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Weight Loss Astrology Using The Moon Phases

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe past winter has been especially tough on all of us. Many of us are experiencing some form of pandemic fatigue or cabin fever. We’ve baked all our cookies, ordered junk food deliveries, and did the experimental microwave recipes during lockdown. And many of us have put on a pound or two, or more, for sheer comfort’s sake!

But now we’re finally beginning to look ahead again. Spring has sprung here in the Northern Hemisphere and the climate is warming up. We wanna wear less and it’s time to get serious about figuring out how to achieve our best Summer ‘beach body.’

In my own search for weight loss inspiration, I discovered a great formula for women devised by sports nutritionist, astrologer and weight loss guru, Kira Sutherland.

She recommends a diet lasting 12-14 days, starting with your menstrual period. This is apparently the absolute best time to lose weight. Then you stop and return to normal eating, even allowing yourself some well-earned treats. Even I can do that!

If you don’t experience a monthly flow, a bit of astrological research will be needed to follow this diet. If you don’t have your natal birth chart available, or don’t know how to interpret it, you may need to consult a professional astrologer.

What you’re looking for is your Natal Moon Phase Cycle, from New Moon to Balsamic (no, not the salad dressing). At birth, we fall into one of eight cycles of Moon-to-Sun connections that define our Natal Moon Phase.

Once your phase has been determined, it’s time to check out the Ephemeris to note when the transits in the sky mirror the same Moon Cycle that is in your natal blueprint. And when that blessed event occurs every month, it’s time to punch the stop watch and begin your two week Kira Sutherland diet!

After 14 days, stop. You’re done for now. Relax the diet and stop weighing yourself for the next two weeks. You deserve a reward for all that hard work and sacrifice, so feel free to live your best couch potato life! Once the lazy two weeks are at an end, you can begin again on the next moon phase cycle, or at the start of your next period.

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The Spiritual Life Lessons Of The Spider

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently saw with my own eyes a burly, grown man run screaming from his garage because he saw a spider! I could not help but wonder what he thought might happen to him? Was the tiny spider going to pounce on him and consume him entirely?

Of course, in some places in the world there are indeed deadly little creatures that could cause irreparable harm, or even death. However, in the area where we live there is really not much chance of this ever happening. Instead of running away screaming, the arachnophobic lumberjack should have appreciated instead the spiritual wisdom and life lessons his petite visitor embodies.

When we look closely at the life of a spider, we must recognize and respect its truth. It operates in a world that is dictated only by nature and honest survival. It makes its living by adhering to the laws of nature.

The spider creates creates a home for itself where it can be safe and comfortable by applying formidable patience and diligence. It takes infinite care in this process with extreme precision.

The spider does not have a strict deadline as to when it’s home must be complete. The web is carefully spun after a perfect spot is chosen that will be most advantageous. This miraculous, fragile home must be able to withstand rain, sleet, snow, extreme winds and any other element that nature sees fit to throw it’s way.

Once this arduous and time-consuming task is completed, the next phase is just as critical. The spider will then take on the task that all creatures, man and beast, must comply with and that is securing a source of nourishment.

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Pay It Forward With Holiday Gratitude

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs the year end approaches, most of us would normally be shopping, entertaining and gathering with friends and family to celebrate the various holidays and the New Year. Lots of special food, drink and laughter would also be the order of the day!

With a few exceptions, many of our usual traditions are however being curtailed this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, at a time when holiday shopping, traditional music and festive lights usually brighten the scene, many of us will have to be low-key and socially distanced, even isolated and alone.

In addition, although many people will be able to celebrate virtually, those with limited access to technology will not, so some loved ones will be forced to limit their contact to the telephone only, or even do without.

It is therefore even more important this year to think of those who will not be able to find an easy way to compromise or ‘make-do’ with alternative online shopping or virtual socializing.

Give thought to those you personally know who may have been cut off from their usual social activities, friends and relatives. Perhaps you can make an extra phone call or two, or send an old-fashioned Christmas card by postal mail, or surprise them with the delivery of an unexpected little gift.

Let just one person outside your intimate family circle know that they are still in your thoughts, even though you cannot visit or see them in person. It can make really make a world of difference for someone who is unable to get out to visit friends, or welcome family this year.

Many people have also lost loved ones in recent months and will be grieving this Christmas, instead of celebrating. If you know someone who is in this predicament, do reach out to them and offer a comforting word and some emotional support. Even just a little can go a very long way!

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Spiritual Ascension 2020

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen we experience a big shift or breakthrough, it will often feel like our lives are falling apart in order for something greater to manifest. The year 2020 is a prime example of this. It continues to be an extreme year on all levels, and it has truly been testing our inner and outer world.

I believe there is a spiritual reason for all of this. We are shifting into the Age of Aquarius. Our purpose, spiritual connection, relationships, and physical bodies are in the midst of a major spiritual awakening that feels like an intense storm or crisis for many of us.

We are now becoming more aware of the people, places and circumstances that no longer serve us. It is an opportunity to strengthen our intuition and re-calibrate our inner compass.

Emotions are also running high this year, since we are constantly being triggered, but it’s happening to get us in touch with who we really are as spiritual beings, and to help us navigate through the fears connected to our past traumas.

It is  meant to integrate the light and dark aspects within each of us, and to embrace it wholeheartedly, without caring what other people may think.

You may also have been noticing certain ascension symptoms. For example, your body no longer wants certain foods, and substances, so be sure to cut back on anything that makes you tired or irritable, or causes you physical discomfort. Drink lots of water, keep a health journal, get some exercise, and eat a healthy, wholesome diet. It will help you be more calm and mindful during these demanding times.

There will continue to be days of anxiety, anger, impatience and frustration, so be sure to acknowledge when any such negative emotions surface, so you can find a moment to breathe and re-direct your energy into something that helps you find greater peace of mind.

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How To Make The Winter Season A Happy, Healthy Time

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comJust yesterday, my husband said to me that it was getting dark earlier and he already dreads the long, drawn-out winter months that we always have in this part of the world. My husband’s statement struck a chord with me. Yes, the winter is a challenging time for many people, especially those of us who live in very cold regions.

So, winter is indeed fast approaching, but like all seasons, it need not be just endured. It can actually be embraced with excited anticipation and add value to our quality of life. Below are some ways to make the most of the coming winter months.

Lifestyle Choices

I personally find it hard to even get out of bed during the cold winter months! To counteract this, I set my alarm clock earlier and pre-book an appointment at my local gym, as I know that exercise is vital for my health any time of the year.  Exercising in winter has many benefits that include not only helping us to feel warmer and happier, but also enhances immunity and helps prevent dreaded weight gain, in what some people refer to as the ‘fat season.’

As vital as exercise is for both the body and mind, our diets cannot, and should not, be over-looked. Like physical activity, food also has a significant impact on our emotional well-being.  Consuming mood-enhancing foods such as oily fish, bananas, chocolate (dark variety please and not too much), yoghurt and oats, could have you smiling again in next to no time!

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My Great Grandmother’s Mysterious ‘Sugar Cookies’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy great grandmother made incredible cookies. She called them “sugar cookies,” but perhaps a more appropriate name for them might have been mysterious mystical magic cookies! Everyone loved them – youngsters like myself, as well as our family’s elders, and every age in-between.

Those cookies still bring back so many wonderful memories. They had a special aroma of freshly-baked delight that wafted all the way outside her kitchen window and down the lane beside her charming little home, where she lived with my great grandfather. As a child I couldn’t wait to get to their house, so that I could partake of those delectable sweet treats.

They were round, but not perfectly round. They had that authentic homemade look, which made them even more exquisite to my childlike enthusiasm. And, there was a rather unique spiciness among the ingredients; it was a spice that I had never tasted before in anything else. Oh, my! I especially loved the barely charred edges they usually had, as a result of leaving them in the oven a bit longer than necessary. Those crisp little edges made them all the tastier to me.

I remember sitting at her kitchen table, watching her scoop up the ingredients, one by one, and adding them to her mixing bowl. I didn’t know how much of each ingredient she was using, because she never used a measuring cup. She just knew how much to add of everything. I believe this style of instinctively cooking from scratch is practically becoming a lost art, with all the digital recipes and modern utensils we use nowadays to cook even the simplest of things. And perhaps some of the true character and originality has also been lost in many of our ancestors’ recipes.

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How To Get Your Day Off To A Great Start!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlways begin your day as you intend to live your life. This is one of the basic spiritual wisdoms my mother taught me when I was a small child. Fifty years later, I realize how right she actually was! Getting your day off to a great start is important because it puts you into a positive frame of mind, and as a result activates the Law of Attraction, empowering you to manifest more positivity in your life.

Starting the day on a positive note primes you for being in problem-solving mode. It is never easy to solve problems when you are feeling negative. By putting yourself in a positive mindset, you will feel much more confident in tackling life’s challenges. And the more we address our issues, the more confident and empowered we become.

We become more comfortable to live with, and work with, if we start our days off with a higher vibration. It goes without saying, that most people prefer, both personally or professionally, to be around positive individuals. Most folks are drawn to positivity, rather than negativity.

Therefore, by putting yourself in a positive headspace every morning, your personal and professional relationships will not only get off to a good start, but will also increasingly stay in a good place, day after day. How good is that!

The above all said, just how do we go about starting our day in the best possible way? Personally, I find the following strategies to be very effective:

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