Keep Calm And Blog On!
I have been doing psychic readings now for many, many moons. A favorite piece of advice I have been sharing with my clients over the years is to write stuff down when you are stressed. Just get it on paper, in any way, shape or form that you can!
When you feel depressed, distressed, angry or anxious, simply grab a pen or pencil and express how you feel. Write a letter, or some poetry, post your thoughts on the Facebook, or even blog about it. Expressing feelings in written words can be a huge relief and allows you to get them out of your system and release toxic emotions.
When you write how you feel, you are also letting it go. Many clients have expressed to me that they actually feel lighter and less stressed or anxious after writing a note to God or a short poem. Continue reading
Understanding Psychic Readings – The Clair Senses
The most commonly known and used ‘clair sense’ in psychic and spiritual circles is clairvoyance. This particular gift is very common in individuals that have a specific soul mission to use their psychic gift predominately for readings. It has even become a universal term that often includes the other clair gifts.
The term “clairvoyant” comes from the French clair, meaning clear (from the Latin clarus), and voyant, the present participle of voir, meaning to see (from the Latin videre)*.
The clairvoyant is able to see beyond what can be seen by the physical eye and interpret vibrational realities that are non-physical, or have not yet manifested on the physical plane. Continue reading
The Fifth Chakra
The fifth chakra, or Vishuddhi is located at the neck. It is symbolized by a silver crescent within a white circle, with 16 pale blue, or turquoise petals. The animal totem of the fifth chakra is the white elephant. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is “G”. It is considered the communication chakra and its color is blue.
The fifth chakra rules the shoulders (with the fourth chakra), as well as the neck, throat, vocal chords and esophagus. The corresponding gland is the thyroid. Foods to stimulate the fifth chakra include blueberries and water. Physically, Vishuddhi governs communication, emotionally it governs independence, mentally it governs fluent thought, and spiritually it governs a sense of security. Continue reading
The Fourth Chakra
The fourth chakra, or Anahata is located in the heart center. It is symbolized by a circular flower and 12 green petals called heart-mind. The animal totems of the fourth chakra are the antelope, dove and nightingale. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is “F”. This is considered the heart chakra and love chakra.
The color is green. It rules the shoulders, heart, blood circulation, upper back and lungs. Foods to stimulate the fourth chakra include Lettuce, kale, zucchini, spinach and all green vegetables. The corresponding gland is the Thymus. Physically, Anahata governs the immune system, all blood related issues and circulation. Mentally it governs connection with others’ personal power, while emotionally it governs empathy, compassion, romance, friendship and family love, and spiritually it directs unconditional love. Continue reading
The Twelve Archetypal Secrets Of Sacred Love
The need for true love and meaningful romance is a profound longing we all share as spiritual beings in human form. But finding the love of your life is not an easy feat in this day and age. Yes, the pursuit of romantic love is certainly not for the weak and cowardly.
I have heard many weary love pilgrims claim they have called off the search. Many even choose to believe that they no longer want an intimate relationship with anyone; they are completely content to remain single and unattached for the rest of their lives. Who needs a soulmate after all, right? The truth is that we all share a deep-seated need for affection and authentic connection with that one special mate. And deep down we all know it. Continue reading
My Amazing First Experience With Psychometry
Several years ago, during a psychic awareness workshop at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research in the UK, I had a profound experience with ribbon psychometry.
Exercises with psychometry are often done in groups of two, in which the participants exchange small personal items. Psychometry is the art of reading the energy imprints on objects. The objects can vary: photographs, jewelry or even a key-ring. These and other tokens must have meaning to, and has been handled primarily by their owner. The main objective is that the item carries the vibration of its owner.
Our class of ten was made up of men and women from all over the world, as well as a few from Britain. We were all new to the concept of reading with ribbons. Continue reading
My Favorite Healing ‘Crystals’ – Part 1
I absolutely love crystals. Some people may call them “stones” or “rocks”, I call them “healing crystals“. Anyone who collects them for metaphysical purposes will often refer to them as such.
Crystals all have a vibration and discharge energy. Quartz Crystal, for example, are used to power wrist watches and I’m sure many other devices.
Tourmaline is wonderful as its absorbs Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF). I use them in making grids for protection from negative people and electric pollution. I will explore Tourmaline further in another blog post.
My very favorite healing crystal is called “Tiger’s Eye.” Tiger’s Eyes is used to open the Third Eye, when doing healing on the body and also used when doing a chakra cleansing. The Zodiac sign that it gravitates to is Leo and Capricorn. Continue reading