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Forgive Yourself And Be Free!

Click this picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSelf-forgiveness is so essential in today’s modern world. With the festive season fast approaching, however, forgiving oneself is more important than ever, so we can enjoy our time to the full and not let guilt, self-punishment and blame get in the way.

As human beings we have all glanced at our calendars and cringed at the fact that we have overlooked a loved one’s birthday, or not spent as much quality time with our family as we intended.  Equally, resentment can kick in when those around us tend to forget our birthdays, or fail to notice our efforts on the professional or home front. Continue reading

Psychic Advice For The Holiday Madness

Click this picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt’s important this season to remember not everyone is kind, and not everyone cares and is compassionate. I can relate to my clients when they say it is really difficult to be around certain people during the holidays, because of the ego, pride issues that many have. It does little for one’s peace of mind.

I give the same advice I try and bide by myself, which is remembering these people we only have to see once or twice a year. So, try your best to be civil. It’s hard even for those of us that remote view and see how our ‘loved ones’ speak so ‘lovingly’ of us behind our back, and how they focus on the things of this world instead of what matters the most. Continue reading

Embracing Your Shadow Self

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn today’s so-called enlightened world, most people tend to concentrate on the ‘light’ so much that they tend to neglect their darker or ‘shadow side as a result. Truly, this is a pity as we can learn so much from it! Carl Jung said, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

So just what is our Shadow? Interestingly, this is the side of us that we tend to hide from other people. Simply put, it is the home for our guilt, fears, emotional traumas, but yet at the same time, also houses our beauty and hidden abilities!

In fact, any side of ourselves that we tend to keep secret from other people forms our shadow side. Generally speaking, anything that we may class as being unacceptable by society, or our social circle, we tend to store away at the back of our mind. Continue reading

Is Your Partner Cheating?

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIs your partner cheating on you? Is your spouse seeing someone else? These thoughts can be life-changing in a relationship. It can create a wall that is very difficult to tear down, especially if it is not the truth of the situation. Yet, if true, it can also destroy a family.

There are several signs to watch for in every relationship that will bring the truth of the situation to you. However, you must be willing to act after knowing the truth, and not just sit there and be disrespected.

Phone Secrets

Does the cell phone get hidden when you walk into a room, after they have been fervently texting on it? Does it go in their pocket, or under a cushion? Does it go into the bathroom with them? Is it always by the bed, in a place that you could never access it? Is it password or fingerprint protected so you cannot see anything in it?  Has it become a third appendage attached to the person at all times? Are they chuckling, however won’t show you what they find so amusing?

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Is It Love, Or Just Infatuation?

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is a difference between love, lust, and infatuation. Infatuation is so powerful, it can make you think that you are in love, but they cannot co-exist.

There are so many people that feel that they are in love with someone just because they are so amazing, and they cannot stop thinking about them, but truthfully most of the time the intense feeling that comes with really liking someone is not love, it is infatuation. How does one tell the difference?

First and foremost, when you are infatuated it happens very quickly, love is a slow process – love needs a deeper connection. Infatuation can make you feel irrational, love calms you. Infatuation can feel very intense, love is grounded, and generous, and solid. Continue reading

Charity – A Message From My Guides

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCharity does begin at home. Whether you think of charity as alms for the impoverished, or kindness to strangers, or perhaps non-judgment in times of questionable behavior by others, it is still imperative to look within first. Before you can be truly charitable to others, it is important to be kind to yourself first. Ultimately, you cannot give to others freely and easily that which you do not give to yourself.

You are a loving and giving being. However, sometimes you are your own worst critic and have nothing but fault to find when you come up short regarding lofty expectations of yourself.

Sometimes you have set this bar so high that you are incapable of reaching the goals within your estimated timeline. Sometimes life intervenes in your best laid plans and deadlines are missed. Sometimes you self-sabotage from fear of success, or failure. Each of these instances can cause undue stress, which is not only harmful to you, but also to the people in your circle. Continue reading

Fall Asleep Fast…The Natural Way

Get a free reading at Click Here!Insomnia is not only widespread these days; it is a negative influence which may lead to depression and anxiety, substance abuse, decreased mental functioning, and even suicide. With less than half of adults getting their optimal levels and duration of sleep, it’s crucial that all of us look after that part of ourselves.

Relying on sleep medications can have long-term side effects, and after a while, we become dependent on them. Instead of using gimmicks or habit-forming medications to get more sleep, all you need are three natural ingredients and this simple recipe for a sleep elixir.

A natural sleep mixture is non-habit-forming, and provides benefits beyond better sleep. In fact, our sleep cycle affects almost every other part of our well-being. Continue reading

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