white light
Home Cleansing Ritual
Doing a cleansing, purifying and sealing ritual will refresh your personal space, infusing it with restorative vibrations and a spiritual aura. You can use this ritual any time you feel the energy in your house is dimming, or to bless a new home or office. It will raise the levels of your own well-being, as well as your surroundings.
- 3 white candles
- Cinnamon incense
- 1/4 cup whole cloves
- 4 cups water
- Sage or sweet grass smudge stick (or sage incense)
- Quartz crystals – one for each room in your house
- Sea salt
- Small bowls or dishes – one for each room in your house
Gather the cloves, cinnamon incense, smudge stick, quartz crystals, bowls, and candles, and place it your kitchen. Wear white when performing this ritual and play soothing classical, or instrumental music. Center yourself with a prayer or short meditation to set the mood before you begin.
Connecting With Archangels Sandalphon And Metatron
Did you know two angels, Sandalphon and Metatron, lived as humans? Both of these fabulous workers of miracles eventually departed from Mother Earth and went to live with God in his Holy Kingdom. Apparently, Metatron left only some clothes behind, whereas Sandalphon was gathered up by a whirlwind. You can directly meet with them and tap into their amazing energies.
Archangel Sandalphon
In the angelic realm, Archangel Sandalphon is said to be the tallest angel and twin of Metatron. While on earth, Sandalphon lived as Elijah The Prophet. He was a virtuous and wondrous man who performed many miracles during his lifetime. Prophet Elijah lived in Northern Israel, during the reign of King Ahab in the 9th Century BC.
According to Kabbalah, Sandalphon’s divine presence can be found at the base of the Tree of Life. Interestingly, he is believed to appear in human form, in nature, to remind man of his planetary responsibilities. He is guardian of the material world, including the Earth and all the plants and animals that live upon it.
Another of his many roles is to convey our prayers to the Cosmos (often through song) by weaving our requests into many different colored garlands. How beautiful is that!
Rescue Work – Learning To Help Lost Souls
Rescue sessions intrigued me from the very start of my mediumship career. In order to facilitate a rescue, several times per year the advanced mediumship class at my spiritualist church would sit in a meditation circle. Reverend Doreen would then go through a process to invite people to come through, if they wanted or needed help. These were people who had passed into Spirit but were confused as to their current whereabouts or circumstances, and didn’t know what to do next.
About eight of us would sit quietly on our chairs until someone came through to one of us in the circle. We spoke in their ‘voices’, sometimes even using their accents. Reverend Doreen would question them as to their names, occupations, the last thing they remembered, and so on. These stories were fascinating and came from all realms of life here on the earth plane. Continue reading
A Flower For Suzy
My best friend and I went to a parade the other day, where we did a lot of walking. Flowers were everywhere. It was fun seeing all the different people who came to this festival. I usually don’t like being around crowds, but it was fun and relaxing on that day.
When we needed to take a break, we spent some time sitting in a nearby park. While doing some people-watching, someone unusual caught my eye. But it was not a human… it was a ghost! A beautiful young lady who was obviously disembodied.
I watched her pick up a flower and walk to the nearby road. It seemed as though she kept doing this over and over. She would pick the same flower, over and over, walk to that same spot next to the road, and lay it down. Continue reading
The Ghost And The Chocolate Strawberries
I regularly meet with a group of wonderful women, who like me love to pray and meditate. We meet every other week, usually at the library.
We always meet in the same quiet room, which the library graciously allows us to use for our prayer and meditation meet up. We simply sit in a circle, share our prayer requests and lift up anyone we wish, even ourselves through the power of prayer.
It is a healing time, where we find ourselves sharing a snack, a joke, a healing remedy, an affirmation, or even a recipe. It is a time we all look forward to.
One day, while we were about to go our separate ways, one of the ladies approached me and asked if I could connect with a friend who passed quit unexpectedly. She was found dead in her apartment three days prior. Continue reading
The Meaning Of Colors
For me, there is no judgment on the type or amount of questions I am asked as a psychic, or how often it is being asked in readings. If a person has a need to call me frequently, it simply means they still need assurance that things will advance as they hope, or that their plans may be coming to fruition.
It is always very gratifying to learn that my clients have their own unique set of abilities. This is usually on a variety of levels, which just means we are at different levels in our development and psychic awareness. One goal I have in my work is to dispel doubt as to whether or not everyone has psychic ability. Let me assure you, the gifts are there, you just need to learn how to access them. Continue reading