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Your Pain Is Telling You Something

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSpirit recently communicated the power of pain and the importance of forgiveness to me in a way I had never quite conceptualized before. Pain is a natural process of the human experience. It is a messaging system that tells us something is not quite right with our situation.

This is true for our physical body, as well as our emotional body. The difference between the two is that physical pain is often more easily recognized, and the appropriate steps to relieve and even to heal the pain can be taken when it is recognized. Emotional pain, however, is more often left unrecognized, or the messages that are being sent are pushed aside.

Both men and women are taught to suppress their pain. Traditional adages like, “boys don’t cry,” or “keep a stiff upper lip,” are reflections of emotional ignorance. We now also live in a society where we are being medicated for emotional issues at rapidly increasing rates, which only adds to the ignorance of our emotional state. Continue reading

The 12 Universal Spiritual Laws – Part One

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost spiritual seekers are aware of the more well-known Universal Laws, particularly the Law of Attraction. However, did you know there are several other spiritual laws that govern the Universe? Yes, there are! These laws can help you get the most out of life.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

We all originate from the same source; we are linked to one another, as well as every energy and creature in the rest of the Universe. In short, we are all connected to the Divine. Every thought that we think, every action that we take, or indeed, everything we believe, are not insignificant, because they have the power to influence other people.

Furthermore, depending upon what thoughts, actions or beliefs we partake in, they have the power to produce either a positive or negative end result. It is important, therefore, that we practice kindness and understanding towards others, and extend love at all times to our fellow man, as this will, in turn, create a beautiful ripple effect throughout the world at large. Continue reading

Spirit Signs From The Other Side

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome of the questions mediums are frequently asked are: How will I know when my loved ones are around me? How do I know if my loved ones are okay? Are my pets okay? Where do people, or pets, go when they cross over?

These are all very good questions and each psychic medium usually offer answers based on whatever the spirit world communicates to them individually.

Everything is energy. We are all energy, pure energy. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change form. Therefore, we never die; there is no death. When we no longer need the body, our energy merely takes on a new form. What some like to call Heaven or the Hereafter is just energy in a different form. Continue reading

Born To Be Psychic

Visit PsychicAccess.comWhat is it like to be born a psychic? The easy thing to say, that most will indeed say, is that it is both a gift and a curse. But that is such a broad statement. Personally, I have always loved being psychic.

I remember being three years old, when I knew that I saw and heard things which were not there. I would look at people and I would know things. I would know how they felt, in all senses of the word, and I would see colors around them, which told me how they were feeling physically.

I did not know what this was at the time. I just knew that when I saw a person with a certain color around them it meant they were feeling a certain way. I would try my best to avoid being around people that made me feel what they were feeling. But as an empath, I could not prevent these experiences. Continue reading

Table Tipping

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTable tipping, also known as table-turning is a form of spirit communication during séances known as “physical phenomena.”

Table tipping became popular during the rise of the Spiritualist movement in the mid 1800s. It was consider a great way to entertain your guests at social gatherings, and was even considered to be a parlor game. Even President Lincoln and his wife Mary Todd Lincoln had such goings on in the White House. Many people of that era had neither the means or easy access to professional psychic mediums as we do today. Small groups of people, family and friends, would get together and try to communicate with the spirit world themselves. Patience and the singing of lively songs of the day, to raise the vibration in the room, ensured some sort of physical phenomena to happen. Continue reading

The Mysterious Man Who Followed Me

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI kept seeing him. He would show up everywhere. I would be walking in the park and he would walk past me. Or I would be shopping at the supermarket, and he would appear between the isles… looking at me. He would appear to me walking on the sidewalk as I drove by. I even saw him the other day leaving the farmers market.

Do you ever experience seeing the same person over and over? You feel that they might be following you. It can get as creepy as feeling you have an actual stalker.

I finally realized who this person is just the other day, while talking with someone whom I haven’t seen in a long while. My friend shared with me that her boyfriend had died in a boating accident several months ago, while he was out fishing. Apparently she has also been seeing him. I never met him, but she had told him of me when he was still alive. He had known that I am a medium. Continue reading

My Friend’s Visitation From Her Grandmother

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA dear friend called me today to tell me that she had a visitation from her grandmother last night. She had woken up late at night to use the bathroom and upon returning to her bedroom she found it hard to fall asleep again. Being Catholic she started to pray the Rosary, until her grandmother appeared at the foot of her bed.

It surprised her that she wasn’t afraid at all. Instead she was very happy and felt only a sense of love and belonging. She merely looked at her Grandma and silently communicated with her. I had a similar experience with my grandfather. We also communicated telepathically without words. Continue reading

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