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Astrology Forecast December 27, 2021- January 2, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs 2021 comes to a close, we can be grateful for completing an especially challenging year, and all the lessons and gifts that came with the struggles. Courtesy of today and tomorrow’s Libra Moon, it will be somewhat easier to review the past 12 months from a positive perspective. It will also inspire us to anticipate a much brighter future!

This morning the Libra Moon sextile Mars in Sagittarius and trine Saturn in Aquarius will further serve to kick-start this final week of 2021 with an increased sense of responsibility, resourcefulness, practical action and some organizational flair, ensuring we end our year on a high note.

Jupiter will move into Pisces tomorrow, ending the year on a promising, more spiritual note. In the sign of Pisces, this planet is all about generating karmic blessings and restoring our life to a better state than it was when this year started. We can certainly count on Jupiter to bring things back into balance and raise the bar in 2022.

Wednesday and Thursday’s Scorpio Moon makes these days ideal for mapping out a plan of action for next year or making a New Year’s resolution list. Striving for a better way of living by setting out your intentions is always a wonderful way to start a new year!

Early on Saturday the Capricorn Sun trine Uranus in Taurus will boost our sense of initiative, innovation, ambition and self-confidence to set an inspired tone on the first day of 2022 for the year that lies ahead. The Capricorn Moon sextile Jupiter in Pisces will further rouse our spirit with a positive, optimistic outlook on life. Here’s to a fabulous 2022 and having life restored to even better form than it was prior to the current pandemic. Happy New Year!

Recycle Your Blessings This Winter Season

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs we approach winter in the northern hemisphere, let us be inspired by the seasonal change. Look around and observe nature as it prepares itself for a period of dormancy that leads to renewal and rebirth in the spring.

Change is the catalyst for growth in our lives. Some choose to think of winter as an unpleasant, ‘lifeless’ time, but in truth it is a golden opportunity to connect with the deeper realms of our mind and soul.

Embrace the profound stillness that this season offers and use the longer nights as opportunity for conscious self-reflection. Sit with this stillness and claim your majestic place on the sacred throne that was created solely for you.

Take back your personal power from the turbulence of the outer world and allow the chatter to grow quiet. Trust that in the midst of your most pressing thoughts and that which nags your soul, there is the Divine right path to oneness, healing, balance, peace, reconciliation, spiritual recognition, and soul empowerment.

Along with the obvious holiday cheer, this is one of the many gifts of the winter season; connecting to the eternal flame of the universe that shines on each of us.

As I ponder the personal changes I wish to embark on, I am reminded that nothing new can happen without letting go of the old. Many years ago, a dear friend implemented an annual winter ritual of clearing her closet of personal items she no longer desired. This is always performed just before the New Year.

I recall asking whether she was maybe acting too hastily in letting go of some of her prized possessions, as some of the discarded items were relatively new. She responded that she was creating space for new gifts to enter her life, while passing the old on to others who might be blessed by receiving it. My friend essentially spoke of recycling her blessings, a concept that was new to me at the time.  And in doing so, she created a special karma for herself that opened the path for new delights to enter her life.

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Astrology Forecast March 15 – 21, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHappy Equinox and Astrological New Year! In the Northern Hemisphere, the vernal or spring equinox arrives this week, while in the Southern Hemisphere it is the autumn or fall equinox. Equinoxes are a point of balance or equilibrium and either represent the beginning (spring) or ending (autumn) of a phase. It is a powerful time for self-reflection and taking stock.

The Sun moves into Aries on Saturday, followed by Venus on Sunday, and sets a brand new tone for the remainder of 2021.Use this week to realign with your goals and ambitions for the year ahead.

The week starts out with Mercury moving into spiritual Pisces on Monday, which will turn our thoughts to the mystical, the soulful, and the metaphysical for the next three weeks. This is a wonderful time to advance our meditation or spiritual practice and lean more fully into following our intuition.

The Taurus Moon prevails overhead Tuesday through Thursday, enabling us to tackle our physical worlds and restore balance to our health, finances, and work obligations. A Gemini Moon will take us into the new season, as our heads fill with creative ideas and hopes for a bright new future.

The Sun’s move into Aries on Saturday inspires a fresh start and new beginnings, making this the ideal time to recommit to any New Year resolutions we’ve let slide and to bolster our commitments to live a more purpose-filled and vibrant life! But we can take a breather on Sunday as Venus tiptoes into Aries and the Cancer Moon inspires staying in, working on home projects, or simply take a long nap to catch up on our sleep.

Astrology Forecast March 8 – 14, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday’s Capricorn Moon will present us with a productive day, allowing us to catch up on anything we couldn’t get to last week. Take care though, as things could come undone tomorrow through Wednesday, when the Moon moves into Aquarius and throws a few unexpected twists and turns into the mix.

Thursday through Saturday we’ll drift along under a spiritual Pisces Moon and on Saturday, a New Moon in Pisces will set the stage for the next two weeks. Pisces New Moons aren’t always a call to start new things, as the spiritual tones it carries makes it more viable for setting new intentions and exploring our intuition. This is a great time to use your imagination and be creative, as well as explore new spiritual practices.

The Moon will dance into Aries on Sunday, calling us to delve into the creative sides of our psyches and try new ways of approaching long-standing problems.

With the Astrological New Year and a new season due to arrive next week, this week is the time to evaluate where you stand, where you would like to go, and what your options are for embracing the new energies preparing to unfold. Our collective efforts at building a better society will begin to make more of an impact this month with Mars, the Planet of Action, being in upbeat Gemini since last week, followed by the start of the astrological new year on March 21st.  That’s when we’ll start to see greater momentum in our lives and feel like the year has truly kicked off. However, you may already be feeling more energized this week due to the influence of Mars in Gemini.

Now Is A Hopeful Time For Your Future Happiness

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen 2021 finally rolled around a month ago, many of us expressed a great feeling of relief and welcomed the New Year with open arms. The year 2020 was extremely challenging, to say the least. But now we are already one month into a hopeful new year. At last, with some light appearing at the end of the tunnel, we can begin to feel a renewed sense of hope and optimism.

However, we will have to muster some more patience and courage. We can still not let down our guard for the foreseeable future. For the sake of our loved ones and our communities, we must continue to follow the latest health and safety protocols for just a while longer.

In addition, we should continue to give what we can from where we are and with what we have, whether this is in the form of financial donations, personal support for those who are still struggling, or healing thoughts for our family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and, indeed, the entire planet. We must also empathize with those who have climbed steep mountains over the past year and see how we might help them with their journeys.

For the wise and sensible the coming months can be a time of great personal growth and inner reflection. We can pat ourselves on the back for what we have accomplished thus far and have overcome under great duress. We can now look forward with more confidence. We have, after all, come this far!

We must now gather our thoughts and feelings and focus on what we can do to generate genuine happiness, well-being and fulfillment for ourselves and others in the future. It is okay if others do not yet share the same optimism and positive outlook for the future. They must walk their own path. Their negativity must not stop us from learning, growing, expanding and loving life.

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What The World Needs Now

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNew Year’s morning, I woke up with a song lyric on my mind. “What the world needs now is love, sweet love…” An old classic made popular by Jackie DeShannon back in 1965. God, my inner DJ, never ceases to amaze me with the brilliant selection of musical messages I frequently receive.

To keep my clairaudient channel clear, so that I will recognize when I am being divinely guided, I avoid listening to the actual radio. This ensures that I do not mistake a spiritual serenade for an ordinary tune stuck in my ear, or vice versa.

Songs I have not heard in decades sometimes surfaces from the vault, always to perfectly punctuate the moment. Undoubtedly, that was the case when this long-forgotten song came to me with the dawn of 2021, highlighting the healing that is needed in our world this coming year.

When God and his angel agents want to get a message across, they usually broadcast it in stereo. It starts showing up in my life in surround sound. But this time, I experienced something more extraordinary and unique: three of my friends who are intuitive and empathic also had a spiritual encounter with the same song around the same time. A Higher Power is clearly shouting, “Listen up world! Hear ye, hear ye! This is the truth you need to know right now.”

Love is indeed the call and cry of the hour. “Not just for some, but for everyone,” as the song goes on to say. Love is the healing ointment, the spiritual salve, the soothing balm, the substance needed to stitch the divides inside and out.

As spiritual beings having human experiences, we are each prone to encounter divisions within our own body and soul, and our own head and heart. We all share this ache of the self to be whole, whatever our differences may be. And love is the key. It unifies every aspect of our individual being with our divine purpose of existence.

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Astrological Forecast January 11 – 17, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou will be up and running early this morning under the diligent Capricorn Moon, plowing through projects at record speed! There’s an additional boost coming tomorrow, as we welcome in a Capricorn New Moon with open arms.

Get done what you can though, as the Moon moves into Aquarius on Wednesday and casts an unpredictable tone to the remainder of the workweek.

Uranus turns retrograde on Thursday, reminding us to be diligent with our new year resolutions, especially those that involve getting healthier, losing weight, and improving our finances.

After a busy busy week, we’ll get to step back and relax under this weekend’s Pisces Moon, as it encourages us to go inward and tend to our spiritual selves.

Meditating, journaling, and venturing out into nature are all great ways to embrace the soulful vibes of this weekend.



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