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throat chakra

The Spiritual And Therapeutic Energies Of Blue

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn metaphysics, colors are associated with a specific energy signature or vibrational frequency that affects our aura as well as the energy fields in our surroundings. The energy signature of blue carries certain vibrational qualities that have both spiritual and therapeutic significance.

In spiritual and religious contexts, this color is often associated with the divine and sacred, representing a connection to the heavens and the spiritual realm. The color blue also holds a significant place in various mythologies around the world.

From its celestial associations in Greek mythology, to its divine symbolism in Norse mythology, to its mystical significance in Celtic mythology, blue represents the vastness of the cosmos, the power of divine forces, and the enduring nature of wisdom and knowledge.

Blue is also traditionally associated with spiritual healing and purification and is considered a protective color. It is believed to have a calming and cleansing effect on the mind and spirit. It is also said to ward off negative energies and provide a shield against spiritual harm.

Beyond its spiritual symbolism, blue is considered an important color in color therapy for its various therapeutic effects that promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

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Chakra Balancing Is An Essential Self-Care Practice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently attended a very informative talk given by a couple who are both energy healers. The husband is also a respected medium in our area. The topic was the chakra system and how to use it in an energy healing practice.

As a psychic practitioner, I already know a lot about the chakra system, but I am always open to other people’s perspectives and possibly even learning something new. I think it is important in any profession to keep an open mind and to have the desire to learn as much as possible. You are never too old, too wise, or too experienced to gain new insights!

So, I was pleasantly surprised that this talk turned out to be a wonderfully informative experience. In particular, the session reminded me of the importance of keeping one’s chakra wheels ‘in tune’, especially if one is in the business of healing or doing readings.

Clearing and balancing the chakras is vital because when a chakra is deprived of harmonious, free-flowing energy, it becomes unbalanced or even blocked, causing dysfunction in the organs and other mind-body functions associated with that chakra, as well as dysfunction throughout the rest of the entire chakra system.

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The Basics Of Chakra Balancing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDid you know that we have two bodies? Not only do we have a physical body, but we also have a light body.

Our physical body is our visible and tangible form, made up of bones, muscles, organs and other tissues. It is our physical manifestation in this earthly realm and is subject to the laws of physics and biology.

Our light body, on the other hand, is the subtle energy system underlying to the physical body. It is the energetic bridge between our physical body and our higher, soul existence beyond the physical body. The light body is invisible to the naked eye and is subject to metaphysical or universal laws.

The concept of the ‘body of light‘ or ‘luminous body’ is found in various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings and is also known as the aura, human energy field, astral body, subtle body, spirit body, radiant body, sidereal body, or celestial body.

The main feature of the light body are the chakras, an intricate network of energy centers or vortices that play a vital role in our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. According to some teachings there are as many as 114 to 88,000 chakras, but this is not a commonly accepted understanding in the fields of yoga and energy healing.

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Chakra Clearing Using Stones

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comClients often want to know what methods I use in my psychic readings. With the assistance of my spirit guides I usually pick up the energy around the person I am reading for. Sometimes names or events can come in, depend on what my guides are telling me. I also use meditation and stones to connect and keep my chakras open to receive message from the spirit world.

From a very young age I have been collecting crystals and gemstones to help keep my chakras clear and improve energy flow around me. Keeping your chakra system open and your energy field grounded is very important to obtain accurate inuitive information from your inner guidance system.

Speaking to my clients I aslo tend to find that people who do meditation and take care of their spiritual well-being often have happier lives and less stress. It also contributes to a longer life span.

To keep your seven chakras open I recommend the use of some of the following gemstones and crystals.

The Root Chakra is the base and grounds the spirit force that is in your body. A strong, clear base chakra ensures the ability to work more lovingly on the physical planes. Recommended stones: Red Garnet, Smoky Quartz.

The Sacral Charka is a conduit for creative utilization of forces leading into all aspects of the inner being and high soul procreation. It direct the self towards devotion. Recommended stones: Tiger Eye, Orange Calcite.

The Solar Plexus Charka expresses our personal power and helps us to manifest our goals. Recommended stones: Topaz Citrine

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The Deeper Meaning Of Color Stereotypes

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever heard the expression someone “talks a blue streak?” It refers to a person who talks rapidly and non-stop. But why use the adjective blue? I suspect it may originate from the metaphysical tradition of the color blue being associated with speaking one’s truth (throat chakra) and creative expression. People who gravitate towards this color are often creatives or performers, such as designers, fine artists, singers, dancers, and so on.

Communicating succinctly is the most powerful way we can make a connection with others beyond our subliminal energy connections with everyone around us. An over-abundance of words, however, translates into a lack of trust on the speaker’s part that she is not accepted by others, be it family members, coworkers, friends, or stranger she encounters along her life path. Speaking clearly and concisely is an art.

The color red also holds a fascination for me, as I perceive it to be a color that is so amazingly misunderstood. Red is generally interpreted as the color of anger, such as “I was so mad, I was seeing red.” Red is also used to denote danger in road signs and red cars are said to be associated with speed and aggressive driving.

But the color red also has many positive symbolic meanings in different cultures, including about passion, excitement, love, vigor, health, life and even spiritual zeal.

Another brilliant color that is often misrepresented is black. Once again, it is generally seen as a color related to depression, sadness, gloom, negativity and evil. In my view black stands out as a harmonious hue. If we see it in a positive light, black can be considered as a sharply defined, elegant color. It is symbolic of power, mystery, and sophistication. No one can deny the glamour of showing up to a dinner party in a smart little black dress or a tailored black tuxedo.

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Letting Go Heals Our Silent Pain

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToo often we are not aware of the emotional pain in others. We are blissfully ignorant of the invisible pain that they are suffering. This is the secret pain of grief, of tragedy and loss. It is often the silent pain that many of us carry inside, a pain we secretly endure every day.

Our grief and sorrow is something we hide from the world, because we tend to feel ashamed, embarrassed or guilty for not being ‘stronger.’ The fast-paced modern world we live in has little patience with those who need time to mourn and heal. Life goes on, they say.

Those who are grieving must get through their pain as best they can, often without having anyone to talk to or no one wo cares to understand. They must simply put on a happy face and get through the day.

Sometimes people are having a hard time processing a loss or disappointment because they do not want to let go. Why would anyone choose to hold on to the pain, you may ask? Well, there is sometimes a strange comfort found in a state of holding on. When our world feels upside down and the future seems uncertain, we tend to hold on to the familiarity of the past, of the life we once knew.

The energy of such an ongoing state of silent pain soon becomes an imbalance in the throat chakra and blocks our ability to heal. The throat chakra plays a very big part, because it is our energy center of truth, the seat of our power to communicate our free will and talk about our true feelings.

Suppressed mental and emotional pain in time manifests itself in our body in many debilitating ways, such as migraine headaches, stomach aches, physical discomfort and a variety of other symptoms and potential health problems. Only when the pain is addressed and processed, will it go away and will our well-being improve.

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The Feminine Power Of The Sacral Chakra

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring the recent Mercury retrograde, I lost my apartment keys. In a moment of wanderlust, my keys had slipped out of my pocket during an outing.

It happened on a Sunday, and it was a holiday weekend to boot. The office at my apartment complex wouldn’t open until the Tuesday. So, I was either stuck in my home for two more days, or I could impart creative solutions.

I chose to do the latter.

My daughter stays with me some days of the week, as well as every other weekend. The other days she is with my ex-husband. I asked if he could drop her off a day early, so I could go out and buy groceries while she was here.  Then she could buzz me back into the apartment.

When we face problems, a key ingredient in navigating solutions is creativity.  This is partly supported by the sacral chakra that inspires us past challenging, endless obstacles.

Communicated by the throat chakra, the other creative center in the system, the sacral center radiates joy when a solution appears.

The sacral chakra is one of the three feminine energy centers of power, along with the heart chakra and third eye. If all three are balanced in the female body, she attracts abundance in love, financial matters, and friendships with ease. Her solutions are naturally inspired by love emanating from her being.  Nothing is expected in return. Those who have benefitted from her help give back to her out of gratitude. Continue reading

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