public place you go to? Your angel is probably sending you a message. What does it mean to you? If you do not understand the message, try and determine the meaning through Numerology, getting an angel reading, or meditation.
Angels also have a way of communication with our subconscious, specifically through the world of dreams. Most, if not all of us have had at least one series of vivid, repeating dreams. This is also the work of the Divine, and holds meaning. Since dreams are not easily remembered, try keeping a dream journal, or learning techniques of lucid dreaming and dream recall.
The counterpart to subconscious dreams are clairvoyant visions, which we may experience while awake or in a meditative state. They are usually very vivid and real, and are often an urgent message from an angel, so it’s important to take note whenever they occur.
The Ancient Art Of Dowsing
If you live in a rural, arid area or grew up in a farming community, you might be familiar with the practice of ‘dowsing’ to searching for hidden, underground water. But did you know that dowsing is also used as a divination tool, as well as a spiritual practice?
The art form of dowsing dates back to ancient times, as it can be found depicted in old artwork found in Egypt, China and Babylonia. Dowsing for water, as it is practiced today, is believed to have originated the 16th century in Germany, where it was first used to search for metals.
Dowsing, however, is not only used to find water. It is also used by diviners and metaphysicians to predict future outcomes, perform healings, locate missing objects, and even to help solve crimes.
Instead of a dowsing rod, psychics use a pendulum or weighted item to ask their spiritual guardians or angels for guidance. The pendulum serves as a connection between the physical realm and the spirit realms. The answers from spirit is interpreted through the motion of the pendulum. For example, if the pendulum moves up and down, or counterclockwise, the answer may be no, or negative, while back and forth or clockwise usually suggests yes, or positive.
A skilled diviner is usually able to translate the results very accurately, although a beginner can also practice this art with some success. This allows someone who is new to the practice to ask simple yes or no questions to get results. For more advanced readings, with more complex questions, it’s best to consult a dowser with more experience, who can accurately interpret the results. Dowsing scales and charts are often used for this purpose.
How To Read Angel Cards
I love reading angel cards and consider them as one of my most trusted tools for giving precise and professional forecasts. While I have been a professional psychic for more than a decade, the beauty of oracle cards is that no specialized training, talent, skills or experience is required to begin using them effectively.
You don’t have to be a professional diviner or gifted psychic to use oracle cards in your personal spiritual practice. With a deck of cards anyone connect with the angelic or spirit realm as soon as they feel ready to do so. However, to begin reading angel cards as a part of your spiritual practice, you may want to consider the following guidelines to get the most out of your reading experience.
Choose Your Cards Wisely
There are many places you can buy angel cards both online and offline. Wherever you decide to purchase them from, ask yourself whether or not you feel drawn to a particular pack. By doing so, you will be allowing the spiritual realm to guide you, intuitively, to the best divination tool for you.
Connect With Your Cards
Once you have purchased your angel cards, take a look at each one and shuffle them, gently, to get a ‘feel’ of what they are saying to you. Most cards come with a full set of instructions. However, should an angel card suggest something different to you personally, than what the guidelines state, then always go with your intuition first, as this is how spirit will guide you.
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