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Being Relaxed Is Good

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is difficult for most of us to enjoy a few moments of deep relaxation and inner peace. The many pressures of modern life seldom affords us the bliss of such a ‘luxury.’

A relaxed mindset if vital for our spiritual well-being and soul growth. When we are in a relaxed state, we are better able to channel our higher self and be aware of what our angels and guides are saying to us. But when we are inundated with the chaos of the world, we cannot connect with that higher frequency and we miss all the good things spirit has to offer.

So, I asked spirit what busy humans can do to be more relaxed more often. I received the answer from a cashier who, after I had paid said goodbye with a smile I will never forget and said, “Being relaxed is good.”

I just nodded and said, “Yes, yes indeed it is.”

In our busy lives we forget how important it is to take some time out for self-care. And when we do, we realize what we have been missing!

I believe the best starting point is healthy sleep. Taking the time to get a good night’s rest empowers us to wake up and find that life doesn’t seem quite as difficult as it seemed the day before. Good, adequate sleep helps us see life through the lens of a more relaxed mindset.

Being well-rested is good.

A few additional lifestyle choices that are not so difficult to achieve can further enhance a relaxed state of mind. These include healthy eating and proper nutrition, exercise, taking warm baths, meditating, reading a good book before bedtime, and so on. Continue reading

Shine Your Heart Light This Holiday Season

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTimes have been tough this year. The alignment of the stars have not been overly kind to most of us. Public health crises, economy, politics, mayhem. And in this atmosphere relationships are even tougher than ever to navigate, especially with Venus and Pluto aligning in Scorpio.

My beloved dad, who passed twelve years ago, often said, “It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” Situations or people may appear hopeless and dark in these times, but it is important to remember that even the smallest flicker of just one tiny candle can shine a light for others to hold on to. Astrologer Pam Gregory, reminds us to breath into our heart centers, to raise our vibrations. In doing so, each one of us can be that tiny candle, flickering in the dark.

The holidays will bring families together. But holidays can either be celebratory occasion of merriment and cheer… or a war zone of toxic viewpoints and unwelcome meddling. It can often be an unresolved issues ‘free-for-all.’ A nosy sibling might tell you what they think, while you did not ask their opinion! Or, Uncle Bob may dip a little too frequently into the spiked eggnog, drowning all the fa-la-la in his wake.

It occurs to me now that the happy Bing Crosby tune Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive I heard on the radio earlier was no accident.

You’ve got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don’t mess with Mister In-Between

You’ve got to spread joy up to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith or pandemonium
Liable to walk upon the scene

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Making A Meaningful Change

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMost of us have been struggling with stress, anxiety and depression over the past two years. Whatever your personal struggles are, they are real and valid. The pandemic has been affecting everyone differently.

It is important to acknowledge your feelings and deal with it. Ignoring your struggles will only allow it to become bigger issues. Stress and trauma takes its toll on all of us, especially if left unattended. The best thing you can do for yourself and the people around you is to process it and work towards healing.

It is also vital to understand that your joy and happiness is not dependent on other people, material things, or external circumstances. It can only be found within yourself. And often the only way to access this happiness and joy within is to make some real, meaningful changes in your life.

Many people never find their joy and happiness, because they do not know what brings them joy and makes them truly happy. This is the big question. Look within and find makes you happiest. Then concentrate on that. Make a plan and start working towards it. It may sound simplistic, but it will soon begin to manifest in your life if you believe it.

For example, if you want to be in a happy, healthy relationship and you are tired of the bad relationship you are currently in, decide to make the change. Simply choose to be happy. You deserve to be happy and to be loved. Decide that you want to make it happen. It really is as simple as that.

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Embracing The Uncertainty Of Change

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of the earliest life lessons I had to learn the hard way is that change is the only thing that ever consistently happens in life. We cannot avoid it. It is fundamental to our journey in this lifetime to learn to embrace change, as without it we cannot grow and evolve as spiritual beings.

Yet, change causes much fear and apprehension for many people. It can be daunting. This is in fact one of the reasons why clients contact me for advice and predictions. In life it is vital to always be prepared for change.

Being mentally and emotionally prepared gives us a greater sense of control over any forthcoming event and thus alleviate some of its stress. Who wants to remain stagnant anyway? It is vital to look for the good that change can bring, rather than dwell on any potential negative impact it could bring about. We need to take on board the necessity to learn and strengthen from it.

Change comes in many forms. For example, it is estimated some people change their homes up to eight times in their lifespan. How stressful is that?  But instead of focusing too heavily on the downside, such as the stress of buying, selling and packing, spirit advises we see a new home as a beautiful new chapter in our lives. Think of it as an exciting fresh start and allow yourself time to adjust. You may soon be happier in your new abode than you could ever imagine!

Beginning a new job is equally stressful. For whatever reason you find yourself in new employment, the very thought of walking into a new workplace on a Monday morning, meeting new colleagues in unfamiliar environment is always daunting. However, rather than be afraid, advises spirit, why not congratulate yourself for being there in the first place?

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When My Guides Would No Longer Guide Me

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLike most people, I have faced my own share of difficulties and life challenges. In fact, there was a very challenging period in my life that lasted about 15 years.

I remember in those days asking my guides for support and guidance. I was in desperate need of finding a path out of the chaos caused by a strange series of events in my life. I was praying, humbly requesting divine intervention.

Nothing. Silence.

In the past I had always received feedback from my guides. I have even had magical messages and miraculous signs proving without a shadow of doubt that God and my spirit guides exist.

One time, I was dealing with a very toxic employee, who was spreading nasty rumors about me and my business. I was at my wits end with stress and frustration. On my way back home from my office, a negligent driver unintentionally pulled their car right in front of me on the freeway, almost forcing me off the road! Fortunately, I swerved just in time. After I recovered from my initial shock, I noticed the license plate frame said: Happiness Is Loving Satya.

That same day, my electronic garage door was not working for some reason, so I had to enter the house through the front door, which I never did. I found a tree service business card left on the porch. The tree service owner was once again my namesake. An unusual name for man.

I’ve had hundreds such magical, confirming moments. I have even been told I would receive tangible gifts from my guide, and I did receive those gifts.

But now, during the most difficult, confusing, terrifying time in my life, there was nothing. Nothing. Silence. Why aren’t you responding, I asked. Are you still here with me? Have you abandoned me? Why is this happening?

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Ask Spirit To Guide Your Every Step

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs babies we learned to walk on our own. We may have had some guidance and support from our parents or caregivers, to protect us from falling, but in the end we mastered it on our own. And once we learned to walk, we could in time advance to running, skipping, jumping, and so on.

Similarly, we must learn to make major life decisions for ourselves. We may receive guidance and support along the way from others, including Spirit, but in the end, we must master our life choices on our own.

One of the major challenges we all face in life is how we choose to manage stress and hardship in our life. Stress is a given. Setbacks happen. Overcoming adversity is part and parcel of our journey in this lifetime. No one can live an entirely peaceful and easy life of serene bliss, without dealing with some drama and chaos from time to time.

But we choose different ways to cope with the daily challenges of life. Some people choose to lead a healthy, uplifting lifestyle, as well as practice spirituality, while others sadly opt for destructive ways to ‘cope,’ such as substance abuse, various forms of addiction, and self-sabotaging behaviors, which only serves to make their troubles worse.

When it comes to spirituality, everyone must choose their own path. It is usually what works best for you personally that is ultimately the best way to go. But some choose to not have any belief system. One thing I have learned in this life is that spirituality is essential.

You don’t have to go it alone. There is a great force, a powerful presence known as God, Source, Universe, Spirit, the Divine that guides and protects us. All we must do is ask.

Another important life lesson I have learned is that no one can truly know what you are personally going through, except yourself. Others will have their ideas and opinions of who you are, and what you may be going through, but none of that really matters.

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Reading The Human Aura

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comReading a person’s aura is one of the simplest psychic reading techniques to identify the immediate health and wellness needs of a person.

As a clairvoyant, I started seeing people’s auras when I was about five years old. At the time I thought everyone saw it. I did not understand what it was, or what it meant.

I believe anyone can learn to read auras, but it does take practice and trusting your intuition. The easiest way to practice seeing someone’s aura is to place them against a white wall and look for the hue around their body. You have to look beyond the person, not directly at them, in order to see it. Don’t rush. Take your time and let it happen.

If you look carefully, you will see a thin layer of what looks like ‘heat’ emanating from their body in different colors. Each layer of the human aura has its own energy frequency and color that constantly changes, depending on our emotions and mental state.

When I read auras, I see specific colors, sometimes bright lights. When I first started seeing auras they looked kind of fuzzy with a white light, and then as I got older I was able to see the most beautiful vibrant colors. Sometimes the aura can seem a bit dull and the colors muddled, especially when the person is under a great deal of stress or suffering from depression.

There is also technology available these days for taking aura photos using a special camera. It is done by placing your hands on the camera’s sensors for it to pick up your energy. These aura photos typically show an array of colors.

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