Nurture And Nourish Yourself With Nature
In our busy world we tend to take nature for granted. Consider for just a moment all the things flowers, plants and trees really do for humanity. They sustain life all around the world. Plants produce food and oxygen for many of the largest animals around the world, as well as for humans. Plants are also used for healing.
Unfortunately, modern humanity demands that things grow faster and produce better crops, leading us to alter plants in such a way that they might no longer be as healthy as they once were.
Just by watching the trees, one can predict the weather. We sometimes have an abundance of acorns from the oak trees here in Maine. It is said to be a sign of a snowy winter. Most acorns mature in late summer and begin falling from the trees in September or October. It’s a great time for the squirrels to collect them, and become fat and round before the winter.
In Maine the winter tends to be very long and it’s easy to become a somewhat down and sad. So, my friend and I decided earlier this year to take a ride on such a gray day to the local greenhouse that is open all winter. Plants, flowers, trees and beautiful landscapes can change one’s state of mind and put a smile on your face!
Just walking through the door and seeing the first plants we encountered at the front door immediately lifted my mood. Some experts believe that trees and plants react to human attention, and also communicate with each other. Well, it was as though those flowers were saying, “Hey, look at us. Take us home with you, we will cheer you up!” And, of course, so it was that between us we purchased four beautiful plants – much cheaper than a visit to the doctor for a anti-depressant prescription.
My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass ~ Leslie Grimutter
Being out in nature can promote wellness. For me just being at my house on the ocean brings a sense of well-being. When I am sitting on my porch watching the tide go in and out, I feel it sweeping away any emotional problems I may be feeling. I watch the retracting waves taking away all my worries, while the incoming waves fill me up with hope and joy. It is very therapeutic.
Once doing a mediumship reading, spirit told the person receiving the reading, “You will find a sand dollar while walking the beach.” Spirit then proceeded to describe the sand dollar in detail, so their loved one would recognize it as a gift from them when later they found it on the beach. I have also had spirit predict the finding of a heart-shaped rock and other natural phenomena, all described in detail in order to be recognized by the recipient. What a beautiful, unique gift from a loved one on the other side!
My own father always felt he was in his spiritual, sacred place when he was out on the water, or in the woods. I still cherish his collection of all the beautiful feathers that he would find when he went out for a walk. When I look at them now, they make me very happy. The woods of Maine are definitely a spiritual place for many of us who live in this beautiful region.
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God ~ Anne Frank
Maine is certainly a state where you experience all four seasons to their fullest. And all four the seasons have different natural beauty offerings that they bless us with. I’ve always said you have to love the state to live here. It’s not always easy, but well worth it when each new season arrives.
Even winter has its perks. It is a time, for me personally, to slow down a little bit and take some time to nourish my soul. This is when I do my writing and painting. It is also a time to meditate and quiet my mind. Spring is however my favorite. All the beautiful plants and trees start to bloom. It is a rebirth, a natural feel good.
Spend some time out in nature this spring to nourish yourself. It is just plain good for your soul.
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