It’s Always Darkest Before The Dawn
Concepts of the Divine, with an ever-changing definition, have been part of the human experience since the beginning of time. Most of the world’s people throughout history continue to recognize a place for divinity in life.
Our spiritual journey, throughout the ages, has been steeped in mystery and often, superstition and dogma. Organized religions have historically attempted to answer deep questions, and have sometimes provided comfort and solace to people during times of upheaval.
However, the most important questions have been left unanswered. For example, we know precious little about ancient, prehistoric cultures that worshiped the Sacred Feminine. Earliest recorded myths and legends have been lost or destroyed, and most stories that remain portray not only a divine battle of the sexes, but a difficult, contentious relationship between the divine and human beings.
The Greek gods, for example, were capricious and mean-spirited. They plotted all sorts of obstacles that humans either did, or did not overcome in order to survive. Guile and trickery also set the stage for many myths from various indigenous cultures, in early human-god myth making.
With the rise of monotheistic religions, mankind was taught to blindly accept whatever lot the almighty doled out, fairly or unfairly. Emphasis was placed on omnipotent power, absolute authority and greatness, beyond any human capacity to comprehend, much less participate in.
These attitudes toward humans’ relationship with God have been echoed in authoritarian family and community practices, and even the military forces of nations. God became the ‘Almighty Father in the Sky’ issuing strict orders. There was no room for questioning in an authoritarian family or society. “Because I said so,” was reason enough to blindly obey. Punishment for infractions or disobedience was swift and sure.
Believing In Miracles
The most amazing miracle I have ever witnessed was the birth of my daughter and my three granddaughters. Life itself is a miracle, and a mystery. But while some of us feel even the smallest thing is a miracle, others take everything for granted and do not give much thought at all to the unexplained.
Some people refuse to believe anything is a miracle. They only trust in the natural laws of physics. For them only seeing is believing, and nothing else is possible. Natural law has no tolerance for mysteries, much less miracles.
It is natural for people to be suspicious of what they do not understand. But people used to think the world is flat, because that is what they saw when they looked at the horizon.
So, my granddaughters finally talked me into getting a smart phone. Believe me, for a person my age, this gadget is indeed a miracle, and a mystery!
When I was a teenager, my boyfriend lived a few towns away. The only communication device we had in those days was a rotary dial wall phone. I had to sit on the kitchen floor to talk to him for only ten minutes at a time, because our household shared the line with two othertechamilies!
I remember I used to think: if only I could see him while we talk. Imagine that! In 1970 that certainly would have been a miracle. Well, what seemed an impossible fantasy back then is now the modern miracle of video chat and messenger apps.
The fact that my young granddaughters are so proficient with all the new digital technology is also a miracle to me. For them, this is just the way it is – it’s nothing miraculous in their minds. Continue reading
Becoming Aware Of Psychic Signs
We often get so caught up in the technical aspects of divination, in the textbook definitions of our methods and tools, and in the intellectual pursuit of spiritual wisdom and esoteric knowledge gleaned from scholars, teachers and gurus, that we forget to employ the most basic of all techniques: our own awareness and observation of signs and synchronities in our environment.
Now, I’m not questioning book-learning, and the like. Studying our metaphysical craft is a necessary scaffolding on which to build a solid practice. It takes many years for the apprentice to become an expert. And after much practice, the diviner finds a comfortable stride, with their unique voice and style of practicing being sought after by clients who resonate with their unique skills.
The more we practice the esoteric arts, the more intuitive and attuned we become, and a wonderful blending occurs between right-brain and left-brain awareness. This is how we increasingly deliver powerful messages and truths to our clients. This is why it is indeed important to have the foundational training, and the necessary skills and life experience, to offer solid advice and guidance.
But, it also extremely important to be mindful and pay attention to our environment at all times. Not every moment in a reading can always be a profound channeled truth for the client. Sometimes the messages come in much subtler tones that we must tune into in order to appreciate their significance.
Something as simple as the sunlight bursting through a cloud at the moment a question is asked, or the sudden twinkling laughter of a neighbor, can deliver increased awareness to the diviner from her environment.