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Spirit Visits From The Other Side

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all have the ability to ‘tune in’ to spirit messages from our loved ones on the other side, without being a psychic or medium. Often spirit tries to get in touch, but we miss the moment. Or we get scared, because we don’t understand what is happening and then tend to dismiss it. Also, after losing a loved one we can be so overwhelmed with grief, that we do not notice the signs and messages that are meant to comfort us.

There are many creative ways in which spirit reaches out to us. One of the most common are dreams. Loved ones who have passed very often choose to either talk to us, or appear in our dreams. This is the easiest way for them to get through to us, and also the least scary way for us.

In dreams your loved one may appear more dazzling than when they were alive. For example, they may look younger, healthier, refreshed. This is because the veil that existed between their human self and what they are now, no longer exists.

If you have such a visitation dream, try to write down everything you can remember as soon as you wake up. This is real communication from the other side containing valuable information, which can be very helpful in your daily life.

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The Easter Angel And The Golden Ticket

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt was around Easter, one year in the early 1970s, when I had a profound angel encounter. I was playing outdoors with many other children my age. We were eagerly running through a large open field looking for Easter eggs.

Well, they were not exactly real eggs. If you are from my generation, you might remember those plastic eggs that would break open to reveal inside them candy, colorful stickers and small, cheap bracelets. Some also contained little pieces of paper with trivia or inspirational messages. I remember thinking the words on the paper were more valuable to me than the tiny Tootsie Rolls or Hershey Bars.

On this occasion, I soon had a full basket and was sitting on the ground opening up my eggs and stuffing my goodies in the plastic bag we were all given. We were to return the eggs, so they could be recycled.

There was a very angelic looking women at the Easter egg hunt. She was helping some of the children find their eggs. Whenever they seemed to be having a difficult time, she would go to them and say something encouraging, or would help to cheer them up in some way. I kept my eye on her since we arrived, as she stood out from everyone else.

Later, while standing in line to return my empty eggs, she knelt down in front of me and asked, “What did you get?” I opened my bag and showed her all the candy and goodies. Then I lifted my hand and said, “This piece of paper is my favorite.” It was a golden slip of paper which read: It is wise to not put all your time, energy and love in one basket.

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Nurture And Nourish Yourself With Nature

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn our busy world we tend to take nature for granted. Consider for just a moment all the things flowers, plants and trees really do for humanity. They sustain life all around the world. Plants produce food and oxygen for many of the largest animals around the world, as well as for humans. Plants are also used for healing.

Unfortunately, modern humanity demands that things grow faster and produce better crops, leading us to alter plants in such a way that they might no longer be as healthy as they once were.

Just by watching the trees, one can predict the weather. We sometimes have an abundance of acorns from the oak trees here in Maine. It is said to be a sign of a snowy winter. Most acorns mature in late summer and begin falling from the trees in September or October. It’s a great time for the squirrels to collect them, and become fat and round before the winter.

In Maine the winter tends to be very long and it’s easy to become a somewhat down and sad. So, my friend and I decided earlier this year to take a ride on such a gray day to the local greenhouse that is open all winter. Plants, flowers, trees and beautiful landscapes can change one’s state of mind and put a smile on your face!

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Why Do Only Some Return In Spirit?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA few weeks ago, I was sitting in my usual chair, quietly reading a book, when I felt a soft pat on my hand. It did not feel in any way threatening or frightening. I could sense from the softness of the touch sensation, as well as the physical shape that was in my peripheral vision, that this certainly was a female presence. However, I could not decipher who it was at that time.

The next day, I received a message that it had been a visitation from my sister, Theresa, whom had recently passed on. I was so moved and honored that she came to me like this. How sweet and precious that moment was for me!

This experience led me to think about others that I had known in my lifetime. Some I loved deeply, while others I did not always care for as much… despite some of them being extremely prominent in my life.

My brother, Venard, who died a tragic death from drowning at the tender age of 12, had never left any of the remaining siblings for a moment… not until much, much later on in our lives. We all felt he had given us his solemn warmth and devotion, until he felt we were ready, even as middle-aged adults, to finally continue with life on our own.

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Healing Your Family Lineage

click pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever heard a whisper from your ancestors that is clearly guiding you? Sometimes it also comes as a gesture of approval. I have heard my fair share, including one of my dearest family members whispering to me, and calling me by name, as she left her hospital bed at the time of her passing. It was so clear, sacred and spot on! She was letting me know how to deal with issues that would be coming my way after her passing, because she would no longer be there to protect me. And, oh, the validation! It meant so much – far more than my mere words can express. Stemming the flow is indeed observed by our ancestors.

Every lineage has wounds that are passed along throughout generations. The trauma is deeply ingrained in our ancestry.  There are no exceptions. Lucky are those of us who have chosen to affect the healing of these imprints. Usually, in a generation, it is the task of the person that is most misunderstood.

If that person is you, it is your sacred task and a path of honor that is earned through hardship on many levels, especially familial relationships. No worries. Your ancestors are guiding you. If you listen closely, you will hear them speak encouragingly. And, be sure to watch for indications of their presence. Indeed, they are witnessing for you.

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