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Hold On Tight To Your Dreams

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are times when we are tempted to withdraw from the world, sit around, and feel sorry for ourselves. For many of us it is all too easy to get into the rut of complaining about how everything bad only happens to us, and how unfair life is. Some of us also easily complain that other people seem to have everything, and we have so little. When this kind of thinking takes over, it may be time to ask yourself some really tough questions.

Am I in a comfort zone? Is it really too difficult to make the necessary changes to have a better life? Do I really want to get well? What benefits am I possibly getting from choosing to remain stuck? Has my circumstances or my health status become my new identity? Am I always looking in the rear-view mirror, wishing I could rewrite the past? Do I obsess about what could have, should have, would have been? Continue reading

Make It Possible In 2018!

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI love the New Year, because the potential for a fresh start always awaits us at this time. It offers the excitement of new beginnings, second chances, or simply the anticipation as to what a new year might bring.

My guides have taught me that we can create a new beginning for ourselves at any time, by mastering the art of visualization. History is full of stories about people who have failed, and failed, and then finally succeeded. Did visualizing help them?  I am convinced it must have.

In short, it all begins in our heads, by being open to the possibility of something, and defining a way forward that works for us as individuals. What better time for such a renewed mindset than the New Year? Continue reading

Psychic Plants

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPlants are everywhere, even in urban environments – from the windowsill potted plant to the hundred-year-old oak in a city park. What you may not know is that plants, just like people and animals, are psychic and react strongly to the energies around them.

In a well-known experiment, scientist Cleve Backster, who was at the time working with police departments to develop polygraph (lie detector) machines, attached a plant to one of these machines. He found that the plant detected intent. For example, the plant reacted with humanlike responses, such as fear and anxiety, to his thoughts of burning the plant.

The plant also showed an empathic response to pain, such as when Backster cut his finger. The results were even the same when he directed his thoughts toward the plant from some distance away. All this from a common potted plant found in an office! Continue reading

Life Is Like Cooking Bacon And Eggs

click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLife is like cooking bacon and eggs without a shirt on. Why is that? Well, let’s think about the process one goes through when cooking bacon and eggs.

After picking out the frying pans, next is to consider what version of eggs to cook. Scrambled, poached, fried (sunny side up, over easy), omelet, boiled? Do we add vegetables, or cheese? Which kind of cheese: American, Swiss, Pepperjack? Broccoli, onions, asparagus, carrots?

So many choices, so little time.

Having sifted through the refrigerator, checking out the ‘best before’ dates, and smelling and squeezing all the ingredients, we are now ready to cook the eggs. The first choices made, now it’s time to take action. What is the timing between starting the eggs and bacon: separate pans or combined? How crispy do we like our bacon? Continue reading

Accomplish More With A Vision Board

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs I began to approach my teen years, I became more eager to develop my intuitive abilities. It was important for me to start finding my purpose. I had become a part of this adolescent spiritual group, where kids from different cultures and religious backgrounds came together to find common ground.

On the last night of a camping retreat, we gathered around a large table with magazines and art materials surrounding us. Our teacher instructed us to put our vision on paper, so we could have a visual tool to motivate and inspire us for the future.

There was much laughter in the beginning, but then the room became more serious and quiet. Everyone began filling their paper with colorful images and commenting on how awesome the project was. In the final hour, we all went around the room and shared our vision boards with humor and emotion. Overall we learned that each one of us is unique and driven to make our imprint in this world. Continue reading

The Cosmic Weather Channel

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe have all checked a daily weather forecast at some point. Will it be hot or cold? Will it rain or snow? But did you know that a different kind of ‘weather’ affects our lives just as much? We are also impacted by the ‘cosmic weather’ – the astrological positions of the planets and other heavenly bodies, as well as related phenomena, such as eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, aurora borealis (Northern Lights), solar flares, and meteor showers.

The recent “Great American Eclipse” was a large-scale event which many people observed. But what did it mean? Solar eclipses represent the shadow of the Moon (the yin, feminine, and intuitive) obscuring the Sun (yang, masculine, and logical). An eclipse therefore creates the illusion of twilight in the middle of the day. From a metaphysical perspective it is the perfect time for added insight, previously hidden knowledge, and inspired ideas. Continue reading

Inspiration – A Message From My Guides

click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo you feel inspired? With the hectic pace of life today, it is relatively easy to keep your head down and just live day-to-day, without having time to notice much beyond your immediate purview. Whether you are consumed by a busy career, overextended with a heavily scheduled home life, or over-committed to extended family and friends, or all of the aforementioned, it can be difficult to find true inspiration for oneself.

But there is no time like the present! Make a small but important commitment to yourself. Lift your head. Look around. Take time to breathe. Spend some time alone. Read. Learn. Appreciate. Take inspiration from the world around you. Set healthy boundaries. Stop and smell the flowers. Enjoy good-news stories. Revel in others’ accomplishments. Know that if others can do it, so can you. Continue reading

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