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Physical Fitness Advice From The Other Side

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy grandma and I were very close while she was in this life. We spoke about many things and held many of the same views. She was a highly intuitive person. Many in the family didn’t know this about her, but she could accurately sense and feel things about people. She would also predict things before they happened.

Her mother was also a well-known intuitive – again something that her own children didn’t even know about her. My great grandma would predict gambling numbers for people, and they would often win! Grandma told me, “My mother would dream the numbers and people would pay her for this advice.”

Grandma also shared many other stories with me about her family growing up. Some of those stories still fascinate me and to this day I reminisce about the things she told me. I feel very lucky and blessed to have shared 47 years of my life with her. Grandma had children at a very young age, so thankfully she was able to see some of her grandchildren, and even some of her great grand children grow up.

We spent many summer vacations at my grandparents’ house. Just like me, my grandma loved to talk about ghosts, spirits, and all things paranormal. We would talk into the wee hours of the night. Some of the things she shared with me, she may not have shared with anyone else in the family. I guess she sensed in advance that I would need some of this information for my future calling.

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Getting To The Core Of The Matter

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of the many benefits of a good psychic reading is the clarity it can bring. Relationships and situations can take many confusing twists and turns and it’s easy to get lost in the behavior or chaos of the moment. Getting to the heart of the matter involves the psychic advisor looking at your core energy.

Your core energy is the root of you. It is the true you, complete with your innate gifts, skills and talents. Layered on top of that are your experiences, challenges, fears, childhood wounds and past relationships gone wrong. The more scars there are on this layer, the thicker it is and the more it impacts your choices, decisions and behavior.

A psychic advisor will use her skill set to discern what is really going on underneath for all parties involved. A gifted reader will get ‘inside’ and find out what is limiting the success of the relationship, or situation. This is why an advisor may often bring forward information about you, or the subject, that you did not necessarily ask for, but is relevant to increasing your understanding and finding resolution to your situation.

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The Easter Angel And The Golden Ticket

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt was around Easter, one year in the early 1970s, when I had a profound angel encounter. I was playing outdoors with many other children my age. We were eagerly running through a large open field looking for Easter eggs.

Well, they were not exactly real eggs. If you are from my generation, you might remember those plastic eggs that would break open to reveal inside them candy, colorful stickers and small, cheap bracelets. Some also contained little pieces of paper with trivia or inspirational messages. I remember thinking the words on the paper were more valuable to me than the tiny Tootsie Rolls or Hershey Bars.

On this occasion, I soon had a full basket and was sitting on the ground opening up my eggs and stuffing my goodies in the plastic bag we were all given. We were to return the eggs, so they could be recycled.

There was a very angelic looking women at the Easter egg hunt. She was helping some of the children find their eggs. Whenever they seemed to be having a difficult time, she would go to them and say something encouraging, or would help to cheer them up in some way. I kept my eye on her since we arrived, as she stood out from everyone else.

Later, while standing in line to return my empty eggs, she knelt down in front of me and asked, “What did you get?” I opened my bag and showed her all the candy and goodies. Then I lifted my hand and said, “This piece of paper is my favorite.” It was a golden slip of paper which read: It is wise to not put all your time, energy and love in one basket.

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Communicating Kindness – A Message From My Guides

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comOur focus today is on being kind to those who are close to you and improve your communication with those you love. Sometimes people are inclined to take their loved ones for granted and speak with them entirely differently than they would speak to a stranger.

It is easy to be kind when showing genuine support and encouragement, but it can be more difficult when giving disagreeable advice, or chastising. Overall, it is much more challenging to be kind when expressing any kind of criticism. To counteract these challenges, we have three recommendations that might help.

Our first proposition is to listen actively. Many people are so compelled to answer while another is speaking that they formulate their responses without actually hearing what is truly being said. They assume that they know where the conversation is going so they miss any nuance or undercurrent within the comments being made.

Staying silent without interrupting can be very challenging, especially when you are eager to expand on positive commentary or ready to disagree with every fiber of your being. It might take an inordinate amount of practice, however, if you can master the art of listening well, people will soon think of you as a great conversationalist.

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Sometimes The Solution Is Right Before Us

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comA client recently asked me why ‘bad things’ keep happening in her life. Why does everything seem so hopeless and nothing is fun anymore? She is constantly in pain and there is really no more joy in her life.

The first thing Spirit showed me was a vision of myself when I was in pain, then a flash of me doing Yoga and how I was no longer in pain. For me the key is to not second guess, just to share whatever I get immediately. So, I simply told this women she must start doing Yoga. “Oh my gosh, she said, “I gave up Yoga some time ago and then the pain came back. I never thought of that!”

We have to be proactive and create positive steps in creating positive outcomes. It is simply the Law of Cause and Effect. We get pain relief from doing things that make us feel good and things that are good for us. Spirit says, “If we do nothing to fix something, nothing will get fixed.”

Sometimes in life we are so busy with the drama and chaos that we can’t think with clarity, in order to see what we need to do. Sometimes the solution is right before us, but we don’t realize it, because we are overlooking it. My client said she felt like a blindfold was lifted . Apparently she sees her old Yoga mat in her closet every day, but chose to overlook it. “Not anymore,” she laughed.

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When A Relationship Ends

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comMany requests for readings that I receive are about relationships, and a good percentage of those are about past relationships that just seem to keep hanging on in callers’ minds and dreams. There are often constant thoughts about the person, a longing for a second chance, or bitterness and remorse for time that now seems wasted.

The longer and more intense the relationship, the more battle scars and wounds exist. If it was a soulmate or twin flame connection, the aftermath can be gutting. The relationship has ended and the connection has been severed in this life. This time can be acutely painful. You know that you gave it everything. You hung in there for years, or you went to heroic lengths to ensure the survival of  the relationship, but you fell short.

I am frequently asked, “Is it really over?” Of course, the answer depends on the particular circumstances and this is where a reading with a trusted psychic advisor can be very helpful.  It can bring clarity, comfort and assurances about choices and decisions made along the way.

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Dare To Find Your Way Again!

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAcccess.comWhy should there be a yellow brick road? The answer is simple: everyone should have a personal path to Oz.

In the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz, after losing her way home, Dorothy was advised to follow the yellow brick road. Along the way, she was given a pair of beautiful ruby slippers. She was also cautioned not to remove these special shoes and not to lose sight of the yellow brick road.

There were times when Dorothy threw caution to the wind and walked away from the path. I recall watching scenes from the movie and holding tightly to the edge of my chair in anticipation of the perils faced by Dorothy. There was the Wicked Witch of the West and her army of dutiful, misguided monkeys. There were wind storms and spells in which day was cast into night. There was even a cranky old man who pretended to be the omnificent power of the Universe.

Much like Dorothy, each of us has faced difficult times in our lives when we have found ourselves without direction and far from home. Some of us have even forgotten where home was, while some never want to return. But within the metaphysical context, home is akin to the center within each of us that is the dwelling place of the soul, which links us to our life purpose and mission.

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