spirit contact
Shamanic Shape Shifting Of Departed Loved Ones
Crows do not symbolize doom and gloom as portrayed in some myths and movies. They are a symbol of magic, intelligence, keen communication, and much more. They can see far into the spirit realm and bring messages for those who are open to receiving them. So, if a crow appears to you, use your intuition to truly receive the messages it brings.
Crows often carry the energy of a loved one that has passed, and honor you with the loved one’s presence and sometimes also gifts. It’s called transference. It is a sacred shift of energy. If you have a crow making herself known immediately after a beloved’s passing, rest assured it is, in fact, the presence of your lost love. Respect this transformation with gratitude.
Generally, transference occurs between physical vessels that are similar, making the transference easier for the passed loved one to make the shift. There are exceptions, however, and crow is one of the most common physical vessels used – in great part due to their innate intelligence and ability to soar between dimensions.
It’s all about love in the final analysis. Your loved one left you because there were no other options, due to circumstances of life. Although, too often, they hang on, even while suffering, waiting for a vessel to transfer into. In fact, some won’t leave, regardless, until they have the vessel they need, whether it meets their preferred specifications, or not. They prefer to see or meet the new vessel before they pass, so they know how to best make the shift.
Physical Fitness Advice From The Other Side
My grandma and I were very close while she was in this life. We spoke about many things and held many of the same views. She was a highly intuitive person. Many in the family didn’t know this about her, but she could accurately sense and feel things about people. She would also predict things before they happened.
Her mother was also a well-known intuitive – again something that her own children didn’t even know about her. My great grandma would predict gambling numbers for people, and they would often win! Grandma told me, “My mother would dream the numbers and people would pay her for this advice.”
Grandma also shared many other stories with me about her family growing up. Some of those stories still fascinate me and to this day I reminisce about the things she told me. I feel very lucky and blessed to have shared 47 years of my life with her. Grandma had children at a very young age, so thankfully she was able to see some of her grandchildren, and even some of her great grand children grow up.
We spent many summer vacations at my grandparents’ house. Just like me, my grandma loved to talk about ghosts, spirits, and all things paranormal. We would talk into the wee hours of the night. Some of the things she shared with me, she may not have shared with anyone else in the family. I guess she sensed in advance that I would need some of this information for my future calling.
Spirit Visitation In The Form Of Orbs
What are spirit orbs? Actually, we are all orbs at some point in time. When we are not inhabiting a human body or other bodies in other dimensions, we become light energy. That light looks like a small circular light that moves and darts around quickly.
Spirit orbs can suspend in mid-air. It can bounce. It can dart to the left or right. It can move slowly or quickly. It can do basically whatever it wants.
One night I saw three orbs moving in unison together. Every time I got up to leave, they darted together to the right. Every time I sat back down, they moved in unison back to where they were.
We can also project any visual image we want, instead of being viewed as an orb by human beings. I am blond with green eyes in this life. However, on the other side, I usually prefer to project myself as a dark-haired Native American woman of about 30 years of age. The life I lived as that woman, was one of my favorites.
When I was around five years old, I looked in the bathroom mirror. I remember being absolutely shocked to see a white girl with green eyes and freckles staring back at me! I thought I was Native American with tan skin, dark eyes and long black hair. I remember running to my mother, screaming and crying about that stranger in the mirror. My mother, a devout atheist and not at all versed or educated in subjects like the spirit afterlife and reincarnation, had no idea what I was talking about.
Connecting With Deceased Loved Ones
When a loved one dies, it is never easy. It is always traumatic to lose someone who we have lived with, taken care of, loved and nurtured – be it a partner, spouse, parent, sibling, relative or friend. The feeling of them suddenly no longer being here can be devastating. Even their little quirks, which sometimes annoyed you when they were alive, is forever missed. We suddenly miss everything about them!
Thankfully, the spirit of those we love remain very much alive after their passing. Despite the ‘vehicle they drove around in,’ namely their physical body, may no longer be around, their spirit is still around. They can hear and see us, and they can feel our emotions.
I can tell you that when we call our loved one’s name, they are with us. When we pray for them, they appreciate it. Greatly. The two best things you can do is pray for your loved ones and say their name out loud. Continue to talk to them. And when you talk to them, they respond through sending you thoughts and signs. They also come to us in the dream state when we are sleeping. Write them a letter and put it under your pillow, and try to remember your astral travels the next day.
Your loved ones are never far from you. Love is the energy that keeps us connected with our loved ones. Sometimes they will give you a little visit. Remember to ask and you shall receive. Knock and that door will open.
Spirit Visits From The Other Side
We all have the ability to ‘tune in’ to spirit messages from our loved ones on the other side, without being a psychic or medium. Often spirit tries to get in touch, but we miss the moment. Or we get scared, because we don’t understand what is happening and then tend to dismiss it. Also, after losing a loved one we can be so overwhelmed with grief, that we do not notice the signs and messages that are meant to comfort us.
There are many creative ways in which spirit reaches out to us. One of the most common are dreams. Loved ones who have passed very often choose to either talk to us, or appear in our dreams. This is the easiest way for them to get through to us, and also the least scary way for us.
In dreams your loved one may appear more dazzling than when they were alive. For example, they may look younger, healthier, refreshed. This is because the veil that existed between their human self and what they are now, no longer exists.
If you have such a visitation dream, try to write down everything you can remember as soon as you wake up. This is real communication from the other side containing valuable information, which can be very helpful in your daily life.
The Easter Angel And The Golden Ticket
It was around Easter, one year in the early 1970s, when I had a profound angel encounter. I was playing outdoors with many other children my age. We were eagerly running through a large open field looking for Easter eggs.
Well, they were not exactly real eggs. If you are from my generation, you might remember those plastic eggs that would break open to reveal inside them candy, colorful stickers and small, cheap bracelets. Some also contained little pieces of paper with trivia or inspirational messages. I remember thinking the words on the paper were more valuable to me than the tiny Tootsie Rolls or Hershey Bars.
On this occasion, I soon had a full basket and was sitting on the ground opening up my eggs and stuffing my goodies in the plastic bag we were all given. We were to return the eggs, so they could be recycled.
There was a very angelic looking women at the Easter egg hunt. She was helping some of the children find their eggs. Whenever they seemed to be having a difficult time, she would go to them and say something encouraging, or would help to cheer them up in some way. I kept my eye on her since we arrived, as she stood out from everyone else.
Later, while standing in line to return my empty eggs, she knelt down in front of me and asked, “What did you get?” I opened my bag and showed her all the candy and goodies. Then I lifted my hand and said, “This piece of paper is my favorite.” It was a golden slip of paper which read: It is wise to not put all your time, energy and love in one basket.”
Spirit Just Passing Through
Almost 19 years ago, spirit picked us up and deposited us into our new home – an old Victorian house built in 1909. It is usually not easy to restart your life in an old house. The plumbing, electricity, furnace, and fittings had to be worked on, repaired, or replaced entirely. Although it seemed to be a daunting task we were willing to it on, because we were led here by benign beings and absolutely loved the place the moment we first saw it.
When we decided to purchase the home, we also accepted the possibility of there certainly being some sort of haunting or ghostly presence in a house of this caliber. But sadly, when we moved in, there were no signs of paranormal activity to be found.
However, before moving in, I did have a dream that we would find something of significance in the house. Later, when we were removing the old kitchen cupboards, papers that were stuck behind them fell out. We soon discovered these papers belonged to a William Bradley who had moved to this area of Canada from California. His ancestors had come to the United States from Australia.
Mr. Williams was a chauffeur in his day and we found his papers to prove it. Eventually, we were able to track down his great nephew, who coincidentally has the same name as his great uncle. He was extremely pleased to be gifted this particular family document and we felt very gratified that we had done the right thing.
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