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The Powerful Wisdom Of The Major Arcana

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are 78 cards in a traditional Tarot deck. The first 22 are called the Major Arcana. The word ‘arcana’ comes from a Latin word arcanum, which means ‘ancient secrets’ or ‘mysteries.’

The 22 Major Arcana cards, starting with The Fool and leading all the way to The World, are all archetypes that represent hidden knowledge that many centuries ago were privy to those who worked closely with spirit.

When we consult a Tarot deck, the Major Arcana cards take us on a journey into another world, accessing ancient truths and divine law.  In psychic Tarot readings the Major Arcana cards can describe attributes of people and their character traits, but most often represent the spiritual lessons we go through in life. Continue reading

An Invitation From The Faeries

click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFaeries love fun and love to play! When you are experiencing a creative phase, or feeling called to go outdoors, or into the garden, there’s a good chance you are being called out to have some fun and free spirited playtime with the faeries.

Typically, faeries, or fae, are easiest for us to connect with during the times of year when seasonal energy portals are open on the cross quarters holidays of the Summer and Winter Solstice, and Spring and Fall Equinox. These times are traditionally also celebrated in the ancient pagan festivals and religious holy days of Imbolc (Saint Brigid’s Day) on February 1st, Ostara (Easter) on March 21st, Beltane (St. Walburga’s Day)on May 1st, Litha (St John’s Day) on June 20th, Lammas (Loaf Mass Day) on August 1st, and Samhain (All Saints’ Day) on October 31st. Continue reading

The African River Man

click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring the time of my ukuthwasa (period of initiation to become a traditional healer or sangoma) some decades ago in Southern Africa, my mentor and some other village elders would join our group of ithwasa (sangoma trainees) by the campfire and discuss other spirits. That is, others in addition to those of our ancestors.

We heard many tales of other spirits who control the rivers, oceans and lakes, as well as those who live in the sky and control the rain. There were also stories told of sacred places where spirits inhabited mountains, trees and rocks. I loved hearing those stories from various individuals whom have had unique experiences and felt they had seen and communicated with those various spirits. Continue reading

Journey To The Isle Of Avalon

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The Isle of Avalon is a mythical place of healing, psychic learning, crafting, and the life and times of King Arthur. Figures such as Morgan Le Fay, King Arthur and Merlin the Magician are just a few legendary names associated with this Holy Isle. Though no longer here in the physical world, Avalon is still accessible through the inner worlds by way of  meditation or immrama, an Irish-Welsh word meaning ‘spiritual journey on the astral plane.’

Avalon was known as training ground for priestesses who dedicated their life to spirituality, and to the Great Mother Goddess. These women trained in the arts of clairvoyance, herbalism, weaving and devotion to the Divine feminine. Continue reading

The Paranormal Power Of Cats

Click the pic for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCats are often depicted in ancient Egyptian art and artifacts. The Egyptians actually worshiped cats as gods, and believed that they took on a spiritual importance. They were considered to be a sacred animals with magical powers.

Ancient Egypt was said to be one of the most advanced civilizations in human history, capable of architecture, that by today’s standards would be difficult, if not impossible to construct. But, did they also possess otherworldly knowledge that has been forgotten?

Some myths and folklore also claim that cats can walk in and out of the spirit world with great ease and at will. It was also believed that when a house cat would disappear, with no plausible explanation, that it had found a portal to the other worlds and is exploring them and will return just a mysteriously as it had disappeared. Continue reading

The Spiritual Symbolism Of Labyrinths And Mazes

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a child I always enjoyed visiting the English Tudor homes open to the public, particularly Hampton Court, which had a maze to run into, hide in the hedgerow, get to the centre and then find my way back out. Hearing the cackle and playful squealing of other children, even bumping into others as I turned a corner, and encountering many dead ends en-route to the centre, made for a thrilling experience.

I also remember at the circus being in a maze of the hall of mirrors and trying to find my way through so many weird reflections of myself. Frustration would rise up inside of me as joy turned to brief concern or panic. Later I moved to solving mazes in the puzzle books.

There is a distinct difference between a maze and a labyrinth. Mazes are often thought to have, in earnest been established circa 13th century, with one of the most famous being Hampton Court in England. Yet, in fact, maze-like structures were found under buildings from the Roman Empire days, and even used around castles in Medieval Europe to confuse the enemy. So, mazes demonstrated or represented a challenge, it creates the potential for confusion through its many changes in direction and dead ends, forcing one to retrace ones steps. Continue reading

Abundance – A Channeled Message

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the past couple of weeks, I had to deal with major financial expenses related to our property. We have to move across the country, and we are having issues with the house. Then there were also the added costs of a vehicle that needed urgent repairs. This was not a lot of money, but it came up at the same time as the property issue, and the costs of our move.

To add insult to injury, my beautiful little kitty knocked over a cup of water onto my computer yesterday… and fried my motherboard! I found out later that my extended warrantee had just expired, and the repair costs were not really worth it, considering that the technology was a few years old. So, I had to purchase a new computer for work. Continue reading

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