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A Year Of Charity And Personal Prosperity

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA new year tends to inspire the mindset of a fresh, new start. It is a time of high hopes that this year is going to be better, or that one is not going to make the same mistakes as last year. But what does spirit forecast for the year that lies ahead?

From my guides I received a confirmation that we will be on the right path this year as long as we keep our attitudes positive and our intentions true to our heart. As children of God, Source, Spirit, the Divine we are to always expect only the best, as long as whatever we desire does not harm or deprive others. If we set a sincere intention for our own highest good, as well as the highest good of others, the best will happen for us, in the right way, at the right time.

The year 2023 is set to be a year of greater tolerance, mutual understanding, unconditional love, compassion, and kindness. The world has grown weary with all the conflict, drama and hate in recent years.

At times it is difficult to find these noble qualities within ourselves, especially after we have suffered trauma, loss, or a major disappointment. However, the more we can dig deep within to express these qualities, the better this year will turn out for all of us.

This is a year to strive for the betterment of humankind. Spirit wishes to encourage us to make more of an effort in 2023 to help and support others wherever we can. It does not necessarily have to be financial or material if one simply cannot afford it, but is good if you can. There are many ways we can care for others, including a silent blessing, a hug, a prayer, a meal. Simply mowing someone’s lawn, shoveling their snow, or doing their shopping can sometimes transform, even save a life.

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Astrology Forecast January 2 – 8, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe first week of 2023 starts off with a vibrant Venus heading into Aquarius today to inspire us with enthusiasm, renewed passion, and innovative ideas. The sky is not even the limit, as Venus opens our hearts and minds to endless possibilities for the year ahead.

The Mercury in Capricorn sextile with Neptune in Pisces in the early morning hours today will set the scene for a perfect astrological boost to the first Monday of this year. This aspect offers the ideal energy alchemy to inspire mental acuity and creative ideas to clarifying our plans and goals for the year that lies ahead. Artists, authors and creatives in particular can expect to feel exceptionally imaginative and inspired this morning under the muse of this planetary angle.

With the Moon cruising through Gemini the first three days of this week, brainstorming, research, and shared ideas will be a theme to amplify the new year energies. We can also charm our way in and out of situations under this aspect, making our communication and intentions more powerful and effective.

Both intellectual and spiritual insights abound when the Moon moves into Cancer on Thursday. What has been hidden may now come to light during this phase of the Moon, especially when the Moon waxes full in Cancer on Friday.

Take it easy this weekend, by relaxing and regrouping under Saturday’s Cancer Moon and focusing on love and self-care when it moves into Leo on Sunday.

All in all this week’s cosmic energies will be a great start to the new year, filled with potential and hope for the year ahead.

Be The Star Of Your Inspirational Story This Year!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs we enter a brand new year, it is essential that we optimistically turn a page in our book of life today to embrace an entirely new chapter! The past three years have been challenging for all of us in many different ways – all the more reason to dream bigger and reach higher in 2023.

Some of us are very determined to make up for lost time and have already made clear resolutions and set bold intentions for the coming year, while others may not yet know for sure what should be next to unfold in their life journey. Staring at the blank first page of a supposedly ‘new chapter in your life’ can be daunting, especially when true inspiration seems untenable.

Yes, thinking more positively about our life goals and dreams can at times be very difficult, especially when things have been tough for a long time or you have been stuck in a rut.

Emotional challenges like anxiety, grief and depression can cloud our ability to envision a better life, and the notion of dreaming about a better life can feel like a frivolous luxury or a pointless waste of time. It becomes challenging to clearly identify your goals and explore new dreams when you can no longer remember the last time good fortune smiled at you, or when last your own needs took center stage in your life, before that of others.

Whatever the cause, the struggle to move beyond such an impasse will always become very real when our pause buttons eventually light up. As creative spiritual beings in physical form we will eventually always want to break free from whatever rut or comfort zone we may find ourselves in.

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Astrology Forecast December 26, 2022 – January 1, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMercury turning retrograde on Thursday, this week should unfold easily and smoothly.

Today’s Aquarius Moon could cause some electronic or communication glitches as it joins forces with a receding Mercury, but keep in mind this is designed to get our attention and alert us to where change might be needed. For example, if you received a new iPhone for Christmas and it’s not working as it should, it might be a good idea to return it to the store for an exchange.

In fact, if you do have any gifts you are looking to exchange, this is the week to take care of that, as Mercury prepares to go backward. This should ideally be done this Thursday or Friday under the Aries Moon.

Also, beware the Aquarius Moon conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius this afternoon, as it has a penchant for invoking feelings of unease, melancholy and even depression. Do not give in to self-pity or negative thinking the day after Christmas. Instead, make that phone call to a lonely relative or friend, or visit that struggling neigbor with a small gift or sweet treat to brighten their day! Many folks will feel lonely and abandoned under this lunar aspect today.

New Year’s Eve on Saturday and the first day of 2023 on Sunday unfold under a Taurus Moon, offering us a grounded and loving position from which to kick start a prosperous and peaceful New Year. Setting sensible new year’s resolutions should be a snap under this very determined aspect, as we prepare to greet 2023 with better health, more financial security, and tangible progress towards our goals and dreams for the coming year.

May Our Souls Continue To Rejoice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe have indeed so much to be grateful for today. May the joys and rememberances of this post-pandemic holiday season keep our hearts alive with hope, faith and gratitude throughout the coming year.

May our souls continue to rejoice with the miracles of joy, hope, faith and love of the Christmas of the Christians; Yule of the Pagans; Candle-mas of the Celts; Hanukkah of the Hebrews; Eid ul-Fitr of Islam; Pan-African festival of Kwanzaa; and Hindu celebration of Diwali.

In the old days, before the reformers came, the Old Oak King conquered the Holly King every year around this time. Mother Earth would then sleep under a white blanket of snow, the quiet ice of still waters, everything waiting for the Summer Solstice, when the Holly King would win the battle in turn.

We face the same battles of duality in our own lives. At times we are happily progressing along our own path, expanding, learning, growing spiritually, when suddenly an impasse comes along that requires us to become still, to be patientto wait, to rest, to contemplate, to accept. We are seldom thankful, as we would prefer to continue rushing towards our goals, our dreams, our desires. We grumble, we complain, we resist, we fight the wait, and then we wonder why we are waiting so long.

Sometimes we are meant to just take the time to rest, draw strength, find ourselves. The true lesson and miracle of this season is the wait, the peace, the rest, until we once again see our dreams more clearly.

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How To Achieve Inner Peace This Holiday Season

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently did a deep meditation to ask Spirit how we can achieve inner peace this holiday season, as well as throughout the rest of the year. Here is what Spirit revealed to me.


Take better care of yourself – mind, body and soul. This is key, because if you are not taking care of your own health and well-being, then you won’t have much to offer others.

Do not neglect your spiritual practice. Pray. Meditate. Chant. Journal.

Eat a healthy diet. Get enough sleep. Exercise. Moving the body helps with circulation and helps with all kinds of pain. You will feel better for taking an hour to exercise.  We are happier when we feel better.

Take some time to relax and have fun. Read. Reading is very relaxing and is a healthy escapism. What interests you? Find books on subjects you enjoy and start reading. Someone once said that books make good friends.

And most of all, don’t neglect your daily spiritual practice. If you do not have a practice, get one.


Think about this past year, and make a list of those that were naughty and nice to you. Pray for both. Ask for happiness, joy and goodwill to enter everyone’s lives, and then also visualize this. Visualize each person and open your heart. Wish each of them goodness.

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Embrace The New Solar Year Without The Self-Sabotage

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOn March 21st we entered a new solar year ruled by the planet Jupiter, which promises luck, healing, abundance, and happiness. The last two years have been challenging and an extreme test of our values and beliefs, but the time has now come to rise above it and use the energy of the planet Jupiter to make the most of this new solar year. It is time for us to now enjoy the fruits of our struggle.

But when we are in such a transition process there are always things that slow us down or hold us back. Fortunately, there are ways to erase these obstacles to ensure a much more smooth transition. If you are struggling to embrace the new year solar year energy of Jupiter, you may be dealing with one or more of the following self-sabotaging energy blockages.


The most important thing is to become aware if you have a negative mindset caused by certain fears and false beliefs. Make a list of every negative idea or false belief you may have about the future. Then rewrite each of them in a positive form and also in the present tense. For example, if you worry that the pandemic may never end and our lives will never me normal again, rephrase that notion as: “The pandemic will end in due course and life will eventually return to an even better version of normal.” It’s almost like overwriting an old computer program.


Realize that you alone can change your life for the better. Nobody else is going to do it for you. The more you direct the focus away from your own responsibility and self-empowerment, and instead focus on others in a negative way, the more you remain in the passive, victim role and nothing can truly change. Forgive people in your life and take back your power. A better life and brighter future begins with yourself. Continue reading

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