Time Lords Among Us
With the popularity of the long-running television series Doctor Who, chances are you’ve heard of ‘time lords.’ They are time-traveling humanoid aliens with uncanny powers. But did you know that there’s truth to this popular fiction?
A small number of people, by some estimates one or two percent of the population, possess the gift of time-space synesthesia. It is an unusual ability in which our emotions and senses are delicately intertwined.
Perhaps you have heard of people who are able to taste music, or hear colors? With the gift of time-space synesthesia, the individual perceives within multiple dimensions. In other words, they literally see dimensional time. For example, the synesthete may perceive a rotating calendar around their body closely matching the Earth’s rotation around the Sun – quite literally the passage of a calendar year. Continue reading
Who Is Your Soul Family?
When we hear the term ‘soulmate,’ we usually think of romance. But did you know you have an entire soul family here on Earth? Who are these people, and how do we find them?
Your soul family are those people you’ve probably known over many lifetimes, and whose auras and experiences are similar to your own. When you meet one, you may find yourself drawn to him or her, even if there are differences in background, age, or culture.
As with all good friends, a soul family member will instinctively understand and support you. When you meet for the first time, you might have a conversation that lasts for hours. And you’ll always be happy to see them, even on your worst days. It’s almost like being in love, but purely platonic…though you might wish you could marry the person, even when they’re not your preferred romantic gender. Continue reading
The Twelve Laws Of Karma
Karma is a tricky word to define. And no, it doesn’t mean ‘revenge’ or ‘payback!’ In the simplest sense, karma is energy. We get back what we put forth. Or, to paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, we become the product of our thoughts. And, like other forces at work in the Universe, karma follows a set of basic laws:
Great Law – We reap what we sow, every cause is related to an equal cause.
Law of Creation – Our intentions and desires are related. In other words, God helps those who help themselves.
Law of Humility – It is what it is. We must first address the root of our issues and accept things at face value, before we begin to change. Continue reading
Himalayan Salt Lamps – Are They For You?
Himalayan salt lamps naturally purify the air through ionization. Studies indicate that as much as a third of the world’s population reacts adversely to negative ions, and many people report that the air becomes easier to breathe when using a salt lamp.
Larger versions of these lamps, ideally hand-carved from the natural rock salt, are attractive and come in shades of red, amber, and cream. No two are alike! They weigh between 25 and 32 pounds and each will treat a space up to 320 square feet. Apart from the tabletop versions, did you know they are also available in a larger, half-dome size? Like their smaller versions, these lamps have multiple health benefits: relief from asthma and allergies, low energy, sleeplessness, and attention deficit. Continue reading
Signs You Might Be Overstressed
Almost all of us are under stress of some kind, whether it’s from work, family life, financial situations, or countless other sources. But how do when we know when it all gets to be too much?
Sadly, we tend to overlook the very real, physical signs our bodies give us, to let us know that the stress is all too much. If you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms, it might be time to take a look at how to reduce stress levels and get your total health on track.
Pain in our bodies is probably the most obvious sign something is wrong, yet it tends to get ignored until it’s almost too late. Aches and pains, stomach issues, muscle tension, and heart palpitations are among the most common. Also, when we’re under stress, our sleep may suffer. Sleep is crucial to a person’s well-being, and if we’re not getting enough sleep (or too much) the entire body suffers as a result. Continue reading