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Step Back And Let The Magic Happen

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you been wanting something to happen in your life for so long and so strongly – like a proposal from your boyfriend or to purchase a new home – but you feel like it will never happen? You may want to consider the possibility that the Universe is throwing up blocks on these goals because it is not the right time for it to manifest. Never give up on your dreams.

If you think about your goal or wish as a puzzle, it becomes clear that the full picture cannot emerge until all of the pieces are in place. When the divine timing is right, you will be amazed at how perfectly and easily these pieces do fall into place!

Spending your energy on trying to control the process of manifesting can become very exhausting. You become stressed and anxious, wondering when you will ever be on the other side of achieving your goal. It is human nature to visualize your end result, which is a good way to continue the manifestation process, but be sure not to become too obsessive, or try to rush the process against what the Universe is delivering to you.

Slowing down and handing over control to the Universe can actually help your manifesting efforts. This not only align you better with what you are aiming to attract, but often also enables something to appear that’s even more rewarding than what you were initially hoping to manifest.

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Be Mindful Of Your Words And Thoughts

Click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is important to consider one’s ‘vibes’ and intentions, because is an essential aspect of understanding intuition, manifesting, destiny and predicting the future. The momentum of any person’s life is consistent with the vibrations they are putting out into the Universe. So, when an intuitive or psychic is looking at your situation, it is often based not only on your existing vibration, but often Spirit will also reveal a potential that could shift the vibe within a situation or change the future outcome.

Psychics, intuitives and diviners do not create your future, but they can explore and reveal the potential and energy within a situation, in order to predict the likelihood and probability of potential outcomes. Although it does not happen very frequently, I sometimes have clients approach predictions during a reading with a cynical mentality of ‘it will never happen.’ And, I have also heard Spirit respond very bluntly to such skeptical clients: “Then it won’t.”

The mind matters when it comes to our lives and situations. I don’t believe that Spirit deals in false hope, but I do know from experience that the mind is the catalyst for our experiences. Therefore, vibes are important. Our vibes show us what we are actively engaging in and what we can expect for the future. At times it can even be best to stop, or satiate the more challenging vibes we have to a situation, by disconnecting from the story of the situation entirely.

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Reclaiming Your Power When A Relationship Ends

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of the main reasons it is so painful to release someone when a relationship ends, is because we have usually invested so much of our time and energy in our connection with that person. In essence, what we are truly missing when we mourn a relationship are parts of our self that we have given away. What we are mourning is the loss of our hopes and dreams, not merely the presence of the person who is no longer in our life.

If this is something you are currently struggling with, I recommend the following ritual designed to help you reclaim your power after a relationship break-up, so that you can restore your inner wholeness and resume your search for true and enduring love.


  • 3 votive candles: 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow
  • 1 aqua marine or clear quartz crystal
  • rain or sage incense wand
  • small mirror
  • 3 copper pennies
  • 2 tbsp of fresh or dried mint in a small bowl
  • 2 tbsp sea salt

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Inspiration – A Message From My Guides

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn times of division and mistrust, it is often easy to see the negative side of any given issue. Rather than letting everything pile up around you and affect your own positive mood, though, it is more helpful to try and find a little sunshine as you go about your day-to-day business.

Whenever possible, search for inspiration in even the simplest of things. If you can put your negative thoughts to one side and look elsewhere for inspiration, it can make it much easier to see the positive side of life.

Look for some good in people, even if they do not share your views. Focus on interesting and creative news stories of the day and look for inspiration in the most unexpected or mundane places.

Find joy in little everyday things and don’t take anything for granted. Imagine the myriad of components that had to fall into place in order for you to be where you are in this time and place. Be grateful for the lessons you have learned and your ability to mentor others by example.

The more you search for things that inspire and make you smile, the more examples you will find and the easier it will be to recognize that your world has many points of inspiration.

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Comfort In The Arms Of An Angel

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI often use one of the rooms at the local library to meet with new clients. Recently, while I was waiting in the library’s cafeteria for a client to arrive, I noticed a radiant light coming in. It was shining on a very old lady seated just across from me. I then noticed there wasn’t a window at all near either of us!

Soon it became clear to me that this unusual light that was shining down from Heaven. Then there appeared also an angel, standing right by her side. As my sight focused I could make out more of the angel, and I also noticed that the old lady was seated in a wheelchair. she had an oxygen tank attached to the wheel chair. She was with a younger women, who looked to be her daughter.

I did not notice much else, just how amazing the light was and how beautiful her angel or guide was behind her. I sensed it was there to comfort her, as she was in a lot of pain and probably would not remain long in this world.

I then realized it was time to leave to meet my client in one of the private rooms, but as I was leaving the cafeteria I heard someone calling my name. I stopped, turned around and saw it was the old lady’s daughter calling my name as she walked towards me. She then told me we went to school together and I immediately recognized her!

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Staying Connected To Your Soul Self

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery day, when I wake up, I tell myself, today I will remain positive! I will strive to stay in the light. I will be kind and understanding, and I will endeavor to be non-judgmental and compassionate. Great attitude, good system, excellent way to begin each day. Wouldn’t you agree?

Well, here’s the rub. This ‘system’ might be ideal for us if we did not experience so many negative outside influences! Newspapers, television shows, noisy neighbors, constant traffic, and even loved ones that we share our daily existence, all contribute to challenging our godly cause of keeping our soul connection intact.

I am not an avid TV fan, however, there are some shows that I do enjoy watching. My firm belief is that inspiration can arrive from any imaginable source. For example, I recently happened to catch an episode of a talent show featuring a young man in his early thirties, who is a violin virtuoso. His playing is absolute magic and even if one does not particularly enjoy classical music, you would still have to agree he is simply a genius in his own realm.

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A Sense Of Curiosity – A Message From My Guides

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is customary these days to get information instantly by using various methods of modern technology. Knowledge of all kinds is at your fingertips whenever you need it. Although some research is mandated for school or work projects, while other inquiries are conducted to satisfy a general need to know, we challenge you to look at your world from a different viewpoint and conduct a different kind of search.

Allow time to stand still every now and then. Extend your curiosity internally. Take some time to reflect on your past decisions, current situations and potential future.

The past can be a delightful place to visit in order to reminisce about wonderful experiences, evaluate decisions or learn from events, however, we do not suggest that you ‘live’ there permanently. When you consider some of the questionable choices you might have made, be kind to yourself as you ponder what was decided and why. Remember that your younger self will not have had the benefit of the great experience, wisdom and insight from which you can learn now.

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