Feng Shui Your Life
If you’ve been feeling stuck, depressed, or just in need of change, tap into the power of Feng Shui. This ancient Chinese art, of arranging the home for maximum energetic potential, is easier than you think to apply in your everyday life.
The best way to start is to create routines and rituals for yourself. Everything in the natural world exists according to a series of daily patterns or routines, and we are no different! Take time each day to meditate, incorporate gentle physical activity such as a walk or yoga, sit down and eat mindfully at each meal. It’s also crucial to create a sacred space to escape from the stresses and sensory input of the modern world.
Are you the kind of person who finds it difficult to start things? Make a dream board filled with visual representations of your hopes, dreams, and aspirations, then place it where you can see it multiple times a day. Continue reading
The Last Days Of Mercury Retrograde
In recent weeks, you might have experienced the chaotic effect Mercury can have on our lives, since it went retrograde on August 12th.
Mercury is the planet of communication and technology. So, when Mercury is in retrograde, everything involving communication and technology tend to go haywire: flight delays; errors with online passwords; taxi drivers showing up at the wrong time and place; people arguing over nonsense; constant traffic jams; computer crashes; drama and gossip at the office; misunderstandings with friends; or text messages delivered to the wrong person (who also happened to be the person the text was about).
Mercury passes the Earth in its orbit three or four times every year. As it makes it rounds, Mercury appears to slow down, stop in its tracks and then spin backwards. This retrograde ‘movement’ lasts a few weeks, until the planet turns direct again and continues to move forward. Continue reading
Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017 – Are You Prepared?
A rare solar eclipse is expected to occur coast to coast over the USA tomorrow. Some believe this eclipse is a negative spiritual event.
Traditionally a total eclipse was seen as a source of dark energy or a bad omen, because the Sun’s energy is blocked and the Earth goes dark for a while. However, I believe this is a misconception in regards to the actual energetic and spiritual attributes of a solar eclipse.
When a solar eclipse takes place, it heightens the energy towards the Earth and all humans, but especially towards those on a spiritual journey. This is a good time to meditate, reflect and successfully perform personal spiritual rituals or practices. And yes, because the energy pull shifts, it means that you will feel the difference if you allow yourself to.
However, there are positive and negative energetic aspects to a solar eclipse, if you are not careful. If you are in a state of peace, you will experience enhanced peace at this time. If you are in a state of unrest, you will have an enhanced state of unrest. It is imperative to be in a good space and be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions during this eclipse. Continue reading
Connecting With Your Inner Bliss
I recently came across an article about spiritual seekers who travel to distant lands to achieve such a state of bliss and inner peace. But in my experience you really don’t have to go all the way to some exotic destination to achieve a higher state of consciousness.
When I am alone, I often find myself in a state of complete and utter bliss. When I am by myself, my energy is my own. I feel centered and complete, as if on my own little retreat. I have always felt this way and I savor the quiet moments of my day.
With a willing heart to carve out some time in your busy day, you can center yourself by being mindful and allowing your thoughts to simply come and go. Simply take a moment of solitude and go with the flow. Continue reading
How To Be Mindful On The Go!
To some individuals, being mindful while on the go might seem a contradiction in itself. However, the truth of the matter is that there are a plethora of ways to cultivate the art of mindfulness that do not involve simply sitting still.
People turn to mindfulness for many reasons. For example, they may have a medical condition that needs managing, work issues that require resolving, or just simply want to feel more present in their everyday lives. With the pace of modern life, it is clear to see why people become easily distracted and lead somewhat complicated lives as a result – all of which can be both emotionally and physically draining.
Whatever the reasons may be as to why a person turns to mindfulness, it should, indeed, help them to create a more balanced lifestyle. That said, mindfulness should not be seen as a magical cure-all, but more an efficient way of relating to personal issues differently. Continue reading