Life Design
True Healing Begins With Holding Space
A work associate and friend recently offered me a free healing session, which he describes as ‘holding space.’ It involves the healer simply ‘being present’ and mindful in the moment with the client during a video call.
He explained the process beforehand and informed me that was going to simply talk and express myself, with no prompting from him. I gratefully accepted his kind offer.
I was not sure what to expect, but having studied various healing modalities myself over the years and being naturally curious about all aspects of spirituality and holistic health, I was open to the experience.
To begin he invited me to just relax and focus on my breathing. Once he senses that I was ready to proceed, he encouraged me to simply begin talking about whatever came to mind.
“Oh no,” I secretly thought, “what on earth will I talk about?”
Well, I soon discovered that it wasn’t difficult at all! I spontaneously began talking, and soon it was pretty much non-stop! I kicked off talking about my concerns for my aging pets, and then went on to other everyday worries and domestic matters. Eventually, I switched to my family history – specifically focusing on all the times I had felt invisible or let down by relatives.
About halfway through, I briefly hesitated and asked my friend if he was not maybe getting bored? But he assured me that he was perfectly fine, adding that this kind of work was very much a calling for him. He later explained that he has overcome several life challenges and tragedies himself over the years, and subsequent soul-searching, as well as further training in various holistic practices, ultimately led him to begin holding space for others.
How To Do A Fearless Tarot Reading
Each psychic reader has their favorite tools, and what suits one reader does not necessarily work well for another. In all my years as a professional psychic, angel oracle cards have always been my primary divination tool of choice. Nevertheless, I am also well-versed in reading the Tarot. Surprisingly, I have had a few clients over the years who have asked me not to use the Tarot for their readings, often because they feel uncomfortable with, and even fearful of some the occult symbols and imagery found in traditional Tarot decks.
In fact, just recently I had a very worried lady contact me about a Tarot reading she tried to do for herself. She attempted a four-card spread, and three of the cards she pulled now had her very worried: The Devil, Death and The Hanged Man. She was very anxious what this might mean and begged me to help her make sense of it all.
She confessed that she had considered reshuffling the cards and starting over, but I advised her against this. It is not at all wise to try and make a reading ‘fit’ simply because you don’t like the cards you drew. Instead, one needs to look at what the original cards are conveying.
I also explained to her that it is essential to consider the order in which the cards fall in a spread, as it often reveals a narrative or pattern of events. Furthermore, Tarot cards are directive, not simply predictive. The cards point us in the right direction or reveal the best path to take to arrive at a desired destination, and achieve the best possible outcome.
I then helped her to interpret her four-card reading as follows:
Aligning With The New Earth Energy
Have you been experiencing unusual anxiety or restlessness in recent months? Many spiritually aware and highly sensitive people all over the world have been feeling tense or nervous lately, while there is nothing particularly bothersome happening in their lives to cause such feelings. The reason for this is that there is currently a lot happening in our world on a cosmic level.
Old energy patterns that are no longer serving us have been gradually shifting and falling away, to be replaced by the new, improved energies for a new age in human evolution. As exciting and hopeful as these energy upgrades may be, you may not feel very grounded or secure in your physical body at the moment.
Some people describe the feeling as sense of ‘floating’ or ‘drifting,’ and many also report feeling unable to accurately interpret the new energies coming in. They feel disoriented or even confused. It is like being a newborn baby having to readjust to physical reality and learn all over again!
The emergence of a New Earth has been unfolding on a subtle energetic level for several years now at varying rates and frequencies. This global energy shift and spiritual awakening is now once again speeding up. It is inviting you to ‘upgrade’ yourself and your life. It is offering an energy pathway to establish an enhanced connection with your higher self or higher consciousness.
We are all being encouraged and supported at this time to lift off the old armor, drop our tired, worn-out fears and limiting beliefs, and allow instead a renewed purity and innocence to permeate our being.
When we are aligned with the Divine Light, there is no longer any need for competition, strife or worry. We do not envy what others have, or compare our own failures to their successes. Once we are fully aware of our connection to Divine Source, to all of God, Spirit, Creation, the Universe, be know that we will be provided for and that we need not fear or worry.
Astrology Forecast September 5 – 11, 2022
We may experience a bit of astrological ‘whiplash’ this week, as we’re under the influence of a Waxing Full Moon, while Mercury gears up to go retrograde.
The week starts out with Venus moving into Virgo, a sign known for its idealistic tendencies and love of perfection. We’ll have to take care not to let our requests turn into demands and our expectations into commands, as either will have others running for the hills!
Today and tomorrow the Capricorn Moon casts an air of productivity over us, allowing us to catch up on anything that fell to the back burner last week. Take care however to not to adopt a lazy attitude this morning due to influence of a Capricorn Moon square Jupiter in Aries.
The mid-morning Capricorn Moon square Mercury in Libra may cause delays in communication and unexpected misunderstandings. Make a conscious effort to stay focused and mentally alert under this aspect. Be sure to send that email to the correct person! Most of all do not let your thoughts spiral into unnecessary emotional upheaval.
Expect flashes of brilliance to dominate the landscape under Wednesday and Thursday’s Aquarius Moon. These will be the ideal days this week to brainstorm, solve a mystery, or seek out new friendships with like-minded people.
The Pisces Moon will influence the remainder of the week, adding an ethereal tone as Mercury turns retrograde on Friday. The moon will wax full on Saturday. A Pisces Full Moon may cause some irritability, restlessness and mood swings. Try to follow your head, not your heart this weekend.
Sunday will be action-oriented under the Aries Moon, as it energizes our every move. Flexibility will be a must, and our main focus this week will be to pay attention. If we don’t, we’re sure to miss important messages from Spirit along the way.
How To Anchor Yourself In Any Storm
Happiness, peace, calm, no drama. This is the way of life we all really strive for and long for. We even design our lives in such a way as to create the illusion of having attained this. Yet, life happens. There are stresses. There are arguments, fights, heartaches. Yes, there is pain.
We sometimes find ourselves in situations not of our own making, and circumstances that anger us. Yet, at the end of each day, if we can go to bed knowing we were honest, and we did what we believed with all our heart was right, then we have inner peace, and happiness.
Yes, we all do make mistakes. We do things out of anger, hurt, then later regret. But if we work hard to try to resolve the situation, we can be happy in ourselves.
No one can say words to us that bring us to unhappiness; no one can take actions that hurt us if we don’t let it destroy our faith within.
Becoming the rock in the middle of the storm is key. We must keep our mind clear, not let others tell us that we are no good, and avoid trying to become what others want us to be. We have to be what the spirit within tells us to be. Then we will be happy, we will be anchored in the center of the storm.
In all our lives there comes a time to make major decisions. Our first wisest choice is to ask the Creator, our Higher Power, through our prayers and meditations, what is best. The second is to get expert opinions. The third is to ask for the opinions of others, whose lives may be affected by the decisions. There is no need for egos, hastiness, or heartaches of years gone by. Simply listen carefully, through all the junk, for the good statements made.
The Magic Of Living Your Truth
Where does magic come from? And, if we’re magical, can we lose our magic? We’re all born magical creatures. We also have integrity right from the moment we take our first breath. You may ask, what does integrity have to do with magic? Well, everything!
However, immediately upon emerging from the birth canal, mainstream society starts imprinting upon us its cultural view points, customs and traditions. Often, they become a kind of law that has been adopted over many generations, even entire epochs in our evolution as human beings, and due to ‘group think‘ we are discouraged from questioning their origin, much less their validity.
Group think happens when the desire for harmony or conformity dominates, leading to irrational and dysfunctional choices, decisions and behaviours simply for the sake of comforming.
An example that comes to mind is the statement that we have probably all used at one time or another: “Oh, I’ll just follow the rule of thumb.” However, we would never make such a statement if we were aware of its origins: this was what men used to say when they were using a stick to punish their wife! By law, the instrument for abuse could only be as big around as the husband’s thumb.
Another senseless tradition that comes to mind is why men wear neck ties. Before the advent of computers enabled us to Google our curiosities, I often thought about how glad I am to be a woman, if for no other reason than I don’t have to wear a necktie. Now, I have to admit that I’m “over the top” regarding many time-tested, and supposedly true forms of bondage. I don’t even like to wear shoes that make my feet feel closed in, so imagine my feelings about effectively placing a noose around my neck. Ay, ay, no way!