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The Psychic Power Of Everyday Dowsing

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDowsing can be used in our daily lives for tracking down missing car keys, that have been absentmindedly misplaced, or finding lost jewelry and other specific objects. Dowsing is also great for locating a lost pet…or even a child playing hide-and-seek!

The origins of dowsing can be traced back thousands of years, before technology and satellites were there to help locating oil…or pyramids. All those years ago, country folk would use a ‘Y’ shaped tree branch or twig to find water wells, or hidden treasure. It is commonplace these days to dowse for water, auras or even land-mines.

The only reason dowsing is being considered to be a ‘psychic tool’ is because scientists haven’t been able to find a logical explanation for how dowsing works. This is also complicated by the fact that some dowsers have better results than others. Their accuracy often depends on how attuned the dowser is to their dowsing tool. Fine tuning to this art seems to come with experience.

When I begin a dowsing session, I set my intention as to what it is I want to uncover or find, and I ask for clear precise feedback. The feedback is given to me in the form of a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response from my dowsing tool. I believe that my guides help to influence my higher self in creating muscle contractions along my arm and hand, to influence the movement of the particular dowsing tool being used.

Each of my pendulums and dowsing rods are programmed from the start, so I know which motion signals ‘yes’ or ‘no’. When I do a dowsing session it helps energetically to have something like a photo, or another object in my hand which belongs to the person who the question relates. This is known as psychometry.

Unfortunately, I’ve also discovered that asking a question which is emotionally charged, for example “does he love me or not’, doesn’t always work, because one’s emotions tend to influence the response, and therefore you tend to receive the preferred answer!

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I Am Proud To Call Myself Psychic

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been naturally psychic all my life, and have been working as a professional psychic for over 20 years. After all these years I am still curious about people’s responses when they ask me what I do for a living.

People’s responses to me being a psychic can sometimes be so predictable that you don’t even need to be psychic to know what they are going to say. No, I am going to tell you what your name, star sign or favorite color is, just because you thought it funny to ask. My typical response to these kinds of questions is inevitably, “Why, did you forget what it was?”

Now, I could tell them I am a Licensed Reverend or a Certified Life Coach. I could also tell them that I am a Certified Massage Therapist for over 8 years. I could even say that I am a Certified Reiki Master, or better yet, that I was a casino dealer for twelve years, before I ‘jumped off the cliff’ into the rest of my life. But my favorite thing to say is simply that, “I am a psychic.”

People have different ideas about what this really means. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term ‘psychic’ as being of, or relating to, the psyche. It is also described as lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge. The word is further also defined as someone who is sensitive to non-physical or supernatural forces and influences; or as a person who is marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception, or understanding.

As all psychics are well aware, we can be looked upon askance in the best of times, and with horror during the worst of times. It’s rarely an easy gig! But, oh, so rewarding.

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Energy Protection For Children

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI just did a phone reading for client who said she was feeling as if “the life force has been sucked” from her, after she received an unexpected call from a former work associate.

In hindsight, she says, this individual had always had this effect on her when they used to work together in the corporate field many years ago. She didn’t actually put two and two together at the time, but now she realizes that it was him who used to constantly drain her energy at work. At the time, she simply put it down to work stress and exhaustion.

She was surprised to realize that, even over the phone, certain individuals have that ability to drain us! We then discussed how she could even better protect herself psychically and shield her energy field from this former colleague and other energy thieves she may encounter in life.

An interesting aspect of energy protection and psychic shielding that is seldom considered is how children are affected by the people they connect with in life. Children are exposed to various social settings and energy environments that could be toxic and negatively affect their energetic well-being.

The veterinarian I rely on for my pets told me last week that he finds his work overwhelming at times. He feels it is due to the human owners of the pets, rather than the animals themselves.

At times, he says, he finds some pet owners really exhausting, as they bring both their anxieties about their pets, plus their own personal concerns with them. I could sense what kind of clients he had been dealing with to make him feel this way and believe me it was not a pretty sight!

He then asked me about his own two sons who are growing up now and how he could advise them to shield themselves in the future from the energy drain of people, and even social media. This made me think of the increasing number of clients who have been asking me the same question. How can I protect my child from people their energy, should they find themselves in a toxic environment?

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The Psychic Power Of Psychometry

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, a young woman phoned me wanting to know how she could best psychically connect with her mom who had recently passed away. We had received some lovely evidence of her mom’s presence during our readings together, but she was hoping to be able to deepen the connection on her own in her daily life.

I already knew that this young woman had psychic abilities that are ‘untapped.’ I advised her to start practicing psychometry as part of her spiritual practice. Holding an item of her late mom in her hands, while she was meditating, will promote psychic communication with her beloved mother.

During this conversation, I had a strong vision of her mom repeatedly pointing to her wrist, and what looked like an armband. I asked her if she had a bracelet that her mom used to wear, in order that she could more easily sense her mom’s energy. She then confirmed that she had kept her mom’s hospital bracelet with her in her handbag.

Perfect for psychometry, I thought. That would literally be the most recent item her mom had been wearing on her person and would most strongly carry her energy imprint.

Psychometry is a wonderful psychic skill to develop. It is a powerful form of psychic reading facilitated by clairtangency, the psychic sense of touch.

A personal experience with psychometry that I will never forget occurred during a psychic development course some years ago at the Arthur Findlay College for spiritualism and psychic science. We were a group of ten students, and I was partnered with a gentleman I had not spoken to before.

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Time To Cleanse The ‘Energy Clutter’ Of 2020

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe year 2020 is coming to an end. It has been a challenging year for most of us, to say the least. Some have lost everything that they thought was important in their lives, while others discovered what truly is important in their lives.

In many cases, the material and superficial things that we used to cherish so much have now been replaced by the simple longing to just hug a loved one, touch a friend’s hand, or just be part of a crowd of like-minded people at a music festival or sports event.

It has indeed been an exceedingly difficult year for our relationships, social life, careers, businesses, finances, and especially our mental health and well-being.  The lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing (or lack thereof) has been taking its toll.

Mental illness is said to at an all-time high, and suicides rates have increased significantly. Families will be celebrating the holidays this year without one or more of their family members, and many are having to grieve the tragic passing of a loved one.

You may look at all this stress, chaos and suffering, and ask yourself if any possible good can come from the events and circumstances of the past year?

Well, I do believe 2020 to be the best opportunity we will ever have in our lifetime to truly find the deeper meaning and purpose of life. This is the ideal time to identify everything that is not important in our lives and release what no longer serves us.

This is a time to cleanse your aura, clear your vibration, and discard the ‘energy clutter’ in your life. Loving and caring for yourself is fundamental at the moment. Be kind to yourself and do not judge yourself harshly for things you have no control over. Just do the best you can with what you have and take it one day at a time. We are simply being sidelined for a period of time. This to shall pass.

White sage is my go-to for clearing my living space and my personal energies. When bad vibes and negative energy clutter start to pile up, I take a few moments to simply breathe and relax, cleanse my aura with white sage, then breathe again. It lifts my inner being.

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Spiritual Connections

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe need to ask ourselves questions about spiritual connections with other people more frequently. What kind of connection do you really have with the people in your life?

A spiritual connection with someone else is something very special and important for our soul growth. So, how do we know when there is a spiritual connection?

Attraction – You feel an immediate, intense attraction to them and really do not understand why.

Familiarity – You feel at home or comfortable with the person. You feel like you have known them forever. This feeling is usually mutual. You just met and cannot explain why you feel this way, but you just do.

Indescribable – When meeting someone you are beyond words. You have this feeling that your connection with them is profound and indescribable. Sometimes it is overwhelming. You can’t tell if it is right or wrong, good or bad. You don’t understand what it means, you just know it somehow feels significant.

Fascination – You think about them often, having random thoughts of them throughout your day. They linger in your mind constantly. You may even feel somewhat obsessed with them.

Happiness – You instantly smile when thinking about them. You feel care free and happy. Having them around changes your mood for the better.

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Guidelines For The Anxious Clairsentient

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAnxiety is high for many people in the world right now. This is especially true if you are a clairsentient. Clairsentients have the ability to detect and feel energies from those around them, as well as their environment.

If you are a clairsentient, you might be feeling lately as if the world is falling apart. The good news is, there is hope – both for the future of our world, as well as the anxieties you have been experiencing.

Clairsentients experience incoming energies on all fronts. Only you have the power to determine which energies will affect you, and how much. Learning to control how much of your own energies you project into the world is also crucial.

Many clairsentients, who have practiced for years, report that they are able to be as visible or invisible as they choose to be. Imagine whatever works best as a powerful visual metaphor for you to create psychic protection around you: a force field, suit of armor, or a shield of light, are all good shielding visualizations.

When was the last time you took a vacation? If you’re like most people, it’s probably been a while. The concept of a ‘staycation’ is perfect for the stressed-out clairsentient. Really focusing on your own needs is okay and you don’t need to feel guilty. You can also use this time to discover more about your own aura and chakras, and make them stronger and healthier. If you’re the outdoorsy type, a camping trip or day hike might be just what you need to breathe, reconnect with the earth, and shrug off the negative energies that have built up.

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