Signs Your Angel Is Near
Each of us has a guardian angel… a spiritual being whose purpose it is to watch over us and guide us through life. But since our angels are (usually) invisible, and can come and go in a split second, how do we know when they are near?
Specific patterns are usually the most telltale sign. Do you keep seeing numeric patterns repeated, on license plates or billboards, for example? Are the same songs always playing in whatever public place you go to? Your angel is probably sending you a message. What does it mean to you? If you do not understand the message, try and determine the meaning through Numerology, getting an angel reading, or meditation.
Angels also have a way of communication with our subconscious, specifically through the world of dreams. Most, if not all of us have had at least one series of vivid, repeating dreams. This is also the work of the Divine, and holds meaning. Since dreams are not easily remembered, try keeping a dream journal, or learning techniques of lucid dreaming and dream recall.
The counterpart to subconscious dreams are clairvoyant visions, which we may experience while awake or in a meditative state. They are usually very vivid and real, and are often an urgent message from an angel, so it’s important to take note whenever they occur.
Angels represent God’s personal care for each one of us ~ Andrew Greeley
Although angels are usually invisible to our human eyes, traces of their presence can be seen if we know where to look. We may find them in photographs. A bright ball or orb of light hovering above someone’s shoulder, is a noted sign of an angel close at hand, as is a corona or halo above a person’s head. Go back and look at a few family photos – you’ll likely see a few instances of this phenomenon, especially if a young child is in the picture. Very young children are more receptive to the presence of spirit.
The other visual calling card of angels is feathers, particularly white ones. The sudden appearance of a single, soft feather in your path, especially when you’re not expecting it, can be a powerful sign.
Yet another ‘aha moment’ for angels nearby comes in the form of sound. Bells or other pleasant noises have long been associated with angels. Do you have favorite song constantly playing randomly on the radio? There’s a good chance that too is a sign from your angel.
When we are touched by something it’s as if we’re being brushed by an angel’s wings ~ Rita Dove
Some people also report hearing their name or a loved one’s name whispered softly, when no one else is around, or feeling a gentle hand on one shoulder. All of these otherworldly feelings can be, and usually are, messages from a guardian angel.
And, speaking of feelings, there’s no better way to sense our angel’s presence than a strong, warm feeling in our own heart. A sudden pressure drop, or shift in temperature might also signal their arrival. If you’ve ever had a moment when you suddenly felt at peace, as if someone was right there with you, it was absolutely your angel. They are always walking beside us and they make their presence known in mostly subtle, but very real ways.
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