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Connecting With Your Inner Bliss

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently came across an article about spiritual seekers who travel to distant lands to achieve such a state of bliss and inner peace. But in my experience you really don’t have to go all the way to some exotic destination to achieve a higher state of consciousness.

When I am alone, I often find myself in a state of complete and utter bliss. When I am by myself, my energy is my own. I feel centered and complete, as if on my own little retreat. I have always felt this way and I savor the quiet moments of my day.

With a willing heart to carve out some time in your busy day, you can center yourself by being mindful and allowing your thoughts to simply come and go. Simply take a moment of solitude and go with the flow. Continue reading

How To Be Mindful On The Go!

click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTo some individuals, being mindful while on the go might seem a contradiction in itself. However, the truth of the matter is that there are a plethora of ways to cultivate the art of mindfulness that do not involve simply sitting still.

People turn to mindfulness for many reasons. For example, they may have a medical condition that needs managing, work issues that require resolving, or just simply want to feel more present in their everyday lives. With the pace of modern life, it is clear to see why people become easily distracted and lead somewhat complicated lives as a result – all of which can be both emotionally and physically draining.

Whatever the reasons may be as to why a person turns to mindfulness, it should, indeed, help them to create a more balanced lifestyle. That said, mindfulness should not be seen as a magical cure-all, but more an efficient way of relating to personal issues differently. Continue reading

Spiritual Guidance On Organized Religion

click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSitting at a local café, drinking my smoothie, I couldn’t help but overhear a conversation behind me. They were talking loudly and were not really going out of their way to be discreet by any means. The one girl was talking about how her mother had passed. She spoke of chemotherapy and did not want the same ordeal for her friend, who is obviously going through something similar.

She then shared a story of how her aunt called her a few weeks ago and told her about a dream she had. In this dream the aunt was visited by the girl’s departed mother, who told her that if she could do it all over again, she would do two things  differently when she was alive. She would not have taken the chemotherapy and she would not have spent so much time in church. Continue reading

Asking Your Angels For Assistance

Click picture for a free reading right now at“You have four beautiful angels with you, and you aren’t even communicating with them!” These were the words of another psychic at a psychic fayre I was working at several years ago. I had never met him prior to this particular event, and he shouted those words at me as I was walking through the entrance towards my designated work table, to get ready to set up.

And he was so right. As much as I still vividly recalled my vision of angels when I was nine years old, and as much as I was using angel cards in my own readings, and constantly telling my client aware of the angels all around us, I hadn’t been speaking much with my own angelic team. Continue reading

Becoming More Balanced

Click picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comDo you ever feel the busier you become, the harder it is to remain focused and stay in control of everything?  Then you are not, I promise you, alone! Sometimes life can seem like you are always juggling and struggling, but not always winning as a result.

As a professional psychic, I have always been of the opinion that if we want something to manifest in the material world we have to get the inside of ourselves, as well as our lifestyles, balanced and more harmonious first. Otherwise, we would simply attract more chaos!

By putting ourselves in a healthy, positive and balanced place, we not only draw more abundance to ourselves, but we also achieve a less stressful lifestyle as a result. Continue reading

What Brings True Happiness?

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSitting in my meditation room, I set my intention. I wanted to connect with my guide and through doing so ask a few questions I have been pondering with my earthly mind. Sitting quietly, spirit approached.

This energy was all too familiar, it was my guide, my main guide, the one who promised me in life he would reach out to me once fully transitioned. Yes, just like all the times before, like a big ball of love with a wonderful loving smile, my Grandpa came to me. Sitting without words, as our communication is always telepathic, he was resonating pure white light and love. Continue reading

Soul Scribes – Writing As Soul Craft

Click on picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOut of all the creative activities we perform, perhaps none is more of a channel into our inner workings and those of the Universe, than writing. You may be saying that you’re not much of a writer? False! Everyone is a ‘soul scribe’ and everyone has a story to tell.

The real purpose of soul writing or soul journaling is not necessarily to tell a story with a beginning and end at all. It’s about the journey, and not the destination. When we write, particularly by hand, we are tapping our subconscious. The more we incorporate it into our daily routine, the more we start to see patterns and symbols emerge.

If you’re just beginning, remember that it takes at least thirty days to build a new habit. Don’t be concerned with correctness, spelling, grammar, or neatness. When you write, put down on paper anything and everything that comes to your mind. It doesn’t even have to make sense to you. It you feel so inclined, add doodles or flourishes to your work. Remember, you’re putting a part of yourself down on paper. Continue reading

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